Commit 2d3aa386 authored by Daniil Osokin's avatar Daniil Osokin Committed by Kang Liu

Fixed Load, Modify, and Save an Image tutorial

parent dc21e2cc
......@@ -310,6 +310,8 @@ extlinks = {
'calib3d' : ('', None ),
'feature2d' : ('', None ),
'imgproc_geometric' : ('', None ),
'miscellaneous_transformations': ('', None),
'user_interface': ('', None),
# 'opencv_group' : ('', None),
'opencv_qa' : ('', None),
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Load, Modify, and Save an Image
.. note::
We assume that by now you know how to load an image using :readwriteimagevideo:`imread() <imread>` and to display it in a window (using :imshow:`imshow <>`). Read the :ref:`Display_Image` tutorial otherwise.
We assume that by now you know how to load an image using :readwriteimagevideo:`imread <imread>` and to display it in a window (using :user_interface:`imshow <imshow>`). Read the :ref:`Display_Image` tutorial otherwise.
......@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ In this tutorial you will learn how to:
.. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare
* Load an image using :readwriteimagevideo:`imread() <imread>`
* Transform an image from BGR to Grayscale format by using :cvt_color:`cvtColor <>`
* Save your transformed image in a file on disk (using :readwriteimagevideo:`imwrite() <imwrite>`)
* Load an image using :readwriteimagevideo:`imread <imread>`
* Transform an image from BGR to Grayscale format by using :miscellaneous_transformations:`cvtColor <cvtcolor>`
* Save your transformed image in a file on disk (using :readwriteimagevideo:`imwrite <imwrite>`)
......@@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ Explanation
#. We begin by:
* Creating a Mat object to store the image information
* Load an image using :readwriteimagevideo:`imread() <imread>`, located in the path given by *imageName*. Fort this example, assume you are loading a RGB image.
* Load an image using :readwriteimagevideo:`imread <imread>`, located in the path given by *imageName*. Fort this example, assume you are loading a RGB image.
#. Now we are going to convert our image from BGR to Grayscale format. OpenCV has a really nice function to do this kind of transformations:
......@@ -74,15 +73,15 @@ Explanation
cvtColor( image, gray_image, CV_BGR2GRAY );
As you can see, :cvt_color:`cvtColor <>` takes as arguments:
As you can see, :miscellaneous_transformations:`cvtColor <cvtcolor>` takes as arguments:
.. container:: enumeratevisibleitemswithsquare
* a source image (*image*)
* a destination image (*gray_image*), in which we will save the converted image.
* an additional parameter that indicates what kind of transformation will be performed. In this case we use **CV_BGR2GRAY** (because of :readwriteimagevideo:`imread() <imread>` has BGR default channel order in case of color images).
* an additional parameter that indicates what kind of transformation will be performed. In this case we use **CV_BGR2GRAY** (because of :readwriteimagevideo:`imread <imread>` has BGR default channel order in case of color images).
#. So now we have our new *gray_image* and want to save it on disk (otherwise it will get lost after the program ends). To save it, we will use a function analagous to :readwriteimagevideo:`imread() <imread>`: :readwriteimagevideo:`imwrite() <imwrite>`
#. So now we have our new *gray_image* and want to save it on disk (otherwise it will get lost after the program ends). To save it, we will use a function analagous to :readwriteimagevideo:`imread <imread>`: :readwriteimagevideo:`imwrite <imwrite>`
.. code-block:: cpp
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