Commit 3456238c authored by Anatoly Baksheev's avatar Anatoly Baksheev


parent fba08199
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ TEST_P(BilateralFilter, Accuracy)
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(dst_gold, dst, src.depth() == CV_32F ? 1e-3 : 1.0);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(GPU_ImgProc, BilateralFilter, testing::Combine(
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(GPU_Denoising, BilateralFilter, testing::Combine(
testing::Values(cv::Size(128, 128), cv::Size(113, 113), cv::Size(639, 481)),
testing::Values(MatType(CV_8UC1), MatType(CV_8UC3), MatType(CV_32FC1), MatType(CV_32FC3))
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ TEST_P(NonLocalMeans, Regression)
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(gray_gold, dgray, 1e-4);
#endif // HAVE_CUDA
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -1285,8 +1285,6 @@ void cv::medianBlur( InputArray _src0, OutputArray _dst, int ksize )
Bilateral Filtering
#undef CV_SSE3
namespace cv
......@@ -1305,12 +1303,12 @@ public:
int i, j, cn = dest->channels(), k;
Size size = dest->size();
#if CV_SSE3
#if CV_SSE3
int CV_DECL_ALIGNED(16) buf[4];
float CV_DECL_ALIGNED(16) bufSum[4];
static const int CV_DECL_ALIGNED(16) bufSignMask[] = { 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x80000000 };
bool haveSSE3 = checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_SSE3);
for( i = range.start; i < range.end; i++ )
......@@ -1323,36 +1321,36 @@ public:
float sum = 0, wsum = 0;
int val0 = sptr[j];
k = 0;
#if CV_SSE3
if( haveSSE3 )
__m128 _val0 = _mm_set1_ps(static_cast<float>(val0));
const __m128 _signMask = _mm_load_ps((const float*)bufSignMask);
for( ; k <= maxk - 4; k += 4 )
__m128 _valF = _mm_set_ps(sptr[j + space_ofs[k+3]], sptr[j + space_ofs[k+2]],
k = 0;
#if CV_SSE3
if( haveSSE3 )
__m128 _val0 = _mm_set1_ps(static_cast<float>(val0));
const __m128 _signMask = _mm_load_ps((const float*)bufSignMask);
for( ; k <= maxk - 4; k += 4 )
__m128 _valF = _mm_set_ps(sptr[j + space_ofs[k+3]], sptr[j + space_ofs[k+2]],
sptr[j + space_ofs[k+1]], sptr[j + space_ofs[k]]);
__m128 _val = _mm_andnot_ps(_signMask, _mm_sub_ps(_valF, _val0));
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)buf, _mm_cvtps_epi32(_val));
__m128 _val = _mm_andnot_ps(_signMask, _mm_sub_ps(_valF, _val0));
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)buf, _mm_cvtps_epi32(_val));
__m128 _cw = _mm_set_ps(color_weight[buf[3]],color_weight[buf[2]],
__m128 _cw = _mm_set_ps(color_weight[buf[3]],color_weight[buf[2]],
__m128 _sw = _mm_loadu_ps(space_weight+k);
__m128 _w = _mm_mul_ps(_cw, _sw);
_cw = _mm_mul_ps(_w, _valF);
_sw = _mm_hadd_ps(_w, _cw);
_sw = _mm_hadd_ps(_sw, _sw);
_mm_storel_pi((__m64*)bufSum, _sw);
sum += bufSum[1];
wsum += bufSum[0];
__m128 _sw = _mm_loadu_ps(space_weight+k);
__m128 _w = _mm_mul_ps(_cw, _sw);
_cw = _mm_mul_ps(_w, _valF);
_sw = _mm_hadd_ps(_w, _cw);
_sw = _mm_hadd_ps(_sw, _sw);
_mm_storel_pi((__m64*)bufSum, _sw);
sum += bufSum[1];
wsum += bufSum[0];
for( ; k < maxk; k++ )
int val = sptr[j + space_ofs[k]];
......@@ -1371,55 +1369,55 @@ public:
float sum_b = 0, sum_g = 0, sum_r = 0, wsum = 0;
int b0 = sptr[j], g0 = sptr[j+1], r0 = sptr[j+2];
k = 0;
#if CV_SSE3
if( haveSSE3 )
const __m128 _b0 = _mm_set1_ps(static_cast<float>(b0));
