Commit 485e71bc authored by Alexey Spizhevoy's avatar Alexey Spizhevoy

Bug in multiply was fixed (by Vlad Vinogradov)

parent 29b9720a
......@@ -613,10 +613,10 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
uint res = 0;
res |= 0xffu & (saturate_cast<uchar>((0xffu & (a )) * b) );
res |= 0xffu & (saturate_cast<uchar>((0xffu & (a >> 8)) * b) << 8);
res |= 0xffu & (saturate_cast<uchar>((0xffu & (a >> 16)) * b) << 16);
res |= 0xffu & (saturate_cast<uchar>((0xffu & (a >> 24)) * b) << 24);
res |= (saturate_cast<uchar>((0xffu & (a )) * b) );
res |= (saturate_cast<uchar>((0xffu & (a >> 8)) * b) << 8);
res |= (saturate_cast<uchar>((0xffu & (a >> 16)) * b) << 16);
res |= (saturate_cast<uchar>((0xffu & (a >> 24)) * b) << 24);
return res;
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