Commit 32a2fde8 authored by Vladislav Vinogradov's avatar Vladislav Vinogradov

temporarily disabled compute descriptor kernel for new cards (some problems with…

temporarily disabled compute descriptor kernel for new cards (some problems with threads synchronization), old version of kernels is used.
parent 5b3d786e
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
__constant__ float c_dxy_scale;
// The scale associated with the first interval of the first octave
__constant__ float c_initialScale;
//! The interest operator threshold
// The interest operator threshold
__constant__ float c_threshold;
// Ther octave
......@@ -170,31 +170,31 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
__device__ float evalDxx(float x, float y, float t, float mask_width, float mask_height, float fscale)
float Dxx = 0.f;
Dxx += iiAreaLookupCDHalfWH(x, y, mask_height, mask_width);
Dxx -= t * iiAreaLookupCDHalfWH(x, y, fscale , mask_width);
float Dxx = 0.f;
Dxx *= 1.0f / (fscale * fscale);
Dxx += iiAreaLookupCDHalfWH(x, y, mask_height, mask_width);
Dxx -= t * iiAreaLookupCDHalfWH(x, y, fscale , mask_width);
return Dxx;
Dxx *= 1.0f / (fscale * fscale);
return Dxx;
__device__ float evalDxy(float x, float y, float fscale)
float center_offset = c_dxy_center_offset * fscale;
float half_width = c_dxy_half_width * fscale;
float center_offset = c_dxy_center_offset * fscale;
float half_width = c_dxy_half_width * fscale;
float Dxy = 0.f;
float Dxy = 0.f;
Dxy += iiAreaLookupCDHalfWH(x - center_offset, y - center_offset, half_width, half_width);
Dxy -= iiAreaLookupCDHalfWH(x - center_offset, y + center_offset, half_width, half_width);
Dxy += iiAreaLookupCDHalfWH(x + center_offset, y + center_offset, half_width, half_width);
Dxy -= iiAreaLookupCDHalfWH(x + center_offset, y - center_offset, half_width, half_width);
Dxy *= 1.0f / (fscale * fscale);
Dxy += iiAreaLookupCDHalfWH(x - center_offset, y - center_offset, half_width, half_width);
Dxy -= iiAreaLookupCDHalfWH(x - center_offset, y + center_offset, half_width, half_width);
Dxy += iiAreaLookupCDHalfWH(x + center_offset, y + center_offset, half_width, half_width);
Dxy -= iiAreaLookupCDHalfWH(x + center_offset, y - center_offset, half_width, half_width);
return Dxy;
Dxy *= 1.0f / (fscale * fscale);
return Dxy;
__device__ float calcScale(int hidx_z)
......@@ -212,30 +212,30 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
float fscale = calcScale(hidx_z);
// Compute the lookup location of the mask center
// Compute the lookup location of the mask center
float x = hidx_x * c_step + c_border;
float y = hidx_y * c_step + c_border;
// Scale the mask dimensions according to the scale
// Scale the mask dimensions according to the scale
if (hidx_x < c_x_size && hidx_y < c_y_size && hidx_z < c_nIntervals)
float mask_width = c_mask_width * fscale;
float mask_height = c_mask_height * fscale;
// Compute the filter responses
float Dyy = evalDyy(x, y, c_mask_height, mask_width, mask_height, fscale);
float Dxx = evalDxx(x, y, c_mask_height, mask_width, mask_height, fscale);
float Dxy = evalDxy(x, y, fscale);
// Combine the responses and store the Laplacian sign
float result = (Dxx * Dyy) - c_dxy_scale * (Dxy * Dxy);
if (Dxx + Dyy > 0.f)
hessianBuffer.ptr(c_y_size * hidx_z + hidx_y)[hidx_x] = result;
float mask_width = c_mask_width * fscale;
float mask_height = c_mask_height * fscale;
// Compute the filter responses
float Dyy = evalDyy(x, y, c_mask_height, mask_width, mask_height, fscale);
float Dxx = evalDxx(x, y, c_mask_height, mask_width, mask_height, fscale);
float Dxy = evalDxy(x, y, fscale);
// Combine the responses and store the Laplacian sign
float result = (Dxx * Dyy) - c_dxy_scale * (Dxy * Dxy);
if (Dxx + Dyy > 0.f)
hessianBuffer.ptr(c_y_size * hidx_z + hidx_y)[hidx_x] = result;
......@@ -252,33 +252,33 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
float fscale = calcScale(hidx_z);
// Compute the lookup location of the mask center
// Compute the lookup location of the mask center
float x = hidx_x * c_step + c_border;
float y = hidx_y * c_step + c_border;
// Scale the mask dimensions according to the scale
// Scale the mask dimensions according to the scale
if (hidx_x < c_x_size && hidx_y < c_y_size && hidx_z < c_nIntervals)
float mask_width = c_mask_width * fscale;
float mask_height = c_mask_height * fscale;
// Compute the filter responses
float Dyy = evalDyy(x, y, c_mask_height, mask_width, mask_height, fscale);
float Dxx = evalDxx(x, y, c_mask_height, mask_width, mask_height, fscale);
float Dxy = evalDxy(x, y, fscale);
// Combine the responses and store the Laplacian sign
float result = (Dxx * Dyy) - c_dxy_scale * (Dxy * Dxy);
if (Dxx + Dyy > 0.f)
hessianBuffer.ptr(c_y_size * hidx_z + hidx_y)[hidx_x] = result;
float mask_width = c_mask_width * fscale;
float mask_height = c_mask_height * fscale;
// Compute the filter responses
float Dyy = evalDyy(x, y, c_mask_height, mask_width, mask_height, fscale);
float Dxx = evalDxx(x, y, c_mask_height, mask_width, mask_height, fscale);
float Dxy = evalDxy(x, y, fscale);
// Combine the responses and store the Laplacian sign
float result = (Dxx * Dyy) - c_dxy_scale * (Dxy * Dxy);
if (Dxx + Dyy > 0.f)
