Commit 3bf41c28 authored by hbristow's avatar hbristow

Formatted URLs in the documentation so that they are redirected to the system…

Formatted URLs in the documentation so that they are redirected to the system browser instead of the builtin Matlab browser
parent fad7b35b
from textwrap import TextWrapper
from string import split, join
import re, os
urlexpr = re.compile(r"((https?):((//)|(\\\\))+[\w\d:#@%/;$()~_?\+-=\\\.&]*)", re.MULTILINE|re.UNICODE)
def inputs(args):
'''Keeps only the input arguments in a list of elements.
......@@ -58,7 +59,6 @@ def binaryToDecimal(string):
return string
def formatMatlabConstant(string, table):
import re
# split the string into expressions
words = re.split('(\W+)', string)
# add a 'cv' prefix if an expression is also a key in the lookup table
......@@ -70,6 +70,11 @@ def formatMatlabConstant(string, table):
words = 'bitshift('+shift[0]+', '+shift[1]+')' if len(shift) == 2 else words
return words
def matlabURL(string):
"""This filter is used to construct a Matlab specific URL that calls the
system browser instead of the (insanely bad) builtin Matlab browser"""
return re.sub(urlexpr, '<a href="matlab: web(\'\\1\', \'-browser\')">\\1</a>', string)
def capitalizeFirst(text):
return text[0].upper() + text[1:]
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ class MatlabWrapperGenerator(object):
jtemplate.filters['toUpperCamelCase'] = toUpperCamelCase
jtemplate.filters['toLowerCamelCase'] = toLowerCamelCase
jtemplate.filters['toUnderCase'] = toUnderCase
jtemplate.filters['matlabURL'] = matlabURL
jtemplate.filters['stripTags'] = stripTags
jtemplate.filters['filename'] = filename
jtemplate.filters['comment'] = comment
{% import 'functional.cpp' as functional %}
{{ ('CV.' + | upper + ' ' + doc.brief | stripTags) | comment(75, '%') }}
{{ ('CV.' + | upper + ' ' + doc.brief | stripTags) | comment(75, '%') | matlabURL }}
% {{ functional.composeMatlab(fun) | upper }}
{% if doc.long %}
{{ doc.long | stripTags | qualify( | comment(75, '% ') }}
{{ doc.long | stripTags | qualify( | comment(75, '% ') | matlabURL }}
{% endif %}
{# ----------------------- Returns --------------------- #}
......@@ -57,6 +57,6 @@ cv.{{ item }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{# ----------------------- Online ---------------------- #}
{% set url = '' + doc.module + '/doc/' + (doc.file|filename) + '.html#' + (|slugify) %}
% Online docs: <a href="matlab: web('{{url}}', '-browser')">{{url}}</a>
% Online docs: {{ url | matlabURL }}
% Copyright {{ time.strftime("%Y", time.localtime()) }} The OpenCV Foundation
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