Commit 41df54e7 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

fixed several typoes and errors in the refman (ticket #1203)

parent 1098566a
......@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ Computes partial derivatives of the matrix product for each multiplied matrix.
:param dABdA: First output derivative matrix ``d(A*B)/dA`` of size :math:`\texttt{A.rows*B.cols} \times {A.rows*A.cols}` .
:param dABdA: Second output derivative matrix ``d(A*B)/dB`` of size :math:`\texttt{A.rows*B.cols} \times {B.rows*B.cols}` .
:param dABdB: Second output derivative matrix ``d(A*B)/dB`` of size :math:`\texttt{A.rows*B.cols} \times {B.rows*B.cols}` .
The function computes partial derivatives of the elements of the matrix product
:math:`A*B` with regard to the elements of each of the two input matrices. The function is used to compute the Jacobian matrices in
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Clips the line against the image rectangle.
:param imgSize: Image size. The image rectangle is ``Rect(0, 0, imgSize.width, imgSize.height)`` .
:param imgSize: Image rectangle.?? why do you list the same para twice??
:param imgRect: Image rectangle.
:param pt1: First line point.
......@@ -55,23 +55,15 @@ Computes the descriptors for a set of keypoints detected in an image (first vari
.. ocv:function:: void DescriptorExtractor::compute( const Mat& image, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat& descriptors ) const
:param image: Image.
:param keypoints: Keypoints. Keypoints for which a descriptor cannot be computed are removed. Sometimes new keypoints can be added, for example: ``SIFT`` duplicates keypoint with several dominant orientations (for each orientation).
:param descriptors: Descriptors. Row ``i`` is the descriptor for keypoint ``i``.
.. ocv:function:: void DescriptorExtractor::compute( const vector<Mat>& images, vector<vector<KeyPoint> >& keypoints, vector<Mat>& descriptors ) const
:param images: Image set.
:param keypoints: Input keypoints collection. ``keypoints[i]`` are keypoints
detected in ``images[i]`` . Keypoints for which a descriptor
cannot be computed are removed.
:param image: Image.
:param descriptors: Descriptor collection. ``descriptors[i]`` are descriptors computed for a ``keypoints[i]`` set.
:param images: Image set.
:param keypoints: Input collection of keypoints. Keypoints for which a descriptor cannot be computed are removed. Sometimes new keypoints can be added, for example: ``SIFT`` duplicates keypoint with several dominant orientations (for each orientation).
:param descriptors: Computed descriptors. In the second variant of the method ``descriptors[i]`` are descriptors computed for a ``keypoints[i]`. Row ``j`` is the ``keypoints`` (or ``keypoints[i]``) is the descriptor for keypoint ``j``-th keypoint.
......@@ -100,19 +100,17 @@ Detects keypoints in an image (first variant) or image set (second variant).
.. ocv:function:: void FeatureDetector::detect( const Mat& image, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, const Mat& mask=Mat() ) const
:param image: Image.
:param keypoints: Detected keypoints.
:param mask: Mask specifying where to look for keypoints (optional). It must be a char matrix with non-zero values in the region of interest.
.. ocv:function:: void FeatureDetector::detect( const vector<Mat>& images, vector<vector<KeyPoint> >& keypoints, const vector<Mat>& masks=vector<Mat>() ) const
.. ocv:function:: void FeatureDetector::detect( const vector<Mat>& images, vector<vector<KeyPoint> >& keypoints, const vector<Mat>& masks=vector<Mat>() ) const
:param image: Image.
:param images: Image set.
:param keypoints: Collection of keypoints detected in input images. ``keypoints[i]`` is a set of keypoints detected in ``images[i]`` .
:param keypoints: The detected keypoints. In the second variant of the method ``keypoints[i]`` is a set of keypoints detected in ``images[i]`` .
:param mask: Mask specifying where to look for keypoints (optional). It must be a 8-bit integer matrix with non-zero values in the region of interest.
