Commit 30ff197f authored by saskatchewancatch's avatar saskatchewancatch

Fix whitespace issues

parent 8877e3ae
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ enum DecompTypes {
src1 and src2 denote input arrays.
enum NormTypes {
enum NormTypes {
norm = \forkthree
......@@ -167,9 +167,9 @@ enum NormTypes {
norm = \forkthree
{\| \texttt{src1} \| _{L_1} = \sum _I | \texttt{src1} (I)|}{if \(\texttt{normType} = \texttt{NORM_L1}\)}
{\| \texttt{src1} \| _{L_1} = \sum _I | \texttt{src1} (I)|}{if \(\texttt{normType} = \texttt{NORM_L1}\)}
{ \| \texttt{src1} - \texttt{src2} \| _{L_1} = \sum _I | \texttt{src1} (I) - \texttt{src2} (I)|}{if \(\texttt{normType} = \texttt{NORM_L1}\) }
{ \frac{\|\texttt{src1}-\texttt{src2}\|_{L_1} }{\|\texttt{src2}\|_{L_1}} }{if \(\texttt{normType} = \texttt{NORM_RELATIVE | NORM_L1}\) }
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