hessianBuffer.ptr(c_y_size * hidx_z + hidx_y)[hidx_x] = result;
dim3 calcBlockSize(int nIntervals)
int threadsPerBlock = 512;
......@@ -302,11 +302,11 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
grid.x = divUp(x_size, threads.x);
grid.y = divUp(y_size, threads.y);
fasthessian<<<grid, threads>>>(hessianBuffer);
fasthessian<<<grid, threads>>>(hessianBuffer);
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
cudaSafeCall( cudaThreadSynchronize() );
void fasthessian_gpu_old(PtrStepf hessianBuffer, int x_size, int y_size, const dim3& threadsOld)
......@@ -316,11 +316,11 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
grid.x = divUp(x_size, threads.x);
grid.y = divUp(y_size, threads.y) * threadsOld.z;
fasthessian_old<<<grid, threads>>>(hessianBuffer);
fasthessian_old<<<grid, threads>>>(hessianBuffer);
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
cudaSafeCall( cudaThreadSynchronize() );
......@@ -338,16 +338,16 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
static __device__ bool check(float x, float y, float fscale)
float half_width = fscale / 2;
float result = 0.f;
float half_width = fscale / 2;
float result = 0.f;
result += tex2D(maskSumTex, x - half_width, y - half_width);
result -= tex2D(maskSumTex, x + half_width, y - half_width);
result -= tex2D(maskSumTex, x - half_width, y + half_width);
result += tex2D(maskSumTex, x + half_width, y + half_width);
result /= (fscale * fscale);
result /= (fscale * fscale);
return (result >= 0.5f);
......@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
template <typename Mask>
__global__ void nonmaxonly(PtrStepf hessianBuffer, int4* maxPosBuffer, unsigned int* maxCounter)
#if defined (__CUDA_ARCH__) && __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 110
extern __shared__ float fh_vals[];
......@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
fh_vals[localLin] = hessianBuffer.ptr(c_y_size * hidx_z + hidx_y)[hidx_x];
// Is this location one of the ones being processed for nonmax suppression.
// Blocks overlap by one so we don't process the border threads.
bool inBounds2 = threadIdx.x > 0 && threadIdx.x < blockDim.x-1 && hidx_x < c_x_size - 1
......@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
float val = fh_vals[localLin];
// Compute the lookup location of the mask center
// Compute the lookup location of the mask center
float x = hidx_x * c_step + c_border;
float y = hidx_y * c_step + c_border;
float fscale = calcScale(hidx_z);
......@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
&& val > fh_vals[localLin + blockDim.x + 1]
&& val > fh_vals[localLin + blockDim.x ]
&& val > fh_vals[localLin + blockDim.x - 1]
&& val > fh_vals[localLin - zoff + 1]
&& val > fh_vals[localLin - zoff ]
&& val > fh_vals[localLin - zoff - 1]
......@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
&& val > fh_vals[localLin - zoff + blockDim.x + 1]
&& val > fh_vals[localLin - zoff + blockDim.x ]
&& val > fh_vals[localLin - zoff + blockDim.x - 1]
&& val > fh_vals[localLin + zoff + 1]
&& val > fh_vals[localLin + zoff ]
&& val > fh_vals[localLin + zoff - 1]
......@@ -423,14 +423,14 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
unsigned int i = atomicInc(maxCounter,(unsigned int) -1);
if (i < c_max_candidates)
int4 f = {hidx_x, hidx_y, threadIdx.z, c_octave};
maxPosBuffer[i] = f;
int4 f = {hidx_x, hidx_y, threadIdx.z, c_octave};
maxPosBuffer[i] = f;
......@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
nonmaxonly<WithMask><<<grid, threads, smem_size>>>(hessianBuffer, maxPosBuffer, maxCounterWrapper);
nonmaxonly<WithOutMask><<<grid, threads, smem_size>>>(hessianBuffer, maxPosBuffer, maxCounterWrapper);
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
cudaSafeCall( cudaThreadSynchronize() );
......@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
#define MID_IDX 1
__global__ void fh_interp_extremum(PtrStepf hessianBuffer, const int4* maxPosBuffer,
KeyPoint_GPU* featuresBuffer, unsigned int* featureCounter)
#if defined (__CUDA_ARCH__) && __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 110
int hidx_x = maxPosBuffer[blockIdx.x].x - 1 + threadIdx.x;
......@@ -481,39 +481,39 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
H[0][0] = fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX + 1][MID_IDX ]
- 2.0f*fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ]
+ fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX ];
- 2.0f*fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ]
+ fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX ];
H[1][1] = fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX + 1]
- 2.0f*fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ]
+ fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX - 1];
H[1][1] = fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX + 1]
- 2.0f*fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ]
+ fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX - 1];
H[2][2] = fh_vals[MID_IDX + 1][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ]
- 2.0f*fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ]
+ fh_vals[MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ];
