Commit 39c5eb2f authored by Andrey Kamaev's avatar Andrey Kamaev

Java API: new tests for Core and Imgproc from Hussein Abdinoor

parent a0590273
......@@ -614,11 +614,28 @@ public class ImgprocTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
public void testDrawContoursMatListOfMatIntScalarInt() {
fail("Not yet implemented");
List<Mat> contours = new ArrayList<Mat>(5);
Mat hierarchy = dst;
Core.rectangle(gray0, new Point(1, 2), new Point(7, 8), new Scalar(100));
Imgproc.findContours(gray0, contours, hierarchy, Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
assertTrue(1 == contours.size());
assertFalse(0 == Core.countNonZero(gray0));
Imgproc.drawContours(gray0, contours, -1, new Scalar(0), -1);//TODO: CV_FILLED
assertTrue(0 == Core.countNonZero(gray0));
public void testDrawContoursMatListOfMatIntScalarIntInt() {
fail("Not yet implemented");
List<Mat> contours = new ArrayList<Mat>(5);
Mat hierarchy = dst;
int linetype = 8;//TODO: line type constant
Core.rectangle(gray0, new Point(1, 2), new Point(7, 8), new Scalar(100));
Imgproc.findContours(gray0, contours, hierarchy, Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
assertTrue(1 == contours.size());
assertFalse(0 == Core.countNonZero(gray0));
Imgproc.drawContours(gray0, contours, -1, new Scalar(0), -1, linetype);//TODO: CV_FILLED
assertTrue(0 == Core.countNonZero(gray0));
public void testDrawContoursMatListOfMatIntScalarIntIntMat() {
......@@ -826,6 +843,7 @@ public class ImgprocTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
int retval = Imgproc.floodFill(img, new Mat(), new Point(matSize / 2, matSize / 2), new Scalar(1));, new Point(matSize / 2, matSize / 2), 3, new Scalar(0));
assertEquals(Core.countNonZero(img), retval);
......@@ -866,7 +884,21 @@ public class ImgprocTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
public void testGetAffineTransform() {
fail("Not yet implemented");
Mat src = new Mat(3, 2, CvType.CV_32F);
src.put(0, 0, 2, 3);
src.put(1, 0, 3, 1);
src.put(2, 0, 1, 4);
Mat dstPoints = new Mat(3, 2, CvType.CV_32F);
dstPoints.put(0, 0, 3, 3);
dstPoints.put(1, 0, 7, 4);
dstPoints.put(2, 0, 5, 6);
dst = Imgproc.getAffineTransform(src, dstPoints);
Mat truth = new Mat(2, 3, CvType.CV_64FC1);
truth.put(0, 0, -8, -6, 37);
truth.put(1, 0, -7, -4, 29);
assertMatEqual(truth, dst, EPS);
public void testGetDefaultNewCameraMatrixMat() {
......@@ -1099,11 +1131,40 @@ public class ImgprocTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
public void testHoughCirclesMatMatIntDoubleDoubleDouble() {
fail("Not yet implemented");
int sz = 512;
Mat img = new Mat(sz, sz, CvType.CV_8U, new Scalar(128));
Mat circles = new Mat();
double param1 = 50;
Imgproc.HoughCircles(img, circles, Imgproc.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 2.0, img.rows() / 4, param1);
assertEquals(0, circles.cols());
Point center = new Point(img.cols() / 2, img.rows() / 2);
int radius = Math.min(img.cols() / 4, img.rows() / 4);, center, radius, colorBlack, 3);
Imgproc.HoughCircles(img, circles, Imgproc.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 2.0, img.rows() / 4, param1);
assertEquals(1, circles.cols());
public void testHoughCirclesMatMatIntDoubleDoubleDoubleDouble() {
fail("Not yet implemented");
int sz = 512;
Mat img = new Mat(sz, sz, CvType.CV_8U, new Scalar(128));
Mat circles = new Mat();
double param1 = 50;
double param2 = 100;
Imgproc.HoughCircles(img, circles, Imgproc.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 2.0, img.rows() / 4, param1, param2);
assertEquals(0, circles.cols());
Point center = new Point(img.cols() / 2, img.rows() / 2);
int radius = Math.min(img.cols() / 4, img.rows() / 4);, center, radius, colorBlack, 3);
Imgproc.HoughCircles(img, circles, Imgproc.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 2.0, img.rows() / 4, param1, param2);
assertEquals(1, circles.cols());
public void testHoughCirclesMatMatIntDoubleDoubleDoubleDoubleInt() {
......@@ -1115,7 +1176,19 @@ public class ImgprocTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
public void testHoughLinesMatMatDoubleDoubleInt() {
fail("Not yet implemented");
int sz = 512;
Mat img = new Mat(sz, sz, CvType.CV_8U, new Scalar(128));
Mat lines = new Mat();
Point point1 = new Point(50, 50);
Point point2 = new Point(img.cols() / 2, img.rows() / 2);
assertEquals(0, lines.cols());
Core.line(img, point1, point2, colorBlack, 2);
Imgproc.HoughLines(img, lines, 1, 5, 1);
assertEquals(2, lines.cols());
public void testHoughLinesMatMatDoubleDoubleIntDouble() {
......@@ -1580,11 +1653,20 @@ public class ImgprocTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
public void testPyrMeanShiftFilteringMatMatDoubleDoubleInt() {
fail("Not yet implemented");
Mat src = new Mat(matSize, matSize, CvType.CV_8UC3, new Scalar(255.0));
Imgproc.pyrMeanShiftFiltering(src, dst, 10.0, 50.0, 2);
truth = src.clone();
assertMatEqual(truth, dst);
public void testPyrMeanShiftFilteringMatMatDoubleDoubleIntTermCriteria() {
fail("Not yet implemented");
Mat src = new Mat(matSize, matSize, CvType.CV_8UC3, new Scalar(255.0));
TermCriteria criteria = new TermCriteria(2 /* TODO: CV_TERMCRIT_EPS */, 0, 0.01);
Imgproc.pyrMeanShiftFiltering(src, dst, 10.0, 10.0, 3, criteria);
truth = src.clone();
assertMatEqual(truth, dst);
public void testPyrUpMatMat() {
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