@@ -32,112 +32,6 @@ The following reference is for the detection part only. There is a separate appl
.. [Lienhart02] Rainer Lienhart and Jochen Maydt. An Extended Set of Haar-like Features for Rapid Object Detection. IEEE ICIP 2002, Vol. 1, pp. 900-903, Sep. 2002. This paper, as well as the extended technical report, can be retrieved at http://www.multimedia-computing.de/mediawiki//images/5/52/MRL-TR-May02-revised-Dec02.pdf
.. ocv:class:: FeatureEvaluator
Base class for computing feature values in cascade classifiers. ::
:param img: Matrix of the type ``CV_8UC1`` containing an image where the features are computed.
:param origWinSize: Size of training images.
:param sumSize: The requested size of integral images (so if the integral image is smaller, it resides in the top-left corner of the larger image of requested size). Because the features are represented using offsets from the image origin, using the same sumSize for all scales helps to avoid constant readjustments of the features to different scales.
The method assigns an image, where the features will be computed, to the feature evaluator.
Assigns a window in the current image where the features will be computed.