- 2.0f*fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ]
+ fh_vals[MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ];
H[0][1]= 0.25f*
(fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX + 1][MID_IDX + 1] -
fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX + 1] -
fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX + 1][MID_IDX - 1] +
fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX - 1]);
fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX + 1] -
fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX + 1][MID_IDX - 1] +
fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX - 1]);
H[0][2]= 0.25f*
(fh_vals[MID_IDX + 1][MID_IDX + 1][MID_IDX ] -
fh_vals[MID_IDX + 1][MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX ] -
fh_vals[MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX + 1][MID_IDX ] +
fh_vals[MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX ]);
fh_vals[MID_IDX + 1][MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX ] -
fh_vals[MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX + 1][MID_IDX ] +
fh_vals[MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX ]);
H[1][2]= 0.25f*
(fh_vals[MID_IDX + 1][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX + 1] -
fh_vals[MID_IDX + 1][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX - 1] -
fh_vals[MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX + 1] +
fh_vals[MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX - 1]);
fh_vals[MID_IDX + 1][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX - 1] -
fh_vals[MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX + 1] +
fh_vals[MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX - 1]);
//dyx = dxy
H[1][0] = H[0][1];
......@@ -528,13 +528,13 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
dD[0] = 0.5f*(fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX + 1][MID_IDX ] -
fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX ]);
fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX ]);
dD[1] = 0.5f*(fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX + 1] -
fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX - 1]);
fh_vals[MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX - 1]);
dD[2] = 0.5f*(fh_vals[MID_IDX + 1][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ] -
fh_vals[MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ]);
fh_vals[MID_IDX - 1][MID_IDX ][MID_IDX ]);
__shared__ float invdet;
invdet = 1.f /
......@@ -577,39 +577,39 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
x[2] = -(Hinv[2][0]*(dD[0]) + Hinv[2][1]*(dD[1]) + Hinv[2][2]*(dD[2]));
if (fabs(x[0]) < 1.f && fabs(x[1]) < 1.f && fabs(x[2]) < 1.f)
// if the step is within the interpolation region, perform it
// Get a new feature index.
unsigned int i = atomicInc(featureCounter, (unsigned int)-1);
if (i < c_max_features)
p.x = ((float)maxPosBuffer[blockIdx.x].x + x[1]) * (float)c_step + c_border;
p.y = ((float)maxPosBuffer[blockIdx.x].y + x[0]) * (float)c_step + c_border;
// Get a new feature index.
unsigned int i = atomicInc(featureCounter, (unsigned int)-1);
if (i < c_max_features)
p.x = ((float)maxPosBuffer[blockIdx.x].x + x[1]) * (float)c_step + c_border;
p.y = ((float)maxPosBuffer[blockIdx.x].y + x[0]) * (float)c_step + c_border;
if (x[2] > 0)
if (x[2] > 0)
float a = calcScale(maxPosBuffer[blockIdx.x].z);
float b = calcScale(maxPosBuffer[blockIdx.x].z + 1);
p.size = (1.f - x[2]) * a + x[2] * b;
p.size = (1.f - x[2]) * a + x[2] * b;
float a = calcScale(maxPosBuffer[blockIdx.x].z);
float b = calcScale(maxPosBuffer[blockIdx.x].z - 1);
p.size = (1.f + x[2]) * a - x[2] * b;
p.size = (1.f + x[2]) * a - x[2] * b;
p.octave = c_octave;
p.octave = c_octave;
p.response = fh_vals[MID_IDX][MID_IDX][MID_IDX];
p.response = fh_vals[MID_IDX][MID_IDX][MID_IDX];
// Should we split up this transfer over many threads?
featuresBuffer[i] = p;
// Should we split up this transfer over many threads?
featuresBuffer[i] = p;
} // If the subpixel interpolation worked
} // If this is thread 0.
......@@ -624,12 +624,12 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
threads.x = 3;
threads.y = 3;
threads.z = 3;
dim3 grid;
grid.x = maxCounter;
DeviceReference<unsigned int> featureCounterWrapper(featureCounter);
fh_interp_extremum<<<grid, threads>>>(hessianBuffer, maxPosBuffer, featuresBuffer, featureCounterWrapper);
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
......@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
__shared__ float texLookups[17][17];
__shared__ float Edx[13*13];
__shared__ float Edy[13*13];
__shared__ float xys[3];
......@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
// Read my x, y, size.
if (tid < 3)
xys[tid] = ((float*)(&features[blockIdx.x]))[tid];
xys[tid] = ((float*)(&features[blockIdx.x]))[tid];
......@@ -680,31 +680,30 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
float dx = 0.f;
float dy = 0.f;
// Computes lookups for all points in a 13x13 lattice.
// - SURF says to only use a circle, but the branching logic would slow it down
// - Gaussian weighting should reduce the effects of the outer points anyway
if (tid2 < 169)
// Computes lookups for all points in a 13x13 lattice.
