Commit 469cc42a authored by Andrey Kamaev's avatar Andrey Kamaev

Fixing ffmpeg dll copying on Windows

parent 16fb7d23
......@@ -7,14 +7,10 @@ endif()
set(module_bare_name "opencv_ffmpeg${FFMPEG_SUFFIX}.dll")
set(module_name "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${module_bare_name}")
get_target_property(bin_dir opencv_traincascade LOCATION)
get_filename_component(bin_dir ${bin_dir} PATH)
message(STATUS "ffmpeg output dir: ${bin_dir}")
message(STATUS "ffmpeg output dir: ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}")
add_custom_target(opencv_ffmpeg ALL
${module_name} ${bin_dir}/${module_bare_name}
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "${module_name}" "${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/${module_bare_name}"
COMMENT "Copying ${module_name} to the output directory")
install(FILES ${module_name} DESTINATION bin COMPONENT main)
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