Commit 31c79668 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

Merge pull request #8803 from 4ekmah:sgbm_modehh4_SIMD

parents 7b8d1073 a113e8f0
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ using namespace cv;
void MakeArtificialExample(RNG rng, Mat& dst_left_view, Mat& dst_view);
typedef tuple<Size, int, SGBMModes> SGBMParams;
typedef TestBaseWithParam<SGBMParams> TestStereoCorresp;
......@@ -155,9 +155,13 @@ static void calcPixelCostBT( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2, int y,
int n1 = y > 0 ? -(int)img1.step : 0, s1 = y < img1.rows-1 ? (int)img1.step : 0;
int n2 = y > 0 ? -(int)img2.step : 0, s2 = y < img2.rows-1 ? (int)img2.step : 0;
int minX_cmn = std::min(minX1,minX2)-1;
int maxX_cmn = std::max(maxX1,maxX2)+1;
minX_cmn = std::max(minX_cmn, 1);
maxX_cmn = std::min(maxX_cmn, width - 1);
if( cn == 1 )
for( x = 1; x < width-1; x++ )
for( x = minX_cmn; x < maxX_cmn; x++ )
prow1[x] = tab[(row1[x+1] - row1[x-1])*2 + row1[x+n1+1] - row1[x+n1-1] + row1[x+s1+1] - row1[x+s1-1]];
prow2[width-1-x] = tab[(row2[x+1] - row2[x-1])*2 + row2[x+n2+1] - row2[x+n2-1] + row2[x+s2+1] - row2[x+s2-1]];
......@@ -168,7 +172,7 @@ static void calcPixelCostBT( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2, int y,
for( x = 1; x < width-1; x++ )
for( x = minX_cmn; x < maxX_cmn; x++ )
prow1[x] = tab[(row1[x*3+3] - row1[x*3-3])*2 + row1[x*3+n1+3] - row1[x*3+n1-3] + row1[x*3+s1+3] - row1[x*3+s1-3]];
prow1[x+width] = tab[(row1[x*3+4] - row1[x*3-2])*2 + row1[x*3+n1+4] - row1[x*3+n1-2] + row1[x*3+s1+4] - row1[x*3+s1-2]];
......@@ -864,6 +868,7 @@ struct CalcVerticalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
Cbuf = alignedBuf;
Sbuf = Cbuf + CSBufSize;
hsumBuf = Sbuf + CSBufSize;
useSIMD = hasSIMD128();
void operator()( const Range& range ) const
......@@ -951,6 +956,24 @@ struct CalcVerticalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
const CostType* pixAdd = pixDiff + std::min(x + SW2*D, (width1-1)*D);
const CostType* pixSub = pixDiff + std::max(x - (SW2+1)*D, 0);
#if CV_SIMD128
if( useSIMD )
for( d = 0; d < D; d += 8 )
v_int16x8 hv = v_load(hsumAdd + x - D + d);
v_int16x8 Cx = v_load(Cprev + x + d);
v_int16x8 psub = v_load(pixSub + d);
v_int16x8 padd = v_load(pixAdd + d);
hv = (hv - psub + padd);
psub = v_load(hsumSub + x + d);
Cx = Cx - psub + hv;
v_store(hsumAdd + x + d, hv);
v_store(C + x + d, Cx);
for( d = 0; d < D; d++ )
......@@ -1010,6 +1033,46 @@ struct CalcVerticalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
const CostType* Cp = C + x*D;
CostType* Sp = S + x*D;
#if CV_SIMD128
if( useSIMD )
v_int16x8 _P1 = v_setall_s16((short)P1);
v_int16x8 _delta = v_setall_s16((short)delta);
v_int16x8 _minL = v_setall_s16((short)MAX_COST);
for( d = 0; d < D; d += 8 )
v_int16x8 Cpd = v_load(Cp + d);
v_int16x8 L;
L = v_load(Lr_ppr + d);
L = v_min(L, (v_load(Lr_ppr + d - 1) + _P1));
L = v_min(L, (v_load(Lr_ppr + d + 1) + _P1));
L = v_min(L, _delta);
L = ((L - _delta) + Cpd);
v_store(Lr_p + d, L);
// Get minimum from in L-L3
_minL = v_min(_minL, L);
v_int16x8 Sval = v_load(Sp + d);
Sval = Sval + L;
v_store(Sp + d, Sval);
v_int32x4 min1, min2, min12;
v_expand(_minL, min1, min2);
min12 = v_min(min1,min2);
minLr[0][x] = (CostType)v_reduce_min(min12);
int minL = MAX_COST;
......@@ -1058,6 +1121,7 @@ struct CalcVerticalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
size_t LrSize;
size_t hsumBufNRows;
int ftzero;
bool useSIMD;
struct CalcHorizontalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
......@@ -1085,6 +1149,7 @@ struct CalcHorizontalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
LrSize = 2 * D2;
Cbuf = alignedBuf;
Sbuf = Cbuf + CSBufSize;
useSIMD = hasSIMD128();
void operator()( const Range& range ) const