const __m128 _g0 = _mm_set1_ps(static_cast<float>(g0));
const __m128 _r0 = _mm_set1_ps(static_cast<float>(r0));
const __m128 _signMask = _mm_load_ps((const float*)bufSignMask);
k = 0;
#if CV_SSE3
if( haveSSE3 )
const __m128 _b0 = _mm_set1_ps(static_cast<float>(b0));
const __m128 _g0 = _mm_set1_ps(static_cast<float>(g0));
const __m128 _r0 = _mm_set1_ps(static_cast<float>(r0));
const __m128 _signMask = _mm_load_ps((const float*)bufSignMask);
for( ; k <= maxk - 4; k += 4 )
const uchar* sptr_k = sptr + j + space_ofs[k];
const uchar* sptr_k1 = sptr + j + space_ofs[k+1];
const uchar* sptr_k2 = sptr + j + space_ofs[k+2];
const uchar* sptr_k3 = sptr + j + space_ofs[k+3];
const uchar* sptr_k = sptr + j + space_ofs[k];
const uchar* sptr_k1 = sptr + j + space_ofs[k+1];
const uchar* sptr_k2 = sptr + j + space_ofs[k+2];
const uchar* sptr_k3 = sptr + j + space_ofs[k+3];
__m128 _b = _mm_set_ps(sptr_k3[0],sptr_k2[0],sptr_k1[0],sptr_k[0]);
__m128 _g = _mm_set_ps(sptr_k3[1],sptr_k2[1],sptr_k1[1],sptr_k[1]);
__m128 _r = _mm_set_ps(sptr_k3[2],sptr_k2[2],sptr_k1[2],sptr_k[2]);
__m128 _b = _mm_set_ps(sptr_k3[0],sptr_k2[0],sptr_k1[0],sptr_k[0]);
__m128 _g = _mm_set_ps(sptr_k3[1],sptr_k2[1],sptr_k1[1],sptr_k[1]);
__m128 _r = _mm_set_ps(sptr_k3[2],sptr_k2[2],sptr_k1[2],sptr_k[2]);
__m128 bt = _mm_andnot_ps(_signMask, _mm_sub_ps(_b,_b0));
__m128 gt = _mm_andnot_ps(_signMask, _mm_sub_ps(_g,_g0));
__m128 rt = _mm_andnot_ps(_signMask, _mm_sub_ps(_r,_r0));
__m128 bt = _mm_andnot_ps(_signMask, _mm_sub_ps(_b,_b0));
__m128 gt = _mm_andnot_ps(_signMask, _mm_sub_ps(_g,_g0));
__m128 rt = _mm_andnot_ps(_signMask, _mm_sub_ps(_r,_r0));
bt =_mm_add_ps(rt, _mm_add_ps(bt, gt));
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)buf, _mm_cvtps_epi32(bt));
bt =_mm_add_ps(rt, _mm_add_ps(bt, gt));
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)buf, _mm_cvtps_epi32(bt));
__m128 _w = _mm_set_ps(color_weight[buf[3]],color_weight[buf[2]],
__m128 _w = _mm_set_ps(color_weight[buf[3]],color_weight[buf[2]],
__m128 _sw = _mm_loadu_ps(space_weight+k);
__m128 _sw = _mm_loadu_ps(space_weight+k);
_w = _mm_mul_ps(_w,_sw);
_b = _mm_mul_ps(_b, _w);
_g = _mm_mul_ps(_g, _w);
_r = _mm_mul_ps(_r, _w);
_w = _mm_mul_ps(_w,_sw);
_b = _mm_mul_ps(_b, _w);
_g = _mm_mul_ps(_g, _w);
_r = _mm_mul_ps(_r, _w);
_w = _mm_hadd_ps(_w, _b);
_g = _mm_hadd_ps(_g, _r);
_w = _mm_hadd_ps(_w, _b);
_g = _mm_hadd_ps(_g, _r);
_w = _mm_hadd_ps(_w, _g);
_mm_store_ps(bufSum, _w);
_w = _mm_hadd_ps(_w, _g);
_mm_store_ps(bufSum, _w);
wsum += bufSum[0];
sum_b += bufSum[1];
sum_g += bufSum[2];
sum_r += bufSum[3];
wsum += bufSum[0];
sum_b += bufSum[1];
sum_g += bufSum[2];
sum_r += bufSum[3];
for( ; k < maxk; k++ )
......@@ -1493,8 +1491,8 @@ bilateralFilter_8u( const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int d,
// initialize space-related bilateral filter coefficients
for( i = -radius, maxk = 0; i <= radius; i++ )
j = -radius;
j = -radius;
for( ;j <= radius; j++ )
......@@ -1504,7 +1502,7 @@ bilateralFilter_8u( const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int d,
space_weight[maxk] = (float)std::exp(r*r*gauss_space_coeff);
space_ofs[maxk++] = (int)(i*temp.step + j*cn);
BilateralFilter_8u_Invoker body(dst, temp, radius, maxk, space_ofs, space_weight, color_weight);
parallel_for_(Range(0, size.height), body);
......@@ -1527,12 +1525,12 @@ public:
int i, j, k;
