@note Another example using PCA for dimensionality reduction while maintaining an amount of variance can be found at [opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/pca.cpp](https://github.com/opencv/opencv/tree/3.4/samples/cpp/pca.cpp)
-# __Read image and convert it to binary__
- __Read image and convert it to binary__
Here we apply the necessary pre-processing procedures in order to be able to detect the objects of interest.
First the data need to be arranged in a matrix with size n x 2, where n is the number of data points we have. Then we can perform that PCA analysis. The calculated mean (i.e. center of mass) is stored in the _cntr_ variable and the eigenvectors and eigenvalues are stored in the corresponding std::vector’s.
Here we apply the necessary pre-processing procedures in order to be able to detect the objects of interest.
The final result is visualized through the drawAxis() function, where the principal components are drawn in lines, and each eigenvector is multiplied by its eigenvalue and translated to the mean position.
Then find and filter contours by size and obtain the orientation of the remaining ones.
First the data need to be arranged in a matrix with size n x 2, where n is the number of data points we have. Then we can perform that PCA analysis. The calculated mean (i.e. center of mass) is stored in the _cntr_ variable and the eigenvectors and eigenvalues are stored in the corresponding std::vector’s.
The final result is visualized through the drawAxis() function, where the principal components are drawn in lines, and each eigenvector is multiplied by its eigenvalue and translated to the mean position.
@note The following code has been implemented with OpenCV 3.0 classes and functions. An equivalent version of the code using OpenCV 2.4 can be found in [this page.](http://docs.opencv.org/2.4/doc/tutorials/ml/introduction_to_svm/introduction_to_svm.html#introductiontosvms)