// - SURF says to only use a circle, but the branching logic would slow it down
// - Gaussian weighting should reduce the effects of the outer points anyway
if (tid2 < 169)
dx -= texLookups[threadIdx.x ][threadIdx.y ];
dx += 2.f*texLookups[threadIdx.x + 2][threadIdx.y ];
dx -= texLookups[threadIdx.x + 4][threadIdx.y ];
dx += texLookups[threadIdx.x ][threadIdx.y + 4];
dx -= 2.f*texLookups[threadIdx.x + 2][threadIdx.y + 4];
dx += texLookups[threadIdx.x + 4][threadIdx.y + 4];
dy -= texLookups[threadIdx.x ][threadIdx.y ];
dy += 2.f*texLookups[threadIdx.x ][threadIdx.y + 2];
dy -= texLookups[threadIdx.x ][threadIdx.y + 4];
dy += texLookups[threadIdx.x + 4][threadIdx.y ];
dy -= 2.f*texLookups[threadIdx.x + 4][threadIdx.y + 2];
dy += texLookups[threadIdx.x + 4][threadIdx.y + 4];
float g = c_gauss1D[threadIdx.x] * c_gauss1D[threadIdx.y];
Edx[tid2] = dx * g;
Edy[tid2] = dy * g;
dx -= texLookups[threadIdx.x ][threadIdx.y ];
dx += 2.f*texLookups[threadIdx.x + 2][threadIdx.y ];
dx -= texLookups[threadIdx.x + 4][threadIdx.y ];
dx += texLookups[threadIdx.x ][threadIdx.y + 4];
dx -= 2.f*texLookups[threadIdx.x + 2][threadIdx.y + 4];
dx += texLookups[threadIdx.x + 4][threadIdx.y + 4];
dy -= texLookups[threadIdx.x ][threadIdx.y ];
dy += 2.f*texLookups[threadIdx.x ][threadIdx.y + 2];
dy -= texLookups[threadIdx.x ][threadIdx.y + 4];
dy += texLookups[threadIdx.x + 4][threadIdx.y ];
dy -= 2.f*texLookups[threadIdx.x + 4][threadIdx.y + 2];
dy += texLookups[threadIdx.x + 4][threadIdx.y + 4];
float g = c_gauss1D[threadIdx.x] * c_gauss1D[threadIdx.y];
Edx[tid2] = dx * g;
Edy[tid2] = dy * g;
......@@ -713,15 +712,15 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
// Gets 128-168
if (tid < 41)
Edx[tid] += Edx[tid + 128];
Edx[tid] += Edx[tid + 128];
if (tid < 64)
if (tid < 64)
Edx[tid] += Edx[tid + 64];
if (tid < 32)
Edx[tid] += Edx[tid + 64];
if (tid < 32)
volatile float* smem = Edx;
......@@ -736,15 +735,15 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
// Gets 128-168
if (tid < 41)
Edy[tid] += Edy[tid + 128];
if (tid < 64)
Edy[tid] += Edy[tid + 128];
if (tid < 64)
Edy[tid] += Edy[tid + 64];
if (tid < 32)
Edy[tid] += Edy[tid + 64];
if (tid < 32)
volatile float* smem = Edy;
......@@ -755,11 +754,11 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
smem[tid] += smem[tid + 2];
smem[tid] += smem[tid + 1];
// Thread 0 saves back the result.
if (tid == 0)
features[blockIdx.x].angle = -atan2(Edy[0], Edx[0]) * (180.0f / CV_PI);
features[blockIdx.x].angle = -atan2(Edy[0], Edx[0]) * (180.0f / CV_PI);
......@@ -783,13 +782,13 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
// precomputed values for a Gaussian with a standard deviation of 3.3
// - it appears SURF uses a different value, but not sure what it is
__constant__ float c_3p3gauss1D[20] =
__constant__ float c_3p3gauss1D[20] =
0.001917811039f, 0.004382549939f, 0.009136246641f, 0.017375153068f, 0.030144587513f,
0.047710056854f, 0.068885910797f, 0.090734146446f, 0.109026229640f, 0.119511889092f,
0.119511889092f, 0.109026229640f, 0.090734146446f, 0.068885910797f, 0.047710056854f,
0.030144587513f, 0.017375153068f, 0.009136246641f, 0.004382549939f, 0.001917811039f
0.047710056854f, 0.068885910797f, 0.090734146446f, 0.109026229640f, 0.119511889092f,
0.119511889092f, 0.109026229640f, 0.090734146446f, 0.068885910797f, 0.047710056854f,
0.030144587513f, 0.017375153068f, 0.009136246641f, 0.004382549939f, 0.001917811039f
template <int BLOCK_DIM_X>
__global__ void normalize_descriptors(PtrStepf descriptors)
......@@ -806,7 +805,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
if (BLOCK_DIM_X >= 128)
if (threadIdx.x < 64)
sqDesc[threadIdx.x] += sqDesc[threadIdx.x + 64];
sqDesc[threadIdx.x] += sqDesc[threadIdx.x + 64];
......@@ -815,57 +814,44 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
volatile float* smem = sqDesc;
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 32];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 16];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 8];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 4];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 2];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 1];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 32];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 16];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 8];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 4];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 2];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 1];
// compute length (square root)
__shared__ float len;
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
len = sqrtf(sqDesc[0]);
len = sqrtf(sqDesc[0]);
// normalize and store in output
descriptor_base[threadIdx.x] = lookup / len;
descriptor_base[threadIdx.x] = lookup / len;
__device__ void calc_dx_dy(float sdx[4][4][25], float sdy[4][4][25], const KeyPoint_GPU* features)
__device__ void calc_dx_dy(float* sdx_bin, float* sdy_bin, const float* ipt,
int xIndex, int yIndex, int tid)
// get the interest point parameters (x, y, size, response, angle)