Size size = dest->size();
#if CV_SSE3
#if CV_SSE3
int CV_DECL_ALIGNED(16) idxBuf[4];
float CV_DECL_ALIGNED(16) bufSum32[4];
static const int CV_DECL_ALIGNED(16) bufSignMask[] = { 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x80000000 };
bool haveSSE3 = checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_SSE3);
for( i = range.start; i < range.end; i++ )
......@@ -1545,42 +1543,42 @@ public:
float sum = 0, wsum = 0;
float val0 = sptr[j];
k = 0;
#if CV_SSE3
if( haveSSE3 )
const __m128 _val0 = _mm_set1_ps(sptr[j]);
const __m128 _scale_index = _mm_set1_ps(scale_index);
const __m128 _signMask = _mm_load_ps((const float*)bufSignMask);
for( ; k <= maxk - 4 ; k += 4 )
__m128 _sw = _mm_loadu_ps(space_weight + k);
__m128 _val = _mm_set_ps(sptr[j + space_ofs[k+3]], sptr[j + space_ofs[k+2]],
k = 0;
#if CV_SSE3
if( haveSSE3 )
const __m128 _val0 = _mm_set1_ps(sptr[j]);
const __m128 _scale_index = _mm_set1_ps(scale_index);
const __m128 _signMask = _mm_load_ps((const float*)bufSignMask);
for( ; k <= maxk - 4 ; k += 4 )
__m128 _sw = _mm_loadu_ps(space_weight + k);
__m128 _val = _mm_set_ps(sptr[j + space_ofs[k+3]], sptr[j + space_ofs[k+2]],
sptr[j + space_ofs[k+1]], sptr[j + space_ofs[k]]);
__m128 _alpha = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_andnot_ps( _signMask, _mm_sub_ps(_val,_val0)), _scale_index);
__m128 _alpha = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_andnot_ps( _signMask, _mm_sub_ps(_val,_val0)), _scale_index);
__m128i _idx = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_alpha);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)idxBuf, _idx);
_alpha = _mm_sub_ps(_alpha, _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_idx));
__m128i _idx = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_alpha);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)idxBuf, _idx);
_alpha = _mm_sub_ps(_alpha, _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_idx));
__m128 _explut = _mm_set_ps(expLUT[idxBuf[3]], expLUT[idxBuf[2]],
__m128 _explut = _mm_set_ps(expLUT[idxBuf[3]], expLUT[idxBuf[2]],
expLUT[idxBuf[1]], expLUT[idxBuf[0]]);
__m128 _explut1 = _mm_set_ps(expLUT[idxBuf[3]+1], expLUT[idxBuf[2]+1],
__m128 _explut1 = _mm_set_ps(expLUT[idxBuf[3]+1], expLUT[idxBuf[2]+1],
expLUT[idxBuf[1]+1], expLUT[idxBuf[0]+1]);
__m128 _w = _mm_mul_ps(_sw, _mm_add_ps(_explut, _mm_mul_ps(_alpha, _mm_sub_ps(_explut1, _explut))));
_val = _mm_mul_ps(_w, _val);
__m128 _w = _mm_mul_ps(_sw, _mm_add_ps(_explut, _mm_mul_ps(_alpha, _mm_sub_ps(_explut1, _explut))));
_val = _mm_mul_ps(_w, _val);
_sw = _mm_hadd_ps(_w, _val);
_sw = _mm_hadd_ps(_sw, _sw);
_mm_storel_pi((__m64*)bufSum32, _sw);
_sw = _mm_hadd_ps(_w, _val);
_sw = _mm_hadd_ps(_sw, _sw);
_mm_storel_pi((__m64*)bufSum32, _sw);
sum += bufSum32[1];
wsum += bufSum32[0];
sum += bufSum32[1];
wsum += bufSum32[0];
for( ; k < maxk; k++ )
......@@ -1602,63 +1600,63 @@ public:
float sum_b = 0, sum_g = 0, sum_r = 0, wsum = 0;
float b0 = sptr[j], g0 = sptr[j+1], r0 = sptr[j+2];
k = 0;
#if CV_SSE3
if( haveSSE3 )
const __m128 _b0 = _mm_set1_ps(b0);
const __m128 _g0 = _mm_set1_ps(g0);
const __m128 _r0 = _mm_set1_ps(r0);
const __m128 _scale_index = _mm_set1_ps(scale_index);
k = 0;
#if CV_SSE3
if( haveSSE3 )
const __m128 _b0 = _mm_set1_ps(b0);
const __m128 _g0 = _mm_set1_ps(g0);
const __m128 _r0 = _mm_set1_ps(r0);
