Commit 315e7fbb authored by Alexey Smirnov's avatar Alexey Smirnov Committed by Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #13721 from smirnov-alexey:gapi_add_normalize

GAPI: Add normalize kernel in G-API (#13721)

* Add normalize kernel in G-API

In addition add several tests on new kernel

* Fix indentations and normalize test structure

* Move normalize kernel from imgproc to core

Set default parameter ddepth to -1

* Fix alignment
parent fcec053d
......@@ -459,6 +459,13 @@ namespace core {
return in;
G_TYPED_KERNEL(GNormalize, <GMat(GMat, double, double, int, int)>, "org.opencv.core.normalize") {
static GMatDesc outMeta(GMatDesc in, double, double, int, int ddepth) {
// unlike opencv doesn't have a mask as a parameter
return (ddepth < 0 ? in : in.withDepth(ddepth));
//! @addtogroup gapi_math
......@@ -1592,6 +1599,29 @@ same as the input has; if rdepth is negative, the output matrix will have the sa
@param beta optional delta added to the scaled values.
GAPI_EXPORTS GMat convertTo(const GMat& src, int rdepth, double alpha=1, double beta=0);
/** @brief Normalizes the norm or value range of an array.
The function normalizes scale and shift the input array elements so that
\f[\| \texttt{dst} \| _{L_p}= \texttt{alpha}\f]
(where p=Inf, 1 or 2) when normType=NORM_INF, NORM_L1, or NORM_L2, respectively; or so that
\f[\min _I \texttt{dst} (I)= \texttt{alpha} , \, \, \max _I \texttt{dst} (I)= \texttt{beta}\f]
when normType=NORM_MINMAX (for dense arrays only).
@note Function textual ID is "org.opencv.core.normalize"
@param src input array.
@param alpha norm value to normalize to or the lower range boundary in case of the range
@param beta upper range boundary in case of the range normalization; it is not used for the norm
@param norm_type normalization type (see cv::NormTypes).
@param ddepth when negative, the output array has the same type as src; otherwise, it has the same
number of channels as src and the depth =ddepth.
@sa norm, Mat::convertTo
GAPI_EXPORTS GMat normalize(const GMat& src, double alpha, double beta,
int norm_type, int ddepth = -1);
//! @} gapi_transform
} //namespace gapi
......@@ -669,7 +669,6 @@ Output image must be 8-bit unsigned 3-channel image @ref CV_8UC3.
@sa RGB2Lab, RGB2YUV
GAPI_EXPORTS GMat YUV2RGB(const GMat& src);
//! @} gapi_colorconvert
} //namespace gapi
} //namespace cv
......@@ -355,5 +355,11 @@ GMat sqrt(const GMat& src)
return core::GSqrt::on(src);
GMat normalize(const GMat& _src, double a, double b,
int norm_type, int ddepth)
return core::GNormalize::on(_src, a, b, norm_type, ddepth);
} //namespace gapi
} //namespace cv
......@@ -525,6 +525,15 @@ GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(GCPUSqrt, cv::gapi::core::GSqrt)
GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(GCPUNormalize, cv::gapi::core::GNormalize)
static void run(const cv::Mat& src, double a, double b,
int norm_type, int ddepth, cv::Mat& out)
cv::normalize(src, out, a, b, norm_type, ddepth);
cv::gapi::GKernelPackage cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels()
static auto pkg = cv::gapi::kernels
......@@ -590,6 +599,7 @@ cv::gapi::GKernelPackage cv::gapi::core::cpu::kernels()
, GCPUConvertTo
, GCPUSqrt
, GCPUNormalize
return pkg;
......@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ struct LUTTest : public TestParams<std::tuple<int, int, cv::Size,bool,
struct ConvertToTest : public TestParams<std::tuple<int, int, cv::Size, cv::GCompileArgs>> {};
struct PhaseTest : public TestParams<std::tuple<int, cv::Size, bool, cv::GCompileArgs>> {};
struct SqrtTest : public TestParams<std::tuple<int, cv::Size, cv::GCompileArgs>> {};
struct NormalizeTest : public TestParams<std::tuple<compare_f,MatType,cv::Size,double,double,int,MatType,bool,cv::GCompileArgs>> {};
} // opencv_test
......@@ -1437,6 +1437,40 @@ TEST_P(SqrtTest, AccuracyTest)
TEST_P(NormalizeTest, Test)
auto param = GetParam();
compare_f cmpF;
MatType type, ddepth;
cv::Size sz;
double a = 0 , b = 0;
int norm_type = 0;
bool createOut = 0;
cv::GCompileArgs compile_args;
std::tie(cmpF, type, sz, a, b, norm_type, ddepth, createOut, compile_args) = GetParam();
int dtype = CV_MAKETYPE(ddepth, CV_MAT_CN(type));
initMatsRandN(type, sz, dtype, createOut);
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::normalize(in, a, b, norm_type, ddepth);
cv::GComputation c(cv::GIn(in), cv::GOut(out));
c.apply(cv::gin(in_mat1), cv::gout(out_mat_gapi), std::move(compile_args));
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::normalize(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, a, b, norm_type, ddepth);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(out_mat_gapi.size(), sz);
} // opencv_test
......@@ -625,6 +625,7 @@ TEST_P(YUV2BGRTest, AccuracyTest)
EXPECT_EQ(out_mat_gapi.size(), std::get<1>(param));
} // opencv_test
......@@ -403,4 +403,16 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ConcatHorVecTestCPU, ConcatHorVecTest,
cv::Size(640, 480),
cv::Size(128, 128)),
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(NormalizeTestCPU, NormalizeTest,
Values(CV_8UC1, CV_8UC3, CV_16UC1, CV_16SC1, CV_32FC1),
Values(cv::Size(1280, 720),
cv::Size(640, 480)),
Values(0.0, 15.0),
Values(1.0, 120.0, 255.0),
Values(-1, CV_8U, CV_16U, CV_16S, CV_32F),
/*init output matrices or not*/ testing::Bool(),
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