:param masks: Masks for each input image specifying where to look for keypoints (optional). ``masks[i]`` is a mask for ``images[i]`` . Each element of the ``masks`` vector must be a char matrix with non-zero values in the region of interest.
:param masks: Masks for each input image specifying where to look for keypoints (optional). ``masks[i]`` is a mask for ``images[i]``.
......@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction
.. highlight:: cpp
.. index:: gpu::StereoBM_GPU
.. ocv:class:: gpu::StereoBM_GPU
......@@ -87,16 +85,12 @@ gpu::StereoBM_GPU::operator ()
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
.. index:: gpu::StereoBM_GPU::checkIfGpuCallReasonable
.. ocv:function:: bool gpu::StereoBM_GPU::checkIfGpuCallReasonable()
Uses a heuristic method to estimate whether the current GPU is faster than the CPU in this algorithm. It queries the currently active device.
.. index:: gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation
.. ocv:class:: gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation
......@@ -163,8 +157,6 @@ The class implements algorithm described in [Felzenszwalb2006]_ . It can compute
``width_step`` is the number of bytes in a line including padding.
.. index:: gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation::StereoBeliefPropagation
.. ocv:function:: gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation::StereoBeliefPropagation( int ndisp = DEFAULT_NDISP, int iters = DEFAULT_ITERS, int levels = DEFAULT_LEVELS, int msg_type = CV_32F)
......@@ -207,8 +199,6 @@ By default, :ocv:class:`StereoBeliefPropagation` uses floating-point arithmetics
10 \cdot 2^{levels-1} \cdot max \_ data \_ term < SHRT \_ MAX
.. index:: gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation::estimateRecommendedParams
......@@ -216,36 +206,28 @@ gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation::estimateRecommendedParams
Uses a heuristic method to compute the recommended parameters (``ndisp``, ``iters`` and ``levels``) for the specified image size (``width`` and ``height``).
.. index:: gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation::operator ()
gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation::operator ()
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation::operator()( const GpuMat& left, const GpuMat& right, GpuMat& disparity)
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation::operator()( const GpuMat& left, const GpuMat& right, GpuMat& disparity, Stream& stream)
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation::operator()( const GpuMat& data, GpuMat& disparity)
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation::operator()( const GpuMat& data, GpuMat& disparity, Stream& stream)
Enables the stereo correspondence operator that finds the disparity for the specified rectified stereo pair or data cost.
:param left: Left image. ``CV_8UC1`` , ``CV_8UC3`` and ``CV_8UC4`` types are supported.
:param right: Right image with the same size and the same type as the left one.
:param disparity: Output disparity map. If ``disparity`` is empty, the output type is ``CV_16SC1`` . Otherwise, the output type is ``disparity.type()`` .
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation::operator()( const GpuMat& data, GpuMat& disparity)
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation::operator()( const GpuMat& data, GpuMat& disparity, Stream& stream)
:param data: User-specified data cost, a matrix of ``msg_type`` type and ``Size(<image columns>*ndisp, <image rows>)`` size.
:param disparity: Output disparity map. If the matrix is empty, it is created as the ``CV_16SC1`` matrix. Otherwise, the type is retained.
:param disparity: Output disparity map. If ``disparity`` is empty, the output type is ``CV_16SC1`` . Otherwise, the type is retained.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
.. index:: gpu::StereoConstantSpaceBP
.. ocv:class:: gpu::StereoConstantSpaceBP
......@@ -303,8 +285,6 @@ Class computing stereo correspondence using the constant space belief propagatio
The class implements algorithm described in [Yang2010]_. ``StereoConstantSpaceBP`` supports both local minimum and global minimum data cost initialization algortihms. For more details, see the paper mentioned above. By default, a local algorithm is used. To enable a global algorithm, set ``use_local_init_data_cost`` to ``false``.