__shared__ float ipt[5];
if (threadIdx.x < 5 && threadIdx.y == 0 && threadIdx.z == 0)
ipt[threadIdx.x] = ((float*)(&features[blockIdx.x]))[threadIdx.x];
float sin_theta, cos_theta;
sincosf(ipt[SF_ANGLE] * (CV_PI / 180.0f), &sin_theta, &cos_theta);
// Compute sampling points
// since grids are 2D, need to compute xBlock and yBlock indices
const int xIndex = threadIdx.y * 5 + threadIdx.x % 5;
const int yIndex = threadIdx.z * 5 + threadIdx.x / 5;
// Compute rotated sampling points
// (clockwise rotation since we are rotating the lattice)
// (subtract 9.5f to start sampling at the top left of the lattice, 0.5f is to space points out properly - there is no center pixel)
const float sample_x = ipt[SF_X] + (cos_theta * ((float) (xIndex-9.5f)) * ipt[SF_SIZE]
const float sample_x = ipt[SF_X] + (cos_theta * ((float) (xIndex-9.5f)) * ipt[SF_SIZE]
+ sin_theta * ((float) (yIndex-9.5f)) * ipt[SF_SIZE]);
const float sample_y = ipt[SF_Y] + (-sin_theta * ((float) (xIndex-9.5f)) * ipt[SF_SIZE]
const float sample_y = ipt[SF_Y] + (-sin_theta * ((float) (xIndex-9.5f)) * ipt[SF_SIZE]
+ cos_theta * ((float) (yIndex-9.5f)) * ipt[SF_SIZE]);
// gather integral image lookups for Haar wavelets at each point (some lookups are shared between dx and dy)
// a b c
// d f
// g h i
// a b c
// d f
// g h i
const float a = tex2D(sumTex, sample_x - ipt[SF_SIZE], sample_y - ipt[SF_SIZE]);
const float b = tex2D(sumTex, sample_x, sample_y - ipt[SF_SIZE]);
const float c = tex2D(sumTex, sample_x + ipt[SF_SIZE], sample_y - ipt[SF_SIZE]);
......@@ -883,161 +869,200 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
// rotate responses (store all dxs then all dys)
// - counterclockwise rotation to rotate back to zero orientation
sdx[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = aa_dx * cos_theta - aa_dy * sin_theta; // rotated dx
sdy[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = aa_dx * sin_theta + aa_dy * cos_theta; // rotated dy
sdx_bin[tid] = aa_dx * cos_theta - aa_dy * sin_theta; // rotated dx
sdy_bin[tid] = aa_dx * sin_theta + aa_dy * cos_theta; // rotated dy
__device__ void reduce_sum(float sdata1[4][4][25], float sdata2[4][4][25], float sdata3[4][4][25],
float sdata4[4][4][25])
__device__ void calc_dx_dy(float* sdx_bin, float* sdy_bin, const KeyPoint_GPU* features)//(float sdx[4][4][25], float sdy[4][4][25], const KeyPoint_GPU* features)
// first step is to reduce from 25 to 16
if (threadIdx.x < 9) // use 9 threads
// get the interest point parameters (x, y, size, response, angle)
__shared__ float ipt[5];
if (threadIdx.x < 5 && threadIdx.y == 0)
sdata1[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] += sdata1[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x + 16];
sdata2[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] += sdata2[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x + 16];
sdata3[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] += sdata3[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x + 16];
sdata4[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] += sdata4[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x + 16];
ipt[threadIdx.x] = ((float*)(&features[blockIdx.x]))[threadIdx.x];
// sum (reduce) from 16 to 1 (unrolled - aligned to a half-warp)
if (threadIdx.x < 16)
volatile float* smem = sdata1[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 8];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 4];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 2];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 1];
smem = sdata2[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 8];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 4];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 2];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 1];
smem = sdata3[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y];
// Compute sampling points
// since grids are 2D, need to compute xBlock and yBlock indices
const int xBlock = (threadIdx.y & 3); // threadIdx.y % 4
const int yBlock = (threadIdx.y >> 2); // floor(threadIdx.y / 4)
const int xIndex = (xBlock * 5) + (threadIdx.x % 5);
const int yIndex = (yBlock * 5) + (threadIdx.x / 5);
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 8];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 4];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 2];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 1];
calc_dx_dy(sdx_bin, sdy_bin, ipt, xIndex, yIndex, threadIdx.x);
smem = sdata4[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y];
__device__ void reduce_sum25(volatile float* sdata1, volatile float* sdata2,
volatile float* sdata3, volatile float* sdata4, int tid)
// first step is to reduce from 25 to 16
if (tid < 9) // use 9 threads
sdata1[tid] += sdata1[tid + 16];
sdata2[tid] += sdata2[tid + 16];
sdata3[tid] += sdata3[tid + 16];
sdata4[tid] += sdata4[tid + 16];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 8];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 4];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 2];
smem[threadIdx.x] += smem[threadIdx.x + 1];
// sum (reduce) from 16 to 1 (unrolled - aligned to a half-warp)
