Commit 4667e188 authored by Maksim Shabunin's avatar Maksim Shabunin

Updated logistic regression example

- Extracted common operations to separate functions.
- Activated first parameters set.
- Some output formatting.
- Fixed loop break condition in mini_batch_gradient function.
parent 3e26086f
......@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ cv::Mat LogisticRegressionImpl::compute_mini_batch_gradient(const cv::Mat& _data
lambda_l = 1;
for(int i = 0;this->params.term_crit.maxCount;i++)
for(int i = 0;i<this->params.term_crit.maxCount;i++)
......@@ -66,6 +66,21 @@ using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::ml;
static void showImage(const Mat &data, int columns, const String &name)
Mat bigImage;
for(int i = 0; i < data.rows; ++i)
bigImage.push_back(data.row(i).reshape(0, columns));
imshow(name, bigImage.t());
static float calculateAccuracyPercent(const Mat &original, const Mat &predicted)
return 100 * (float)cv::countNonZero(original == predicted) / predicted.rows;
int main()
const String filename = "data01.xml";
......@@ -78,7 +93,7 @@ int main()
Mat data, labels;
cout << "loading the dataset" << endl;
cout << "loading the dataset...";
FileStorage f;
if(, FileStorage::READ))
......@@ -88,7 +103,7 @@ int main()
cerr << "File can not be opened: " << filename << endl;
cerr << "file can not be opened: " << filename << endl;
return 1;
data.convertTo(data, CV_32F);
......@@ -114,27 +129,20 @@ int main()
cout << "training/testing samples count: " << data_train.rows << "/" << data_test.rows << endl;
// display sample image
// Mat bigImage;
// for(int i = 0; i < data_train.rows; ++i)
// {
// bigImage.push_back(data_train.row(i).reshape(0, 28));
// }
// imshow("digits", bigImage.t());
Mat responses, result;
// LogisticRegression::Params params = LogisticRegression::Params(
// 0.001, 10, LogisticRegression::BATCH, LogisticRegression::REG_L2, 1, 1);
// params1 (above) with batch gradient performs better than mini batch
// gradient below with same parameters
showImage(data_train, 28, "train data");
showImage(data_test, 28, "test data");
// simple case with batch gradient
LogisticRegression::Params params = LogisticRegression::Params(
0.001, 10, LogisticRegression::MINI_BATCH, LogisticRegression::REG_L2, 1, 1);
0.001, 10, LogisticRegression::BATCH, LogisticRegression::REG_L2, 1, 1);
// simple case with mini-batch gradient
// LogisticRegression::Params params = LogisticRegression::Params(
// 0.001, 10, LogisticRegression::MINI_BATCH, LogisticRegression::REG_L2, 1, 1);
// however mini batch gradient descent parameters with slower learning
// rate(below) can be used to get higher accuracy than with parameters
// mentioned above
// LogisticRegression::Params params = LogisticRegression::Params(
// 0.000001, 10, LogisticRegression::MINI_BATCH, LogisticRegression::REG_L2, 1, 1);
// mini-batch gradient with higher accuracy
// LogisticRegression::Params params = LogisticRegression::Params(
// 0.000001, 10, LogisticRegression::MINI_BATCH, LogisticRegression::REG_L2, 1, 1);
cout << "training...";
Ptr<StatModel> lr1 = LogisticRegression::create(params);
......@@ -142,6 +150,7 @@ int main()
cout << "done!" << endl;
cout << "predicting...";
Mat responses;
lr1->predict(data_test, responses);
cout << "done!" << endl;
......@@ -150,26 +159,27 @@ int main()
labels_test.convertTo(labels_test, CV_32S);
cout << labels_test.t() << endl;
cout << responses.t() << endl;
result = (labels_test == responses) / 255;
cout << "accuracy: " << ((double)cv::sum(result)[0] / result.rows) * 100 << "%\n";
cout << "accuracy: " << calculateAccuracyPercent(labels_test, responses) << "%" << endl;
// save the classfier
cout << "saving the classifier" << endl;
const String saveFilename = "NewLR_Trained.xml";
cout << "saving the classifier to " << saveFilename << endl;
// load the classifier onto new object
cout << "loading a new classifier" << endl;
cout << "loading a new classifier from " << saveFilename << endl;
Ptr<LogisticRegression> lr2 = StatModel::load<LogisticRegression>(saveFilename);
// predict using loaded classifier
cout << "predicting the dataset using the loaded classfier" << endl;
cout << "predicting the dataset using the loaded classfier...";
Mat responses2;
lr2->predict(data_test, responses2);
cout << "done!" << endl;
// calculate accuracy
cout << "accuracy using loaded classifier: "
<< 100 * (float)cv::countNonZero(labels_test == responses2) / responses2.rows << "%"
<< endl;
cout << labels_test.t() << endl;
cout << responses2.t() << endl;
cout << "accuracy: " << calculateAccuracyPercent(labels_test, responses2) << "%" << endl;
return 0;
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