Commit 302a5adc authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

converted Haar cascades to the new format; now they are handled with C++ code.

parent fdf1996e
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -474,16 +474,18 @@ HaarEvaluator::~HaarEvaluator()
bool HaarEvaluator::read(const FileNode& node)
featuresPtr = &(*features)[0];
FileNodeIterator it = node.begin(), it_end = node.end();
size_t i, n = node.size();
CV_Assert(n > 0);
featuresPtr = &features[0];
FileNodeIterator it = node.begin();
hasTiltedFeatures = false;
for(int i = 0; it != it_end; ++it, i++)
for(i = 0; i < n; i++, ++it)
return false;
if( featuresPtr[i].tilted )
if( features[i].tilted )
hasTiltedFeatures = true;
return true;
......@@ -494,7 +496,6 @@ Ptr<FeatureEvaluator> HaarEvaluator::clone() const
Ptr<HaarEvaluator> ret = makePtr<HaarEvaluator>();
ret->origWinSize = origWinSize;
ret->features = features;
ret->featuresPtr = &(*ret->features)[0];
ret->hasTiltedFeatures = hasTiltedFeatures;
ret->sum0 = sum0, ret->sqsum0 = sqsum0, ret->tilted0 = tilted0;
ret->sum = sum, ret->sqsum = sqsum, ret->tilted = tilted;
......@@ -540,10 +541,10 @@ bool HaarEvaluator::setImage( const Mat &image, Size _origWinSize )
CV_SUM_PTRS( p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], sdata, normrect, sumStep );
CV_SUM_PTRS( pq[0], pq[1], pq[2], pq[3], sqdata, normrect, sqsumStep );
size_t fi, nfeatures = features->size();
size_t fi, nfeatures = features.size();
for( fi = 0; fi < nfeatures; fi++ )
featuresPtr[fi].updatePtrs( !featuresPtr[fi].tilted ? sum : tilted );
optfeaturesPtr[fi].updatePtrs( !featuresPtr[fi].tilted ? sum : tilted );
return true;
......@@ -186,6 +186,32 @@ protected:
#define CALC_SUM(rect,offset) CALC_SUM_((rect)[0], (rect)[1], (rect)[2], (rect)[3], offset)
#define CV_SUM_OFS( p0, p1, p2, p3, sum, rect, step ) \
/* (x, y) */ \
(p0) = sum + (rect).x + (step) * (rect).y, \
/* (x + w, y) */ \
(p1) = sum + (rect).x + (rect).width + (step) * (rect).y, \
/* (x + w, y) */ \
(p2) = sum + (rect).x + (step) * ((rect).y + (rect).height), \
/* (x + w, y + h) */ \
(p3) = sum + (rect).x + (rect).width + (step) * ((rect).y + (rect).height)
#define CV_TILTED_OFS( p0, p1, p2, p3, tilted, rect, step ) \
/* (x, y) */ \
(p0) = tilted + (rect).x + (step) * (rect).y, \
/* (x - h, y + h) */ \
(p1) = tilted + (rect).x - (rect).height + (step) * ((rect).y + (rect).height), \
/* (x + w, y + w) */ \
(p2) = tilted + (rect).x + (rect).width + (step) * ((rect).y + (rect).width), \
/* (x + w - h, y + w + h) */ \
(p3) = tilted + (rect).x + (rect).width - (rect).height \
+ (step) * ((rect).y + (rect).width + (rect).height)
#define CALC_SUM_(p0, p1, p2, p3, offset) \
((p0)[offset] - (p1)[offset] - (p2)[offset] + (p3)[offset])
#define CALC_SUM(rect,offset) CALC_SUM_((rect)[0], (rect)[1], (rect)[2], (rect)[3], offset)
//---------------------------------------------- HaarEvaluator ---------------------------------------
class HaarEvaluator : public FeatureEvaluator
......@@ -195,8 +221,6 @@ public:
float calc( int offset ) const;
void updatePtrs( const Mat& sum );
bool read( const FileNode& node );
bool tilted;
......@@ -208,8 +232,19 @@ public:
Rect r;
float weight;
} rect[RECT_NUM];
struct OptFeature
const int* p[RECT_NUM][4];
enum { RECT_NUM = Feature::RECT_NUM };
float calc( const int* pwin ) const;
void setPtrs( const Mat& sum, const Feature& f );
int ofs[RECT_NUM][4];
float weight[RECT_NUM];
