Commit 43c29a67 authored by Elena Gvozdeva's avatar Elena Gvozdeva


parent 6119ae0e
......@@ -341,14 +341,13 @@ static bool ocl_matchTemplate( InputArray _img, InputArray _templ, OutputArray _
#if defined (HAVE_IPP)
#if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7)
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiGetBufferSize)(IppiSize, IppiSize, IppEnum, int*);
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippimatchTemplate)(const void*, int, IppiSize, const void*, int, IppiSize, Ipp32f* , int , IppEnum , Ipp8u*);
static bool ipp_matchTemplate(const Mat& src, const Mat& tpl, Mat& dst, int method)
static bool ipp_crossCorr(const Mat& src, const Mat& tpl, Mat& dst)
if (src.channels() != 1 || (method!=CV_TM_SQDIFF && method!=CV_TM_CCORR))
if (src.channels()!= 1)
return false;
IppStatus status;
......@@ -356,36 +355,57 @@ static bool ipp_matchTemplate(const Mat& src, const Mat& tpl, Mat& dst, int meth
IppiSize srcRoiSize = {src.cols,src.rows};
IppiSize tplRoiSize = {tpl.cols,tpl.rows};
IppEnum funCfg;
ippimatchTemplate ippFunc;
ippiGetBufferSize ippGetBufSize;
Ipp8u *pBuffer;
int bufSize=0;
int depth = src.depth();
if (method==CV_TM_SQDIFF)
ippFunc =
depth==CV_8U ? (ippimatchTemplate)ippiSqrDistanceNorm_8u32f_C1R:
depth==CV_32F? (ippimatchTemplate)ippiSqrDistanceNorm_32f_C1R: 0;
ippGetBufSize = (ippiGetBufferSize)ippiSqrDistanceNormGetBufferSize;
ippFunc =
ippimatchTemplate ippFunc =
depth==CV_8U ? (ippimatchTemplate)ippiCrossCorrNorm_8u32f_C1R:
depth==CV_32F? (ippimatchTemplate)ippiCrossCorrNorm_32f_C1R: 0;
ippGetBufSize = (ippiGetBufferSize)ippiCrossCorrNormGetBufferSize;
if (ippFunc==0)
return false;
funCfg = (IppEnum)(ippAlgAuto | ippiNormNone | ippiROIValid);
IppEnum funCfg = (IppEnum)(ippAlgAuto | ippiNormNone | ippiROIValid);
status = ippiCrossCorrNormGetBufferSize(srcRoiSize, tplRoiSize, funCfg, &bufSize);
if ( status < 0 )
return false;
pBuffer = ippsMalloc_8u( bufSize );
status = ippFunc(, (int)src.step, srcRoiSize,, (int)tpl.step, tplRoiSize, (Ipp32f*), (int)dst.step, funCfg, pBuffer);
ippsFree( pBuffer );
return status >= 0;
static bool ipp_sqrDistance(const Mat& src, const Mat& tpl, Mat& dst)
if (src.channels()!= 1)
return false;
IppStatus status;
IppiSize srcRoiSize = {src.cols,src.rows};
IppiSize tplRoiSize = {tpl.cols,tpl.rows};
Ipp8u *pBuffer;
int bufSize=0;
int depth = src.depth();
ippimatchTemplate ippFunc =
depth==CV_8U ? (ippimatchTemplate)ippiSqrDistanceNorm_8u32f_C1R:
depth==CV_32F? (ippimatchTemplate)ippiSqrDistanceNorm_32f_C1R: 0;
if (ippFunc==0)
return false;
IppEnum funCfg = (IppEnum)(ippAlgAuto | ippiNormNone | ippiROIValid);
status = ippGetBufSize(srcRoiSize, tplRoiSize, funCfg, &bufSize);
status = ippiSqrDistanceNormGetBufferSize(srcRoiSize, tplRoiSize, funCfg, &bufSize);
if ( status < 0 )
return false;
......@@ -403,6 +423,11 @@ void crossCorr( const Mat& img, const Mat& _templ, Mat& corr,
Size corrsize, int ctype,
Point anchor, double delta, int borderType )
#if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7)
if (ipp_crossCorr(img, _templ, corr))
const double blockScale = 4.5;
const int minBlockSize = 256;
std::vector<uchar> buf;
......@@ -613,13 +638,13 @@ void cv::matchTemplate( InputArray _img, InputArray _templ, OutputArray _result,
_result.create(corrSize, CV_32F);
Mat result = _result.getMat();
#if defined (HAVE_IPP)
if (ipp_matchTemplate(img, templ, result, method))
if (tegra::matchTemplate(img, templ, result, method))
if (tegra::matchTemplate(img, templ, result, method))
#if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7)
if (method == CV_TM_SQDIFF && ipp_sqrDistance(img, templ, result))
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