......@@ -1138,8 +1203,48 @@ struct CalcHorizontalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
const CostType* Cp = C + x*D;
CostType* Sp = S + x*D;
int minL = MAX_COST;
#if CV_SIMD128
if( useSIMD )
v_int16x8 _P1 = v_setall_s16((short)P1);
v_int16x8 _delta = v_setall_s16((short)delta);
v_int16x8 _minL = v_setall_s16((short)MAX_COST);
for( d = 0; d < D; d += 8 )
v_int16x8 Cpd = v_load(Cp + d);
v_int16x8 L;
L = v_load(Lr_ppr + d);
L = v_min(L, (v_load(Lr_ppr + d - 1) + _P1));
L = v_min(L, (v_load(Lr_ppr + d + 1) + _P1));
L = v_min(L, _delta);
L = ((L - _delta) + Cpd);
v_store(Lr_p + d, L);
// Get minimum from in L-L3
_minL = v_min(_minL, L);
v_int16x8 Sval = v_load(Sp + d);
Sval = Sval + L;
v_store(Sp + d, Sval);
v_int32x4 min1, min2, min12;
v_expand(_minL, min1, min2);
min12 = v_min(min1,min2);
minLr = (CostType)v_reduce_min(min12);
minLr = MAX_COST;
for( d = 0; d < D; d++ )
int Cpd = Cp[d], L;
......@@ -1147,11 +1252,11 @@ struct CalcHorizontalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
L = Cpd + std::min((int)Lr_ppr[d], std::min(Lr_ppr[d-1] + P1, std::min(Lr_ppr[d+1] + P1, delta))) - delta;
Lr_p[d] = (CostType)L;
minL = std::min(minL, L);
minLr = (CostType)std::min((int)minLr, L);
Sp[d] = saturate_cast<CostType>(Sp[d] + L);
minLr = (CostType)minL;
memset( Lr - 8, 0, LrSize*sizeof(CostType) );
......@@ -1169,9 +1274,65 @@ struct CalcHorizontalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
const CostType* Cp = C + x*D;
CostType* Sp = S + x*D;
int minS = MAX_COST, bestDisp = -1;
minLr = MAX_COST;
int minL = MAX_COST;
#if CV_SIMD128
if( useSIMD )
v_int16x8 _P1 = v_setall_s16((short)P1);
v_int16x8 _delta = v_setall_s16((short)delta);
v_int16x8 _minL = v_setall_s16((short)MAX_COST);
v_int16x8 _minS = v_setall_s16(MAX_COST), _bestDisp = v_setall_s16(-1);
v_int16x8 _d8 = v_int16x8(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), _8 = v_setall_s16(8);
for( d = 0; d < D; d+= 8 )
v_int16x8 Cpd = v_load(Cp + d);
v_int16x8 L;
L = v_load(Lr_ppr + d);
L = v_min(L, (v_load(Lr_ppr + d - 1) + _P1));
L = v_min(L, (v_load(Lr_ppr + d + 1) + _P1));
L = v_min(L, _delta);
L = ((L - _delta) + Cpd);
v_store(Lr_p + d, L);
// Get minimum from in L-L3
_minL = v_min(_minL, L);
v_int16x8 Sval = v_load(Sp + d);
Sval = Sval + L;
v_int16x8 mask = Sval < _minS;
_minS = v_min( Sval, _minS );
_bestDisp = _bestDisp ^ ((_bestDisp ^ _d8) & mask);
_d8 = _d8 + _8;
v_store(Sp + d, Sval);
v_int32x4 min1, min2, min12;
v_expand(_minL, min1, min2);
min12 = v_min(min1,min2);
minLr = (CostType)v_reduce_min(min12);
v_int32x4 _d0, _d1;
v_expand(_minS, _d0, _d1);
minS = (int)std::min(v_reduce_min(_d0), v_reduce_min(_d1));
v_int16x8 v_mask = v_setall_s16((short)minS) == _minS;
_bestDisp = (_bestDisp & v_mask) | (v_setall_s16(SHRT_MAX) & ~v_mask);
v_expand(_bestDisp, _d0, _d1);
bestDisp = (int)std::min(v_reduce_min(_d0), v_reduce_min(_d1));
for( d = 0; d < D; d++ )
int Cpd = Cp[d], L;
......@@ -1179,7 +1340,7 @@ struct CalcHorizontalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
L = Cpd + std::min((int)Lr_ppr[d], std::min(Lr_ppr[d-1] + P1, std::min(Lr_ppr[d+1] + P1, delta))) - delta;
Lr_p[d] = (CostType)L;
minL = std::min(minL, L);
minLr = (CostType)std::min((int)minLr, L);
Sp[d] = saturate_cast<CostType>(Sp[d] + L);
if( Sp[d] < minS )
......@@ -1188,7 +1349,7 @@ struct CalcHorizontalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
bestDisp = d;
minLr = (CostType)minL;
//Some postprocessing procedures and saving
for( d = 0; d < D; d++ )
......@@ -1263,6 +1424,7 @@ struct CalcHorizontalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
int uniquenessRatio;
int disp12MaxDiff;
bool useSIMD;
computes disparity for "roi" in img1 w.r.t. img2 and write it to disp1buf.
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