......@@ -223,23 +258,26 @@ public:
virtual bool setWindow(Point pt);
double operator()(int featureIdx) const
{ return featuresPtr[featureIdx].calc(offset) * varianceNormFactor; }
{ return optfeaturesPtr[featureIdx].calc(pwin) * varianceNormFactor; }
virtual double calcOrd(int featureIdx) const
{ return (*this)(featureIdx); }
Size origWinSize;
Ptr<std::vector<Feature> > features;
Feature* featuresPtr; // optimization
std::vector<Feature> features;
std::vector<OptFeature> optfeatures;
OptFeature* optfeaturesPtr; // optimization
bool hasTiltedFeatures;
Mat sum0, sqsum0, tilted0;
Mat sum, sqsum, tilted;
Rect normrect;
const int *p[4];
const double *pq[4];
int p[4];
int pq[4];
const int* pwin;
const double* pqwin;
int offset;
double varianceNormFactor;
......@@ -249,12 +287,18 @@ inline HaarEvaluator::Feature :: Feature()
tilted = false;
rect[0].r = rect[1].r = rect[2].r = Rect();
rect[0].weight = rect[1].weight = rect[2].weight = 0;
p[0][0] = p[0][1] = p[0][2] = p[0][3] =
p[1][0] = p[1][1] = p[1][2] = p[1][3] =
p[2][0] = p[2][1] = p[2][2] = p[2][3] = 0;
inline float HaarEvaluator::Feature :: calc( int _offset ) const
inline HaarEvaluator::OptFeature :: OptFeature()
weight[0] = weight[1] = weight[2] = 0.f;
ofs[0][0] = ofs[0][1] = ofs[0][2] = ofs[0][3] =
ofs[1][0] = ofs[1][1] = ofs[1][2] = ofs[1][3] =
ofs[2][0] = ofs[2][1] = ofs[2][2] = ofs[2][3] = 0;
/*inline float HaarEvaluator::Feature :: calc( int _offset ) const
float ret = rect[0].weight * CALC_SUM(p[0], _offset) + rect[1].weight * CALC_SUM(p[1], _offset);
......@@ -262,12 +306,13 @@ inline float HaarEvaluator::Feature :: calc( int _offset ) const
ret += rect[2].weight * CALC_SUM(p[2], _offset);
return ret;
inline void HaarEvaluator::Feature :: updatePtrs( const Mat& _sum )
inline void HaarEvaluator::OptFeature :: setPtrs( const Mat& _sum, const Feature& _f )
const int* ptr = (const int*);
size_t step = _sum.step/sizeof(ptr[0]);
size_t tiltedofs =
if (tilted)
CV_TILTED_PTRS( p[0][0], p[0][1], p[0][2], p[0][3], ptr, rect[0].r, step );
......@@ -203,7 +203,8 @@ static bool convert(const String& oldcascade, const String& newcascade)
for( i = 0; i < nstages; i++ )
maxWeakCount = std::max(maxWeakCount, stages[i].weaks.size());
newfs << "stageType" << "BOOST"
newfs << "cascade" << "{:opencv-cascade-classifier"
<< "stageType" << "BOOST"
<< "featureType" << "HAAR"
<< "height" << cascadesize.width
<< "width" << cascadesize.height
......@@ -250,8 +251,8 @@ static bool convert(const String& oldcascade, const String& newcascade)
if( j >= 2 && fabs(f.rect[j].weight) < FLT_EPSILON )
newfs << f.rect[j].r.x << f.rect[j].r.y <<
f.rect[j].r.width << f.rect[j].r.height << f.rect[j].weight;
newfs << "[" << f.rect[j].r.x << f.rect[j].r.y <<
f.rect[j].r.width << f.rect[j].r.height << f.rect[j].weight << "]";
newfs << "]";
if( f.tilted )
......@@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ static bool convert(const String& oldcascade, const String& newcascade)
newfs << "}";
newfs << "]";
newfs << "]" << "}";
return true;
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ int main( int argc, const char** argv )
return -1;
cout << "old cascade: " << (cascade.isOldFormatCascade() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << endl;
if( inputName.empty() || (isdigit(inputName.c_str()[0]) && inputName.c_str()[1] == '\0') )
int c = inputName.empty() ? 0 : inputName.c_str()[0] - '0';
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