Commit 3ab117df authored by Aaron Denney's avatar Aaron Denney

Change struct with single static function to function.

parent 021b0cb4
......@@ -82,39 +82,30 @@ namespace cv { namespace cuda { namespace device
/////////////////////// init data cost ////////////////////////
template <int channels> struct DataCostPerPixel;
template <> struct DataCostPerPixel<1>
template <int channels> float __device__ pixeldiff(const uchar* left, const uchar* right);
template<> float __device__ __forceinline__ pixeldiff<1>(const uchar* left, const uchar* right)
static __device__ __forceinline__ float compute(const uchar* left, const uchar* right)
return cdata_weight * fmin( ::abs((int)*left - *right), cmax_data_term);
template <> struct DataCostPerPixel<3>
return cdata_weight * fmin( ::abs((int)*left - *right), cmax_data_term);
template <> float __device__ __forceinline__ pixeldiff<3>(const uchar* left, const uchar* right)
static __device__ __forceinline__ float compute(const uchar* left, const uchar* right)
float tb = 0.114f * ::abs((int)left[0] - right[0]);
float tg = 0.587f * ::abs((int)left[1] - right[1]);
float tr = 0.299f * ::abs((int)left[2] - right[2]);
float tb = 0.114f * ::abs((int)left[0] - right[0]);
float tg = 0.587f * ::abs((int)left[1] - right[1]);
float tr = 0.299f * ::abs((int)left[2] - right[2]);
return cdata_weight * fmin(tr + tg + tb, cmax_data_term);
template <> struct DataCostPerPixel<4>
return cdata_weight * fmin(tr + tg + tb, cmax_data_term);
template <> float __device__ __forceinline__ pixeldiff<4>(const uchar* left, const uchar* right)
static __device__ __forceinline__ float compute(const uchar* left, const uchar* right)
uchar4 l = *((const uchar4*)left);
uchar4 r = *((const uchar4*)right);
uchar4 l = *((const uchar4*)left);
uchar4 r = *((const uchar4*)right);
float tb = 0.114f * ::abs((int)l.x - r.x);
float tg = 0.587f * ::abs((int)l.y - r.y);
float tr = 0.299f * ::abs((int)l.z - r.z);
float tb = 0.114f * ::abs((int)l.x - r.x);
float tg = 0.587f * ::abs((int)l.y - r.y);
float tr = 0.299f * ::abs((int)l.z - r.z);
return cdata_weight * fmin(tr + tg + tb, cmax_data_term);
return cdata_weight * fmin(tr + tg + tb, cmax_data_term);
template <typename T>
__global__ void get_first_k_initial_global(uchar *ctemp, T* data_cost_selected_, T *selected_disp_pyr, int h, int w, int nr_plane, int ndisp)
......@@ -237,7 +228,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace cuda { namespace device
const uchar* lle = cleft + yi * cimg_step + xi * channels;
const uchar* lri = cright + yi * cimg_step + xr * channels;
val += DataCostPerPixel<channels>::compute(lle, lri);
val += pixeldiff<channels>(lle, lri);
......@@ -274,7 +265,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace cuda { namespace device
for(int y = 0; y < len; ++y)
val += DataCostPerPixel<channels>::compute(lle, lri);
val += pixeldiff<channels>(lle, lri);
lle += cimg_step;
lri += cimg_step;
......@@ -416,7 +407,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace cuda { namespace device
const uchar* left_x = cleft + yi * cimg_step + xi * channels;
const uchar* right_x = cright + yi * cimg_step + xr * channels;
val += DataCostPerPixel<channels>::compute(left_x, right_x);
val += pixeldiff<channels>(left_x, right_x);
......@@ -458,7 +449,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace cuda { namespace device
for(int y = 0; y < len; ++y)
val += DataCostPerPixel<channels>::compute(lle, lri);
val += pixeldiff<channels>(lle, lri);
lle += cimg_step;
lri += cimg_step;
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