Commit 33bc0895 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

fixed HOGDescriptor::detect and HOGDescriptor::detectMultiScale signatures (ticket #1304)

parent 0b234b7a
......@@ -546,22 +546,22 @@ public:
const vector<Point>& locations=vector<Point>()) const;
//with found weights output
CV_WRAP virtual void detect(const Mat& img, CV_OUT vector<Point>& foundLocations,
vector<double>& weights,
CV_OUT vector<double>& weights,
double hitThreshold=0, Size winStride=Size(),
Size padding=Size(),
const vector<Point>& searchLocations=vector<Point>()) const;
//without found weights output
CV_WRAP virtual void detect(const Mat& img, CV_OUT vector<Point>& foundLocations,
virtual void detect(const Mat& img, CV_OUT vector<Point>& foundLocations,
double hitThreshold=0, Size winStride=Size(),
Size padding=Size(),
const vector<Point>& searchLocations=vector<Point>()) const;
//with result weights output
CV_WRAP virtual void detectMultiScale(const Mat& img, CV_OUT vector<Rect>& foundLocations,
vector<double>& foundWeights, double hitThreshold=0,
CV_OUT vector<double>& foundWeights, double hitThreshold=0,
Size winStride=Size(), Size padding=Size(), double scale=1.05,
double finalThreshold=2.0,bool useMeanshiftGrouping = false) const;
//without found weights output
CV_WRAP virtual void detectMultiScale(const Mat& img, CV_OUT vector<Rect>& foundLocations,
virtual void detectMultiScale(const Mat& img, CV_OUT vector<Rect>& foundLocations,
double hitThreshold=0, Size winStride=Size(),
Size padding=Size(), double scale=1.05,
double finalThreshold=2.0, bool useMeanshiftGrouping = false) const;
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'loading error'
found = hog.detectMultiScale(img, winStride=(8,8), padding=(32,32), scale=1.05)
found, w = hog.detectMultiScale(img, winStride=(8,8), padding=(32,32), scale=1.05)
found_filtered = []
for ri, r in enumerate(found):
for qi, q in enumerate(found):
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