const __m128 _scale_index = _mm_set1_ps(scale_index);
const __m128 _signMask = _mm_load_ps((const float*)bufSignMask);
for( ; k <= maxk-4; k += 4 )
__m128 _sw = _mm_loadu_ps(space_weight + k);
const float* sptr_k = sptr + j + space_ofs[k];
const float* sptr_k1 = sptr + j + space_ofs[k+1];
const float* sptr_k2 = sptr + j + space_ofs[k+2];
const float* sptr_k3 = sptr + j + space_ofs[k+3];
__m128 _b = _mm_set_ps(sptr_k3[0], sptr_k2[0], sptr_k1[0], sptr_k[0]);
__m128 _g = _mm_set_ps(sptr_k3[1], sptr_k2[1], sptr_k1[1], sptr_k[1]);
__m128 _r = _mm_set_ps(sptr_k3[2], sptr_k2[2], sptr_k1[2], sptr_k[2]);
__m128 _bt = _mm_andnot_ps(_signMask,_mm_sub_ps(_b,_b0));
__m128 _gt = _mm_andnot_ps(_signMask,_mm_sub_ps(_g,_g0));
__m128 _rt = _mm_andnot_ps(_signMask,_mm_sub_ps(_r,_r0));
__m128 _alpha = _mm_mul_ps(_scale_index, _mm_add_ps(_rt,_mm_add_ps(_bt, _gt)));
__m128i _idx = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_alpha);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)idxBuf, _idx);
_alpha = _mm_sub_ps(_alpha, _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_idx));
__m128 _explut = _mm_set_ps(expLUT[idxBuf[3]], expLUT[idxBuf[2]], expLUT[idxBuf[1]], expLUT[idxBuf[0]]);
__m128 _explut1 = _mm_set_ps(expLUT[idxBuf[3]+1], expLUT[idxBuf[2]+1], expLUT[idxBuf[1]+1], expLUT[idxBuf[0]+1]);
__m128 _w = _mm_mul_ps(_sw, _mm_add_ps(_explut, _mm_mul_ps(_alpha, _mm_sub_ps(_explut1, _explut))));
_b = _mm_mul_ps(_b, _w);
_g = _mm_mul_ps(_g, _w);
_r = _mm_mul_ps(_r, _w);
_w = _mm_hadd_ps(_w, _b);
_g = _mm_hadd_ps(_g, _r);
_w = _mm_hadd_ps(_w, _g);
_mm_store_ps(bufSum32, _w);
wsum += bufSum32[0];
sum_b += bufSum32[1];
sum_g += bufSum32[2];
sum_r += bufSum32[3];
for( ; k <= maxk-4; k += 4 )
__m128 _sw = _mm_loadu_ps(space_weight + k);
const float* sptr_k = sptr + j + space_ofs[k];
const float* sptr_k1 = sptr + j + space_ofs[k+1];
const float* sptr_k2 = sptr + j + space_ofs[k+2];
const float* sptr_k3 = sptr + j + space_ofs[k+3];
__m128 _b = _mm_set_ps(sptr_k3[0], sptr_k2[0], sptr_k1[0], sptr_k[0]);
__m128 _g = _mm_set_ps(sptr_k3[1], sptr_k2[1], sptr_k1[1], sptr_k[1]);
__m128 _r = _mm_set_ps(sptr_k3[2], sptr_k2[2], sptr_k1[2], sptr_k[2]);
__m128 _bt = _mm_andnot_ps(_signMask,_mm_sub_ps(_b,_b0));
__m128 _gt = _mm_andnot_ps(_signMask,_mm_sub_ps(_g,_g0));
__m128 _rt = _mm_andnot_ps(_signMask,_mm_sub_ps(_r,_r0));
__m128 _alpha = _mm_mul_ps(_scale_index, _mm_add_ps(_rt,_mm_add_ps(_bt, _gt)));
__m128i _idx = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_alpha);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)idxBuf, _idx);
_alpha = _mm_sub_ps(_alpha, _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_idx));
__m128 _explut = _mm_set_ps(expLUT[idxBuf[3]], expLUT[idxBuf[2]], expLUT[idxBuf[1]], expLUT[idxBuf[0]]);
__m128 _explut1 = _mm_set_ps(expLUT[idxBuf[3]+1], expLUT[idxBuf[2]+1], expLUT[idxBuf[1]+1], expLUT[idxBuf[0]+1]);
__m128 _w = _mm_mul_ps(_sw, _mm_add_ps(_explut, _mm_mul_ps(_alpha, _mm_sub_ps(_explut1, _explut))));
_b = _mm_mul_ps(_b, _w);
_g = _mm_mul_ps(_g, _w);
_r = _mm_mul_ps(_r, _w);
_w = _mm_hadd_ps(_w, _b);
_g = _mm_hadd_ps(_g, _r);
_w = _mm_hadd_ps(_w, _g);
_mm_store_ps(bufSum32, _w);
wsum += bufSum32[0];
sum_b += bufSum32[1];
sum_g += bufSum32[2];
sum_r += bufSum32[3];
for(; k < maxk; k++ )
const float* sptr_k = sptr + j + space_ofs[k];
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