Commit 39cd1358 authored by Alexey Spizhevoy's avatar Alexey Spizhevoy

Fixed bug in motion stabilization pipeline and updated wobble stabilizer (videostab)

parent 30b461a5
......@@ -56,7 +56,10 @@ void MotionStabilizationPipeline::stabilize(
int size, const vector<Mat> &motions, pair<int,int> range,
Mat *stabilizationMotions) const
vector<Mat> updatedMotions(motions);
vector<Mat> updatedMotions(motions.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < motions.size(); ++i)
updatedMotions[i] = motions[i].clone();
vector<Mat> stabilizationMotions_(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
......@@ -371,6 +371,31 @@ void TwoPassStabilizer::runPrePassIfNecessary()
frameCount_, motions_, make_pair(0, frameCount_ - 1), &stabilizationMotions_[0]);
/*ofstream fm("log_motions.csv");
for (int i = 0; i < frameCount_ - 1; ++i)
Mat_<float> M = at(i, motions_);
fm << M(0,0) << " " << M(0,1) << " " << M(0,2) << " "
<< M(1,0) << " " << M(1,1) << " " << M(1,2) << " "
<< M(2,0) << " " << M(2,1) << " " << M(2,2) << endl;
ofstream fo("log_orig.csv");
for (int i = 0; i < frameCount_; ++i)
Mat_<float> M = getMotion(0, i, motions_);
fo << M(0,0) << " " << M(0,1) << " " << M(0,2) << " "
<< M(1,0) << " " << M(1,1) << " " << M(1,2) << " "
<< M(2,0) << " " << M(2,1) << " " << M(2,2) << endl;
ofstream fs("log_stab.csv");
for (int i = 0; i < frameCount_; ++i)
Mat_<float> M = stabilizationMotions_[i] * getMotion(0, i, motions_);
fs << M(0,0) << " " << M(0,1) << " " << M(0,2) << " "
<< M(1,0) << " " << M(1,1) << " " << M(1,2) << " "
<< M(2,0) << " " << M(2,1) << " " << M(2,2) << endl;
if (mustEstTrimRatio_)
trimRatio_ = 0;
......@@ -104,24 +104,25 @@ void MoreAccurateMotionWobbleSuppressor::suppress(int idx, const Mat &frame, Mat
yl = ML(1,0)*x + ML(1,1)*y + ML(1,2);
zl = ML(2,0)*x + ML(2,1)*y + ML(2,2);
xl /= zl; yl /= zl;
wl = 1.f / (sqrt(sqr(x - xl) + sqr(y - yl)) + 1e-5f);
wl = idx - k1;
xr = MR(0,0)*x + MR(0,1)*y + MR(0,2);
yr = MR(1,0)*x + MR(1,1)*y + MR(1,2);
zr = MR(2,0)*x + MR(2,1)*y + MR(2,2);
xr /= zr; yr /= zr;
wr = 1.f / (sqrt(sqr(x - xr) + sqr(y - yr)) + 1e-5f);
wr = k2 - idx;
mapx_(y,x) = (wl * xl + wr * xr) / (wl + wr);
mapy_(y,x) = (wl * yl + wr * yr) / (wl + wr);
mapx_(y,x) = (wr * xl + wl * xr) / (wl + wr);
mapy_(y,x) = (wr * yl + wl * yr) / (wl + wr);
if ( ==
result = Mat(frame.size(), frame.type());
remap(frame, result, mapx_, mapy_, INTER_LINEAR);
remap(frame, result, mapx_, mapy_, INTER_LANCZOS4, BORDER_REPLICATE);
} // namespace videostab
} // namespace cv
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