Commit 29e88e50 authored by Dmitry Matveev's avatar Dmitry Matveev Committed by Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #12608 from dmatveev:gapi

* G-API Initial code upload

* Update G-API code base to Sep-24-2018

* The majority of OpenCV buildbot problems was addressed

* Update G-API code base to 24-Sep-18 EOD

* G-API code base update 25-Sep-2018

* Linux warnings should be resolved
* Documentation build should become green
* Number of Windows warnings should be reduced

* Update G-API code base to 25-Sep-18 EOD

* ARMv7 build issue should be resolved
* ADE is bumped to latest version and should fix Clang builds for macOS/iOS
* Remaining Windows warnings should be resolved
* New Linux32 / ARMv7 warnings should be resolved

* G-API code base update 25-Sep-2018-EOD2

* Final Windows warnings should be resolved now

* G-API code base update 26-Sep-2018

* Fixed issues with precompiled headers in module and its tests
parent 852f061b
# FIXME: Remove CXX11 check after complete switch to OpenCV 4 branch
# (CI, bundle, workloads, etc)
# can't build G-API because of the above reasons
set(the_description "OpenCV G-API Core Module")
ocv_add_module(gapi opencv_imgproc)
file(GLOB gapi_ext_hdrs
# Front-end part
# Compiler part
# Executor
# CPU Backend (currently built-in)
# Fluid Backend (also built-in, FIXME:move away)
# Compound
ocv_list_add_prefix(gapi_srcs "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/")
# For IDE users
ocv_source_group("Src" FILES ${gapi_srcs})
ocv_source_group("Include" FILES ${gapi_ext_hdrs})
ocv_set_module_sources(HEADERS ${gapi_ext_hdrs} SOURCES ${gapi_srcs})
# Note `ade` is not a module name but link dependency for ${the_module}
# (which is opencv_gapi)
# FIXME: test binary is linked with ADE directly since ADE symbols
# are not exported from in any form - thus
# there're two copies of ADE code in memory when tests run (!)
# src/ is specified to include dirs for INTERNAL tests only.
if(TARGET opencv_test_gapi)
target_include_directories(opencv_test_gapi PRIVATE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src")
target_link_libraries(opencv_test_gapi PRIVATE ade)
# FIXME: Android build will be enabled separately
set(ade_src_dir "${OpenCV_BINARY_DIR}/3rdparty/ade")
set(ade_filename "")
set(ade_subdir "ade-0.1.1c")
set(ade_md5 "db7e6a260229ee562a1b2857df473af8")
ocv_download(FILENAME ${ade_filename}
HASH ${ade_md5}
DESTINATION_DIR ${ade_src_dir}
if (NOT res)
set(ADE_root "${ade_src_dir}/${ade_subdir}/sources/ade")
file(GLOB_RECURSE ADE_sources "${ADE_root}/source/*.cpp")
file(GLOB_RECURSE ADE_include "${ADE_root}/include/ade/*.hpp")
add_library(ade STATIC ${ADE_include} ${ADE_sources})
target_include_directories(ade PUBLIC $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${ADE_root}/include>)
set_target_properties(ade PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE True)
ocv_install_3rdparty_licenses(ade "${ade_src_dir}/${ade_subdir}/LICENSE")
if (ade_DIR)
# if ade_DIR is set, use ADE-supplied CMake script
# to set up variables to the prebuilt ADE
find_package(ade 0.1.0)
if(NOT TARGET ade)
# if ade_DIR is not set, try to use automatically
# downloaded one (if there any)
# Graph API {#gapi}
Introduction to G-API (WIP).
\ No newline at end of file
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <memory>
#include "opencv2/gapi/gmat.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/garray.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gcomputation.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gcompiled.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gtyped.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gkernel.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/operators.hpp"
This diff is collapsed.
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <opencv2/gapi/gkernel.hpp> // GKernelPackage
#include "opencv2/gapi/own/exports.hpp" // GAPI_EXPORTS
namespace cv {
namespace gapi {
namespace core {
namespace cpu {
GAPI_EXPORTS GKernelPackage kernels();
} // namespace cpu
} // namespace core
} // namespace gapi
} // namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <opencv2/core/mat.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gcommon.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gkernel.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/garg.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/own/convert.hpp> //to_ocv
#include <opencv2/gapi/util/compiler_hints.hpp> //suppress_unused_warning
// FIXME: namespace scheme for backends?
namespace cv {
namespace gimpl
// Forward-declare an internal class
class GCPUExecutable;
} // namespace gimpl
namespace gapi
namespace cpu
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::gapi::GBackend backend();
} // namespace cpu
} // namespace gapi
// Represents arguments which are passed to a wrapped CPU function
// FIXME: put into detail?
// Generic accessor API
template<typename T>
const T& inArg(int input) { return<T>(); }
// Syntax sugar
const cv::gapi::own::Mat& inMat(int input);
cv::gapi::own::Mat& outMatR(int output); // FIXME: Avoid cv::gapi::own::Mat m = ctx.outMatR()
const cv::gapi::own::Scalar& inVal(int input);
cv::gapi::own::Scalar& outValR(int output); // FIXME: Avoid cv::gapi::own::Scalar s = ctx.outValR()
template<typename T> std::vector<T>& outVecR(int output) // FIXME: the same issue
return outVecRef(output).wref<T>();
detail::VectorRef& outVecRef(int output);
std::vector<GArg> m_args;
//FIXME: avoid conversion of arguments from internal representaion to OpenCV one on each call
//to OCV kernel. (This can be achieved by a two single time conversions in GCPUExecutable::run,
//once on enter for input and output arguments, and once before return for output arguments only
std::unordered_map<std::size_t, GRunArgP> m_results;
friend class gimpl::GCPUExecutable;
// This function is kernel's execution entry point (does the processing work)
using F = std::function<void(GCPUContext &)>;
explicit GCPUKernel(const F& f);
void apply(GCPUContext &ctx);
F m_f;
// FIXME: This is an ugly ad-hoc imlpementation. TODO: refactor
namespace detail
template<class T> struct get_in;
template<> struct get_in<cv::GMat>
static cv::Mat get(GCPUContext &ctx, int idx) { return to_ocv(ctx.inMat(idx)); }
template<> struct get_in<cv::GScalar>
static cv::Scalar get(GCPUContext &ctx, int idx) { return to_ocv(ctx.inVal(idx)); }
template<typename U> struct get_in<cv::GArray<U> >
static const std::vector<U>& get(GCPUContext &ctx, int idx) { return ctx.inArg<VectorRef>(idx).rref<U>(); }
template<class T> struct get_in
static T get(GCPUContext &ctx, int idx) { return ctx.inArg<T>(idx); }
struct tracked_cv_mat{
tracked_cv_mat(cv::gapi::own::Mat& m) : r{to_ocv(m)}, original_data{} {}
cv::Mat r;
uchar* original_data;
operator cv::Mat& (){ return r;}
void validate() const{
if ( != original_data)
("OpenCV kernel output parameter was reallocated. \n"
"Incorrect meta data was provided ?"));
struct scalar_wrapper
scalar_wrapper(cv::gapi::own::Scalar& s) : m_s{cv::gapi::own::to_ocv(s)}, m_org_s(s) {};
operator cv::Scalar& () { return m_s; }
void writeBack() const { m_org_s = to_own(m_s); }
cv::Scalar m_s;
cv::gapi::own::Scalar& m_org_s;
template<typename... Outputs>
void postprocess(Outputs&... outs)
void operator()(tracked_cv_mat* bm) { bm->validate(); }
void operator()(scalar_wrapper* sw) { sw->writeBack(); }
void operator()(...) { }
} validate;
//dummy array to unfold parameter pack
int dummy[] = { 0, (validate(&outs), 0)... };
template<class T> struct get_out;
template<> struct get_out<cv::GMat>
static tracked_cv_mat get(GCPUContext &ctx, int idx)
auto& r = ctx.outMatR(idx);
return {r};
template<> struct get_out<cv::GScalar>
static scalar_wrapper get(GCPUContext &ctx, int idx)
auto& s = ctx.outValR(idx);
return {s};
template<typename U> struct get_out<cv::GArray<U>>
static std::vector<U>& get(GCPUContext &ctx, int idx)
return ctx.outVecR<U>(idx);
template<typename, typename, typename>
struct OCVCallHelper;
// FIXME: probably can be simplified with std::apply or analogue.
template<typename Impl, typename... Ins, typename... Outs>
struct OCVCallHelper<Impl, std::tuple<Ins...>, std::tuple<Outs...> >
template<typename... Inputs>
struct call_and_postprocess
template<typename... Outputs>
static void call(Inputs&&... ins, Outputs&&... outs)
//not using a std::forward on outs is deliberate in order to
//cause compilation error, by tring to bind rvalue references to lvalue references
