Commit 358b061a authored by Victor Erukhimov's avatar Victor Erukhimov

OpenCV user guide prototype

parent be4251c1
(pdflatex '\newcommand{\genc}{true}\newcommand{\genpy}{true}\newcommand{\targetlang}{c}\input{opencv_user.tex}' &&
# bibtex opencv_user &&
# makeindex opencv_user &&
pdflatex '\newcommand{\genc}{true}\newcommand{\genpy}{true}\newcommand{\targetlang}{c}\input{opencv_user.tex}' > 1
) || exit 1
#gv -page=480 opencv_user.pdf
\chapter{cv::Mat. Basic operations with images.}
\renewcommand{\curModule}{Working with images.}
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\part{C++ API Reference}
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\section{Basic operations with images}
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% C++ %
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Load an image from a file:
Mat img = imread(filename);
If you read a jpg file, a 3 channel image is created by default. If you need a grayscale image, use:
Mat img = imread(filename, 0);
Save an image to a file:
Mat img = imwrite(filename);
\subsection{Accessing pixel intensity values}
In order to get pixel intensity value, you have to know the type of an image and the number of channels. Here is an example for a single channel grey scale image (type 8UC1) and pixel coordinates x and y:
Scalar intensity =<uchar>(x, y);
\texttt{intensity.val[0]} contains a value from 0 to 255.
Now let us consider a 3 channel image with \texttt{bgr} color ordering (the default format returned by imread):
Scalar intensity =<uchar>(x, y);
uchar blue = intensity.val[0];
uchar green = intensity.val[1];
uchar red = intensity.val[2];
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