if (tid < 16)
sdata1[tid] += sdata1[tid + 8];
sdata1[tid] += sdata1[tid + 4];
sdata1[tid] += sdata1[tid + 2];
sdata1[tid] += sdata1[tid + 1];
sdata2[tid] += sdata2[tid + 8];
sdata2[tid] += sdata2[tid + 4];
sdata2[tid] += sdata2[tid + 2];
sdata2[tid] += sdata2[tid + 1];
sdata3[tid] += sdata3[tid + 8];
sdata3[tid] += sdata3[tid + 4];
sdata3[tid] += sdata3[tid + 2];
sdata3[tid] += sdata3[tid + 1];
sdata4[tid] += sdata4[tid + 8];
sdata4[tid] += sdata4[tid + 4];
sdata4[tid] += sdata4[tid + 2];
sdata4[tid] += sdata4[tid + 1];
// Spawn 16 blocks per interest point
// - computes unnormalized 64 dimensional descriptor, puts it into d_descriptors in the correct location
__global__ void compute_descriptors64(PtrStepf descriptors, const KeyPoint_GPU* features)
// 2 floats (dx, dy) for each thread (5x5 sample points in each sub-region)
__shared__ float sdx[4][4][25];
__shared__ float sdy[4][4][25];
__shared__ float sdx [16 * 25];
__shared__ float sdy [16 * 25];
__shared__ float sdxabs[16 * 25];
__shared__ float sdyabs[16 * 25];
calc_dx_dy(sdx, sdy, features);
__shared__ float sdesc[64];
float* sdx_bin = sdx + (threadIdx.y * 25);
float* sdy_bin = sdy + (threadIdx.y * 25);
float* sdxabs_bin = sdxabs + (threadIdx.y * 25);
float* sdyabs_bin = sdyabs + (threadIdx.y * 25);
calc_dx_dy(sdx_bin, sdy_bin, features);
__shared__ float sdxabs[4][4][25];
__shared__ float sdyabs[4][4][25];
sdxabs[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = fabs(sdx[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x]); // |dx| array
sdyabs[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = fabs(sdy[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x]); // |dy| array
sdxabs_bin[threadIdx.x] = fabs(sdx_bin[threadIdx.x]); // |dx| array
sdyabs_bin[threadIdx.x] = fabs(sdy_bin[threadIdx.x]); // |dy| array
reduce_sum(sdx, sdy, sdxabs, sdyabs);
reduce_sum25(sdx_bin, sdy_bin, sdxabs_bin, sdyabs_bin, threadIdx.x);
float* descriptors_block = descriptors.ptr(blockIdx.x) + threadIdx.z * 16 + threadIdx.y * 4;
float* sdesc_bin = sdesc + (threadIdx.y << 2);
// write dx, dy, |dx|, |dy|
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
descriptors_block[0] = sdx[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][0];
descriptors_block[1] = sdy[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][0];
descriptors_block[2] = sdxabs[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][0];
descriptors_block[3] = sdyabs[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][0];
sdesc_bin[0] = sdx_bin[0];
sdesc_bin[1] = sdy_bin[0];
sdesc_bin[2] = sdxabs_bin[0];
sdesc_bin[3] = sdyabs_bin[0];
const int tid = threadIdx.y * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (tid < 64)
descriptors.ptr(blockIdx.x)[tid] = sdesc[tid];
// Spawn 16 blocks per interest point
// - computes unnormalized 128 dimensional descriptor, puts it into d_descriptors in the correct location
__global__ void compute_descriptors128(PtrStepf descriptors, const KeyPoint_GPU* features)
// 2 floats (dx,dy) for each thread (5x5 sample points in each sub-region)
__shared__ float sdx[4][4][25];
__shared__ float sdy[4][4][25];
calc_dx_dy(sdx, sdy, features);
__shared__ float sdx[16 * 25];
__shared__ float sdy[16 * 25];
// sum (reduce) 5x5 area response
__shared__ float sd1[4][4][25];
__shared__ float sd2[4][4][25];
__shared__ float sdabs1[4][4][25];
__shared__ float sdabs2[4][4][25];
__shared__ float sd1[16 * 25];
__shared__ float sd2[16 * 25];
__shared__ float sdabs1[16 * 25];
__shared__ float sdabs2[16 * 25];
__shared__ float sdesc[128];
float* sdx_bin = sdx + (threadIdx.y * 25);
float* sdy_bin = sdy + (threadIdx.y * 25);
float* sd1_bin = sd1 + (threadIdx.y * 25);
float* sd2_bin = sd2 + (threadIdx.y * 25);
float* sdabs1_bin = sdabs1 + (threadIdx.y * 25);
float* sdabs2_bin = sdabs2 + (threadIdx.y * 25);
calc_dx_dy(sdx_bin, sdy_bin, features);
if (sdy[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] >= 0)
if (sdy_bin[threadIdx.x] >= 0)
sd1[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = sdx[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x];
sdabs1[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = fabs(sdx[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x]);
sd2[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = 0;
sdabs2[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = 0;
sd1_bin[threadIdx.x] = sdx_bin[threadIdx.x];
sdabs1_bin[threadIdx.x] = fabs(sdx_bin[threadIdx.x]);
sd2_bin[threadIdx.x] = 0;
sdabs2_bin[threadIdx.x] = 0;
sd1[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = 0;
sdabs1[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = 0;
sd2[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = sdx[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x];
sdabs2[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = fabs(sdx[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x]);
sd1_bin[threadIdx.x] = 0;
sdabs1_bin[threadIdx.x] = 0;
sd2_bin[threadIdx.x] = sdx_bin[threadIdx.x];
sdabs2_bin[threadIdx.x] = fabs(sdx[threadIdx.x]);
reduce_sum(sd1, sd2, sdabs1, sdabs2);
float* descriptors_block = descriptors.ptr(blockIdx.x) + threadIdx.z * 32 + threadIdx.y * 8;