.. index:: gpu::StereoConstantSpaceBP::StereoConstantSpaceBP
.. ocv:function:: gpu::StereoConstantSpaceBP::StereoConstantSpaceBP(int ndisp = DEFAULT_NDISP, int iters = DEFAULT_ITERS, int levels = DEFAULT_LEVELS, int nr_plane = DEFAULT_NR_PLANE, int msg_type = CV_32F)
......@@ -351,8 +331,6 @@ By default, ``StereoConstantSpaceBP`` uses floating-point arithmetics and the ``
10 \cdot 2^{levels-1} \cdot max \_ data \_ term < SHRT \_ MAX
.. index:: gpu::StereoConstantSpaceBP::estimateRecommendedParams
......@@ -360,8 +338,6 @@ gpu::StereoConstantSpaceBP::estimateRecommendedParams
Uses a heuristic method to compute parameters (ndisp, iters, levelsand nrplane) for the specified image size (widthand height).
.. index:: gpu::StereoConstantSpaceBP::operator ()
gpu::StereoConstantSpaceBP::operator ()
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::StereoConstantSpaceBP::operator()( const GpuMat& left, const GpuMat& right, GpuMat& disparity)
......@@ -378,10 +354,6 @@ gpu::StereoConstantSpaceBP::operator ()
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
.. index:: gpu::DisparityBilateralFilter
.. _gpu::DisparityBilateralFilter:
.. ocv:class:: gpu::DisparityBilateralFilter
......@@ -413,8 +385,6 @@ Class refinining a disparity map using joint bilateral filtering. ::
The class implements [Yang2010]_ algorithm.
.. index:: gpu::DisparityBilateralFilter::DisparityBilateralFilter
.. ocv:function:: gpu::DisparityBilateralFilter::DisparityBilateralFilter( int ndisp = DEFAULT_NDISP, int radius = DEFAULT_RADIUS, int iters = DEFAULT_ITERS)
......@@ -435,8 +405,6 @@ gpu::DisparityBilateralFilter::DisparityBilateralFilter
:param sigma_range: Filter range.
.. index:: gpu::DisparityBilateralFilter::operator ()
gpu::DisparityBilateralFilter::operator ()
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::DisparityBilateralFilter::operator()( const GpuMat& disparity, const GpuMat& image, GpuMat& dst)
......@@ -453,8 +421,6 @@ gpu::DisparityBilateralFilter::operator ()
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
.. index:: gpu::drawColorDisp
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::drawColorDisp(const GpuMat& src_disp, GpuMat& dst_disp, int ndisp)
......@@ -473,8 +439,6 @@ gpu::drawColorDisp
This function draws a colored disparity map by converting disparity values from ``[0..ndisp)`` interval first to ``HSV`` color space (where different disparity values correspond to different hues) and then converting the pixels to ``RGB`` for visualization.
.. index:: gpu::reprojectImageTo3D
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::reprojectImageTo3D(const GpuMat& disp, GpuMat& xyzw, const Mat& Q)
......@@ -491,10 +455,6 @@ gpu::reprojectImageTo3D
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
.. seealso:: :ocv:func:`reprojectImageTo3D` .
.. index:: gpu::solvePnPRansac
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Feature Detection and Description
.. highlight:: cpp
.. index:: gpu::SURF_GPU
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ The class ``SURF_GPU`` uses some buffers and provides access to it. All buffers
.. seealso::
.. index:: gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ The class ``BruteForceMatcher_GPU`` has an interface similar to the class :ocv:c
.. index:: gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::match
......@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::match
.. seealso::
.. index:: gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::matchSingle
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::matchSingle
:param mask: Mask specifying permissible matches between the input query and train matrices of descriptors.
.. index:: gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::matchCollection
......@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::matchCollection
:param maskCollection: ``GpuMat`` containing a set of masks. It can be obtained from ``std::vector<GpuMat>`` by :ocv:func:`gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::makeGpuCollection` or it may contain a user-defined mask set. This is an empty matrix or one-row matrix where each element is a ``PtrStep`` that points to one mask.
.. index:: gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::makeGpuCollection
......@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::makeGpuCollection
Performs a GPU collection of train descriptors and masks in a suitable format for the
:ocv:func:`gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::matchCollection` function.
