Commit 2b310559 authored by Roman Donchenko's avatar Roman Donchenko

Fixed the "platfrom" typo everywhere.

parent df136339
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Building OpenCV
Enable hardware optimizations
Depending on target platfrom architecture different instruction sets can be used. By default
Depending on target platform architecture different instruction sets can be used. By default
compiler generates code for armv5l without VFPv3 and NEON extensions. Add ``-DUSE_VFPV3=ON``
to cmake command line to enable code generation for VFPv3 and ``-DUSE_NEON=ON`` for using
NEON SIMD extensions.
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ inline string JoinPlatform(int platform)
return result;
inline int SplitPlatfrom(const vector<string>& features)
inline int SplitPlatform(const vector<string>& features)
int result = 0;
......@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ InstallPath(install_path)
Platform = SplitPlatfrom(features);
Platform = SplitPlatform(features);
if (PLATFORM_UNKNOWN != Platform)
switch (Platform)
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ TEST(CpuID, CheckVFPv3)
TEST(PlatfromDetector, CheckTegra)
TEST(PlatformDetector, CheckTegra)
EXPECT_NE(PLATFORM_UNKNOWN, DetectKnownPlatforms());
......@@ -90,28 +90,28 @@ public class ManagerActivity extends Activity
TextView HardwarePlatformView = (TextView)findViewById(;
int Platfrom = HardwareDetector.DetectKnownPlatforms();
int Platform = HardwareDetector.DetectKnownPlatforms();
int CpuId = HardwareDetector.GetCpuID();
if (HardwareDetector.PLATFORM_UNKNOWN != Platfrom)
if (HardwareDetector.PLATFORM_UNKNOWN != Platform)
if (HardwareDetector.PLATFORM_TEGRA == Platfrom)
if (HardwareDetector.PLATFORM_TEGRA == Platform)
else if (HardwareDetector.PLATFORM_TEGRA2 == Platfrom)
else if (HardwareDetector.PLATFORM_TEGRA2 == Platform)
HardwarePlatformView.setText("Tegra 2");
else if (HardwareDetector.PLATFORM_TEGRA3 == Platfrom)
else if (HardwareDetector.PLATFORM_TEGRA3 == Platform)
HardwarePlatformView.setText("Tegra 3");
else if (HardwareDetector.PLATFORM_TEGRA4i == Platfrom)
else if (HardwareDetector.PLATFORM_TEGRA4i == Platform)
HardwarePlatformView.setText("Tegra 4i");
else if (HardwareDetector.PLATFORM_TEGRA4 == Platfrom)
else if (HardwareDetector.PLATFORM_TEGRA4 == Platform)
HardwarePlatformView.setText("Tegra 4");
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