reduce_sum25(sd1_bin, sd2_bin, sdabs1_bin, sdabs2_bin, threadIdx.x);
float* sdesc_bin = sdesc + (threadIdx.y << 3);
// write dx (dy >= 0), |dx| (dy >= 0), dx (dy < 0), |dx| (dy < 0)
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
descriptors_block[0] = sd1[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][0];
descriptors_block[1] = sdabs1[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][0];
descriptors_block[2] = sd2[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][0];
descriptors_block[3] = sdabs2[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][0];
sdesc_bin[0] = sd1_bin[0];
sdesc_bin[1] = sdabs1_bin[0];
sdesc_bin[2] = sd2_bin[0];
sdesc_bin[3] = sdabs2_bin[0];
if (sdx[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] >= 0)
if (sdx_bin[threadIdx.x] >= 0)
sd1[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = sdy[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x];
sdabs1[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = fabs(sdy[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x]);
sd2[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = 0;
sdabs2[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = 0;
sd1_bin[threadIdx.x] = sdy_bin[threadIdx.x];
sdabs1_bin[threadIdx.x] = fabs(sdy_bin[threadIdx.x]);
sd2_bin[threadIdx.x] = 0;
sdabs2_bin[threadIdx.x] = 0;
sd1[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = 0;
sdabs1[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = 0;
sd2[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = sdy[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x];
sdabs2[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = fabs(sdy[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x]);
sd1_bin[threadIdx.x] = 0;
sdabs1_bin[threadIdx.x] = 0;
sd2_bin[threadIdx.x] = sdy_bin[threadIdx.x];
sdabs2_bin[threadIdx.x] = fabs(sdy_bin[threadIdx.x]);
reduce_sum(sd1, sd2, sdabs1, sdabs2);
reduce_sum25(sd1_bin, sd2_bin, sdabs1_bin, sdabs2_bin, threadIdx.x);
// write dy (dx >= 0), |dy| (dx >= 0), dy (dx < 0), |dy| (dx < 0)
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
descriptors_block[4] = sd1[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][0];
descriptors_block[5] = sdabs1[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][0];
descriptors_block[6] = sd2[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][0];
descriptors_block[7] = sdabs2[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][0];
sdesc_bin[4] = sd1_bin[0];
sdesc_bin[5] = sdabs1_bin[0];
sdesc_bin[6] = sd2_bin[0];
sdesc_bin[7] = sdabs2_bin[0];
const int tid = threadIdx.y * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (tid < 128)
descriptors.ptr(blockIdx.x)[tid] = sdesc[tid];
void compute_descriptors_gpu(const DevMem2Df& descriptors, const KeyPoint_GPU* features, int nFeatures)
......@@ -1046,7 +1071,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
if (descriptors.cols == 64)
compute_descriptors64<<<dim3(nFeatures, 1, 1), dim3(25, 4, 4)>>>(descriptors, features);
compute_descriptors64<<<dim3(nFeatures, 1, 1), dim3(25, 16, 1)>>>(descriptors, features);
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
cudaSafeCall( cudaThreadSynchronize() );
......@@ -1058,7 +1083,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
compute_descriptors128<<<dim3(nFeatures, 1, 1), dim3(25, 4, 4)>>>(descriptors, features);
compute_descriptors128<<<dim3(nFeatures, 1, 1), dim3(25, 16, 1)>>>(descriptors, features);
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
cudaSafeCall( cudaThreadSynchronize() );
......@@ -1080,110 +1105,47 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
float sin_theta, cos_theta;
sincosf(ipt[SF_ANGLE] * (CV_PI / 180.0f), &sin_theta, &cos_theta);
// Compute sampling points
// since grids are 2D, need to compute xBlock and yBlock indices
const int xBlock = (blockIdx.y & 3); // blockIdx.y % 4
const int xBlock = (blockIdx.y & 3); // blockIdx.y % 4
const int yBlock = (blockIdx.y >> 2); // floor(blockIdx.y/4)
const int xIndex = xBlock * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
const int yIndex = yBlock * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
// Compute rotated sampling points
// (clockwise rotation since we are rotating the lattice)
// (subtract 9.5f to start sampling at the top left of the lattice, 0.5f is to space points out properly - there is no center pixel)
const float sample_x = ipt[SF_X] + (cos_theta * ((float) (xIndex-9.5f)) * ipt[SF_SIZE]
+ sin_theta * ((float) (yIndex-9.5f)) * ipt[SF_SIZE]);
const float sample_y = ipt[SF_Y] + (-sin_theta * ((float) (xIndex-9.5f)) * ipt[SF_SIZE]
+ cos_theta * ((float) (yIndex-9.5f)) * ipt[SF_SIZE]);
// gather integral image lookups for Haar wavelets at each point (some lookups are shared between dx and dy)
// a b c
// d f
// g h i
const float a = tex2D(sumTex, sample_x - ipt[SF_SIZE], sample_y - ipt[SF_SIZE]);
const float b = tex2D(sumTex, sample_x, sample_y - ipt[SF_SIZE]);
const float c = tex2D(sumTex, sample_x + ipt[SF_SIZE], sample_y - ipt[SF_SIZE]);
const float d = tex2D(sumTex, sample_x - ipt[SF_SIZE], sample_y);
