Commit 43f12fa9 authored by Andrey Kamaev's avatar Andrey Kamaev

Removed excess l

parent cce26e58
cd %~dp0\..
::rmdir /S /Q build
mkdir build 2>null
mkdir build 2>nul
SET ANDROID_NDK=C:\apps\android-ndk-r5b
SET CMAKE_EXE=C:\apps\cmake\bin\cmake.exe
cd %~dp0\..
::rmdir /S /Q build
mkdir build 2>null
mkdir build 2>nul
SET ANDROID_NDK=C:\apps\android-ndk-r5b
SET CMAKE_EXE=C:\apps\cmake\bin\cmake.exe
cd %~dp0\..
::rmdir /S /Q build
mkdir build 2>null
mkdir build 2>nul
SET ANDROID_NDK=C:\apps\android-ndk-r5b
SET CMAKE_EXE=C:\apps\cmake\bin\cmake.exe
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