.. index:: gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::matchDownload
......@@ -268,26 +268,17 @@ gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::matchDownload
:ocv:func:`gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::matchSingle` or
:ocv:func:`gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::matchCollection` to CPU vector with :ocv:class:`DMatch`.
.. index:: gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::knnMatch
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::knnMatch(const GpuMat& queryDescs, const GpuMat& trainDescs, std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >&matches, int k, const GpuMat& mask = GpuMat(), bool compactResult = false)
Finds the k best matches for each descriptor from a query set with train descriptors. The function returns detected k (or less if not possible) matches in the increasing order by distance.
.. ocv:function:: void knnMatch(const GpuMat& queryDescs, std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >&matches, int k, const std::vector<GpuMat>&masks = std::vector<GpuMat>(), bool compactResult = false )
.. seealso::
.. index:: gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::knnMatch
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::knnMatch(const GpuMat& queryDescs, std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >&matches, int k, const std::vector<GpuMat>&masks = std::vector<GpuMat>(), bool compactResult = false )
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::knnMatch(const GpuMat& queryDescs, const GpuMat& trainDescs, GpuMat& trainIdx, GpuMat& distance, GpuMat& allDist, int k, const GpuMat& mask = GpuMat())
Finds the k best matches for each descriptor from a query set with train descriptors. The function returns detected k (or less if not possible) matches in the increasing order by distance. Results are stored in the GPU memory.
Finds the k best matches for each descriptor from a query set with train descriptors. The function returns detected k (or less if not possible) matches in the increasing order by distance.
:param queryDescs: Query set of descriptors.
:param trainDescs: Training set of descriptors. It is not be added to train descriptors collection stored in the class object.
......@@ -299,7 +290,11 @@ gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::knnMatch
:param mask: Mask specifying permissible matches between the input query and train matrices of descriptors.
.. index:: gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::knnMatchDownload
The third variant of the method stores the results in GPU memory.
.. seealso::
......@@ -307,28 +302,17 @@ gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::knnMatchDownload
Downloads ``trainIdx`` and ``distance`` matrices obtained via :ocv:func:`gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::knnMatch` to CPU vector with :ocv:class:`DMatch`. If ``compactResult`` is true, the ``matches`` vector does not contain matches for fully masked-out query descriptors.
.. index:: gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::radiusMatch
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::radiusMatch(const GpuMat& queryDescs, const GpuMat& trainDescs, std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >&matches, float maxDistance, const GpuMat& mask = GpuMat(), bool compactResult = false)
For each query descriptor, finds the best matches with a distance less than a given threshold. The function returns detected matches in the increasing order by distance.
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::radiusMatch(const GpuMat& queryDescs, std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> >&matches, float maxDistance, const std::vector<GpuMat>&masks = std::vector<GpuMat>(), bool compactResult = false)
This function works only on devices with the compute capability :math:`>=` 1.1.
.. seealso::
.. index:: gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::radiusMatch
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::radiusMatch(const GpuMat& queryDescs, const GpuMat& trainDescs, GpuMat& trainIdx, GpuMat& nMatches, GpuMat& distance, float maxDistance, const GpuMat& mask = GpuMat())
For each query descriptor, finds the best matches with a distance less than a given threshold (``maxDistance``). The results are stored in the GPU memory.
For each query descriptor, finds the best matches with a distance less than a given threshold. The function returns detected matches in the increasing order by distance.
:param queryDescs: Query set of descriptors.
......@@ -344,9 +328,12 @@ gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::radiusMatch
:param mask: Mask specifying permissible matches between the input query and train matrices of descriptors.
In contrast to :ocv:func:`gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::knnMatch`, here the results are not sorted by the distance. This function works only on devices with the compute capability >= 1.1.
The methods work only on devices with the compute capability :math:`>=` 1.1.
The third variant of the method stores the results in GPU memory and does not store the points by the distance.
.. seealso::
.. index:: gpu::BruteForceMatcher_GPU::radiusMatchDownload
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