const float f = tex2D(sumTex, sample_x + ipt[SF_SIZE], sample_y);
const float g = tex2D(sumTex, sample_x - ipt[SF_SIZE], sample_y + ipt[SF_SIZE]);
const float h = tex2D(sumTex, sample_x, sample_y + ipt[SF_SIZE]);
const float i = tex2D(sumTex, sample_x + ipt[SF_SIZE], sample_y + ipt[SF_SIZE]);
// compute axis-aligned HaarX, HaarY
// (could group the additions together into multiplications)
const float gauss = c_3p3gauss1D[xIndex] * c_3p3gauss1D[yIndex]; // separable because independent (circular)
const float aa_dx = gauss * (-(a-b-g+h) + (b-c-h+i)); // unrotated dx
const float aa_dy = gauss * (-(a-c-d+f) + (d-f-g+i)); // unrotated dy
// rotate responses (store all dxs then all dys)
// - counterclockwise rotation to rotate back to zero orientation
sdx[tid] = aa_dx * cos_theta - aa_dy * sin_theta; // rotated dx
sdy[tid] = aa_dx * sin_theta + aa_dy * cos_theta; // rotated dy
__device__ void reduce_sum_old(float sdata[25], int tid)
// first step is to reduce from 25 to 16
if (tid < 9) // use 9 threads
sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 16];
// sum (reduce) from 16 to 1 (unrolled - aligned to a half-warp)
if (tid < 16)
volatile float* smem = sdata;
smem[tid] += smem[tid + 8];
smem[tid] += smem[tid + 4];
smem[tid] += smem[tid + 2];
smem[tid] += smem[tid + 1];
calc_dx_dy(sdx, sdy, ipt, xIndex, yIndex, tid);
// Spawn 16 blocks per interest point
// - computes unnormalized 64 dimensional descriptor, puts it into d_descriptors in the correct location
__global__ void compute_descriptors64_old(PtrStepf descriptors, const KeyPoint_GPU* features)
const int tid = threadIdx.y * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
float* descriptors_block = descriptors.ptr(blockIdx.x) + (blockIdx.y << 2);
// 2 floats (dx,dy) for each thread (5x5 sample points in each sub-region)
__shared__ float sdx[25];
__shared__ float sdx[25];
__shared__ float sdy[25];
__shared__ float sdxabs[25];
__shared__ float sdyabs[25];
const int tid = threadIdx.y * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
calc_dx_dy_old(sdx, sdy, features, tid);
__shared__ float sabs[25];
sdxabs[tid] = fabs(sdx[tid]); // |dx| array
sdyabs[tid] = fabs(sdy[tid]); // |dy| array
sabs[tid] = fabs(sdx[tid]); // |dx| array
reduce_sum25(sdx, sdy, sdxabs, sdyabs, tid);
reduce_sum_old(sdx, tid);
reduce_sum_old(sdy, tid);
reduce_sum_old(sabs, tid);
float* descriptors_block = descriptors.ptr(blockIdx.x) + (blockIdx.y << 2);
// write dx, dy, |dx|
// write dx, dy, |dx|, |dy|
if (tid == 0)
descriptors_block[0] = sdx[0];
descriptors_block[1] = sdy[0];
descriptors_block[2] = sabs[0];
sabs[tid] = fabs(sdy[tid]); // |dy| array
reduce_sum_old(sabs, tid);
// write |dy|
if (tid == 0)
descriptors_block[3] = sabs[0];
descriptors_block[2] = sdxabs[0];
descriptors_block[3] = sdyabs[0];
......@@ -1191,23 +1153,21 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
// - computes unnormalized 128 dimensional descriptor, puts it into d_descriptors in the correct location
__global__ void compute_descriptors128_old(PtrStepf descriptors, const KeyPoint_GPU* features)
float* descriptors_block = descriptors.ptr(blockIdx.x) + (blockIdx.y << 3);
const int tid = threadIdx.y * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
// 2 floats (dx,dy) for each thread (5x5 sample points in each sub-region)
__shared__ float sdx[25];
__shared__ float sdx[25];
__shared__ float sdy[25];
calc_dx_dy_old(sdx, sdy, features, tid);
// sum (reduce) 5x5 area response
__shared__ float sd1[25];
__shared__ float sd2[25];
__shared__ float sdabs1[25];
__shared__ float sdabs1[25];
__shared__ float sdabs2[25];
const int tid = threadIdx.y * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
calc_dx_dy_old(sdx, sdy, features, tid);
if (sdy[tid] >= 0)
sd1[tid] = sdx[tid];
......@@ -1223,11 +1183,11 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
sdabs2[tid] = fabs(sdx[tid]);
reduce_sum_old(sd1, tid);
reduce_sum_old(sd2, tid);
reduce_sum_old(sdabs1, tid);
reduce_sum_old(sdabs2, tid);
reduce_sum25(sd1, sd1, sdabs1, sdabs2, tid);
float* descriptors_block = descriptors.ptr(blockIdx.x) + (blockIdx.y << 3);
// write dx (dy >= 0), |dx| (dy >= 0), dx (dy < 0), |dx| (dy < 0)
if (tid == 0)
......@@ -1254,11 +1214,9 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace surf
sdabs2[tid] = fabs(sdy[tid]);
reduce_sum_old(sd1, tid);
reduce_sum_old(sd2, tid);
reduce_sum_old(sdabs1, tid);
reduce_sum_old(sdabs2, tid);
reduce_sum25(sd1, sd1, sdabs1, sdabs2, tid);
// write dy (dx >= 0), |dy| (dx >= 0), dy (dx < 0), |dy| (dx < 0)
if (tid == 0)
......@@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ namespace
typedef void (*compute_descriptors_t)(const DevMem2Df& descriptors,
const KeyPoint_GPU* features, int nFeatures);
const compute_descriptors_t compute_descriptors =
DeviceInfo().supports(FEATURE_SET_COMPUTE_13) ? compute_descriptors_gpu : compute_descriptors_gpu_old;
const compute_descriptors_t compute_descriptors = compute_descriptors_gpu_old;
//DeviceInfo().supports(FEATURE_SET_COMPUTE_13) ? compute_descriptors_gpu : compute_descriptors_gpu_old;
if (keypoints.cols > 0)
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