(dynamic_cast<ASDFrameSequencerImageFile*>(sequencer))->open(argv[1],std::atoi(argv[2]),std::atoi(argv[3]));// A sequence of images captured from video source, is stored here
std::sprintf(windowName,"%s","Adaptive Skin Detection Algorithm for Video Sequences");
printf("\n This program shows the use of the Calonder point descriptor classifier \n"
"SURF is used to detect interest points, Calonder is used to describe/match these points \n"
"Usage: \n"
"./find_obj_calonder --classifier_file=<classifier file, there is no default classifier file. You should create it at first and when you can use it for test> \n"
" --test_image=<image file for test, lena.jpg as default> \n"
" [--train_container]=<txt file with train images filenames> \n"