Commit 32d578f5 authored by Vladislav Vinogradov's avatar Vladislav Vinogradov

fixed gridTransform overloads problems

parent ada858e1
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ namespace
template <typename T>
void copyWithMask(const GpuMat& src, const GpuMat& dst, const GpuMat& mask, Stream& stream)
gridTransform_< CopyToPolicy<sizeof(typename VecTraits<T>::elem_type)> >(globPtr<T>(src), globPtr<T>(dst), identity<T>(), globPtr<uchar>(mask), stream);
gridTransformUnary_< CopyToPolicy<sizeof(typename VecTraits<T>::elem_type)> >(globPtr<T>(src), globPtr<T>(dst), identity<T>(), globPtr<uchar>(mask), stream);
......@@ -268,14 +268,14 @@ namespace
void setToWithOutMask(const GpuMat& mat, Scalar _scalar, Stream& stream)
Scalar_<typename VecTraits<T>::elem_type> scalar = _scalar;
gridTransform(constantPtr(VecTraits<T>::make(scalar.val), mat.rows, mat.cols), globPtr<T>(mat), identity<T>(), stream);
gridTransformUnary(constantPtr(VecTraits<T>::make(scalar.val), mat.rows, mat.cols), globPtr<T>(mat), identity<T>(), stream);
template <typename T>
void setToWithMask(const GpuMat& mat, const GpuMat& mask, Scalar _scalar, Stream& stream)
Scalar_<typename VecTraits<T>::elem_type> scalar = _scalar;
gridTransform(constantPtr(VecTraits<T>::make(scalar.val), mat.rows, mat.cols), globPtr<T>(mat), identity<T>(), globPtr<uchar>(mask), stream);
gridTransformUnary(constantPtr(VecTraits<T>::make(scalar.val), mat.rows, mat.cols), globPtr<T>(mat), identity<T>(), globPtr<uchar>(mask), stream);
......@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ namespace
typedef typename LargerType<src_elem_type, float>::type larger_elem_type;
typedef typename LargerType<float, dst_elem_type>::type scalar_type;
gridTransform_< ConvertToPolicy<scalar_type> >(globPtr<T>(src), globPtr<D>(dst), saturate_cast_func<T, D>(), stream);
gridTransformUnary_< ConvertToPolicy<scalar_type> >(globPtr<T>(src), globPtr<D>(dst), saturate_cast_func<T, D>(), stream);
template <typename T, typename D, typename S> struct Convertor : unary_function<T, D>
......@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ namespace
op.alpha = cv::saturate_cast<scalar_type>(alpha);
op.beta = cv::saturate_cast<scalar_type>(beta);
gridTransform_< ConvertToPolicy<scalar_type> >(globPtr<T>(src), globPtr<D>(dst), op, stream);
gridTransformUnary_< ConvertToPolicy<scalar_type> >(globPtr<T>(src), globPtr<D>(dst), op, stream);
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ namespace grid_transform_detail
template <int SHIFT, typename SrcType1, typename SrcType2, typename DstType, class BinOp, class MaskPtr>
__global__ void transformSmart(const GlobPtr<SrcType1> src1_, const GlobPtr<SrcType2> src2_, PtrStep<DstType> dst_, const BinOp op, const MaskPtr mask, const int rows, const int cols)
__global__ void transformSmart(const GlobPtr<SrcType1> src1_, const GlobPtr<SrcType2> src2_, GlobPtr<DstType> dst_, const BinOp op, const MaskPtr mask, const int rows, const int cols)
typedef typename MakeVec<SrcType1, SHIFT>::type read_type1;
typedef typename MakeVec<SrcType2, SHIFT>::type read_type2;
......@@ -345,25 +345,25 @@ namespace grid_transform_detail
template <class Policy, class SrcPtr, typename DstType, class UnOp, class MaskPtr>
__host__ void transform(const SrcPtr& src, const GlobPtr<DstType>& dst, const UnOp& op, const MaskPtr& mask, int rows, int cols, cudaStream_t stream)
__host__ void transform_unary(const SrcPtr& src, const GlobPtr<DstType>& dst, const UnOp& op, const MaskPtr& mask, int rows, int cols, cudaStream_t stream)
TransformDispatcher<false, Policy>::call(src, dst, op, mask, rows, cols, stream);
template <class Policy, class SrcPtr1, class SrcPtr2, typename DstType, class BinOp, class MaskPtr>
__host__ void transform(const SrcPtr1& src1, const SrcPtr2& src2, const GlobPtr<DstType>& dst, const BinOp& op, const MaskPtr& mask, int rows, int cols, cudaStream_t stream)
__host__ void transform_binary(const SrcPtr1& src1, const SrcPtr2& src2, const GlobPtr<DstType>& dst, const BinOp& op, const MaskPtr& mask, int rows, int cols, cudaStream_t stream)
TransformDispatcher<false, Policy>::call(src1, src2, dst, op, mask, rows, cols, stream);
template <class Policy, typename SrcType, typename DstType, class UnOp, class MaskPtr>
__host__ void transform(const GlobPtr<SrcType>& src, const GlobPtr<DstType>& dst, const UnOp& op, const MaskPtr& mask, int rows, int cols, cudaStream_t stream)
__host__ void transform_unary(const GlobPtr<SrcType>& src, const GlobPtr<DstType>& dst, const UnOp& op, const MaskPtr& mask, int rows, int cols, cudaStream_t stream)
TransformDispatcher<VecTraits<SrcType>::cn == 1 && VecTraits<DstType>::cn == 1 && Policy::shift != 1, Policy>::call(src, dst, op, mask, rows, cols, stream);
template <class Policy, typename SrcType1, typename SrcType2, typename DstType, class BinOp, class MaskPtr>
__host__ void transform(const GlobPtr<SrcType1>& src1, const GlobPtr<SrcType2>& src2, const GlobPtr<DstType>& dst, const BinOp& op, const MaskPtr& mask, int rows, int cols, cudaStream_t stream)
__host__ void transform_binary(const GlobPtr<SrcType1>& src1, const GlobPtr<SrcType2>& src2, const GlobPtr<DstType>& dst, const BinOp& op, const MaskPtr& mask, int rows, int cols, cudaStream_t stream)
TransformDispatcher<VecTraits<SrcType1>::cn == 1 && VecTraits<SrcType2>::cn == 1 && VecTraits<DstType>::cn == 1 && Policy::shift != 1, Policy>::call(src1, src2, dst, op, mask, rows, cols, stream);
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