Commit 48c4a79d authored by edgarriba's avatar edgarriba

DLS full algorithm compiling

parent 730fe9e5
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -32,7 +32,14 @@ private:
void norm_z_vector();
void build_coeff_matrix();
void build_coeff_matrix(const cv::Mat& pp, cv::Mat& Mtilde, cv::Mat& D);
void compute_eigenvec(const cv::Mat& Mtilde, cv::Mat& eigenval_real, cv::Mat& eigenval_imag,
cv::Mat& eigenvec_real, cv::Mat& eigenvec_imag);
double min_val(const std::vector<double>& values);
cv::Mat rotx(const double t);
cv::Mat roty(const double t);
cv::Mat rotz(const double t);
cv::Mat mean(const cv::Mat& M);
void fill_coeff(const cv::Mat * D);
cv::Mat LeftMultVec(const cv::Mat& v);
cv::Mat cayley_LS_M(const std::vector<double>& a, const std::vector<double>& b,
......@@ -41,14 +48,16 @@ private:
cv::Mat Hessian(const double s[]);
cv::Mat cayley2rotbar(const double s[]);
cv::Mat skewsymm(const double X1[]);
bool is_empty(const cv::Mat * v);
void run_kernel(const cv::Mat& pp);
cv::Mat Mtilde; // coeff matrix
cv::Mat V_r, V_c; // eigen
cv::Mat p; // object points
cv::Mat z; // image points
cv::Mat p, z; // object-image points
int N; // number of input points
std::vector<double> f1coeff, f2coeff, f3coeff;
std::vector<double> f1coeff, f2coeff, f3coeff, cost_;
std::vector<cv::Mat> C_est_, t_est_; // vector to store candidate
cv::Mat C_est__, t_est__; // best found solution
double cost__;
#endif // DLS_H
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ bool cv::solvePnP( InputArray _opoints, InputArray _ipoints,
std::cout << "DLS" << std::endl;
cv::Mat undistortedPoints;
cv::undistortPoints(ipoints, undistortedPoints, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs);
//cv::undistortPoints(ipoints, undistortedPoints, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs);
cv::Mat R, rvec = _rvec.getMat(), tvec = _tvec.getMat();
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