Impl::run(std::forward<Inputs>(ins)..., outs...);
template<int... IIs, int... OIs>
static void call_impl(GCPUContext &ctx, detail::Seq<IIs...>, detail::Seq<OIs...>)
//Make sure that OpenCV kernels do not reallocate memory for output parameters
//by comparing it's state (data ptr) before and after the call.
//This is done by converting each output Mat into tracked_cv_mat object, and binding
//them to parameters of ad-hoc function
//Convert own::Scalar to cv::Scalar before call kernel and run kernel
//convert cv::Scalar to own::Scalar after call kernel and write back results
call_and_postprocess<decltype(get_in<Ins>::get(ctx, IIs))...>::call(get_in<Ins>::get(ctx, IIs)..., get_out<Outs>::get(ctx, OIs)...);
static void call(GCPUContext &ctx)
typename detail::MkSeq<sizeof...(Ins)>::type(),
typename detail::MkSeq<sizeof...(Outs)>::type());
} // namespace detail
template<class Impl, class K>
class GCPUKernelImpl: public detail::OCVCallHelper<Impl, typename K::InArgs, typename K::OutArgs>
using P = detail::OCVCallHelper<Impl, typename K::InArgs, typename K::OutArgs>;
using API = K;
static cv::gapi::GBackend backend() { return cv::gapi::cpu::backend(); }
static cv::GCPUKernel kernel() { return GCPUKernel(&P::call); }
#define GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(Name, API) struct Name: public cv::GCPUKernelImpl<Name, API>
} // namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <opencv2/core/cvdef.h> // GAPI_EXPORTS
#include <opencv2/gapi/gkernel.hpp> // GKernelPackage
namespace cv {
namespace gapi {
namespace imgproc {
namespace cpu {
GAPI_EXPORTS GKernelPackage kernels();
} // namespace cpu
} // namespace imgproc
} // namespace gapi
} // namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <list>
#include <numeric> // accumulate
#include <ostream> // ostream
#include <cstdint> // uint8_t
#include <opencv2/gapi/opencv_includes.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gmat.hpp>
#include "opencv2/gapi/util/optional.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/own/scalar.hpp"
namespace cv {
namespace gapi {
namespace fluid {
struct Border
#if 1
Border(int _type, cv::Scalar _val) : type(_type), value(to_own(_val)) {};
Border(int _type, cv::gapi::own::Scalar _val) : type(_type), value(_val) {};
int type;
cv::gapi::own::Scalar value;
using BorderOpt = util::optional<Border>;
bool operator == (const Border& b1, const Border& b2);
class GAPI_EXPORTS Buffer;
View() = default;
const uint8_t* InLineB(int index) const; // -(w-1)/2...0...+(w-1)/2 for Filters
template<typename T> const T* InLine(int i) const
const uint8_t* ptr = this->InLineB(i);
return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(ptr);
operator bool() const;
bool ready() const;
int length() const;
int y() const;
GMatDesc meta() const;
class GAPI_EXPORTS Priv; // internal use only
Priv& priv(); // internal use only
const Priv& priv() const; // internal use only
View(Priv* p);
std::shared_ptr<Priv> m_priv;
class GAPI_EXPORTS Buffer
// Default constructor (executable creation stage,
// all following initialization performed in Priv::init())
// Scratch constructor (user kernels)
Buffer(const cv::GMatDesc &desc);
// Constructor for intermediate buffers (for tests)
Buffer(const cv::GMatDesc &desc,
int max_line_consumption, int border_size,
int skew,
int wlpi,
BorderOpt border);
// Constructor for in/out buffers (for tests)
Buffer(const cv::Mat &data, bool is_input);
uint8_t* OutLineB(int index = 0);
template<typename T> T* OutLine(int index = 0)
uint8_t* ptr = this->OutLineB(index);
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(ptr);
int y() const;
int linesReady() const;
void debug(std::ostream &os) const;
int length() const;
int lpi() const; // LPI for WRITER
GMatDesc meta() const;
View mkView(int lineConsumption, int borderSize, BorderOpt border, bool ownStorage);
class GAPI_EXPORTS Priv; // internal use only
Priv& priv(); // internal use only
const Priv& priv() const; // internal use only
std::shared_ptr<Priv> m_priv;
} // namespace cv::gapi::fluid
} // namespace cv::gapi
} // namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <opencv2/gapi/opencv_includes.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gcommon.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gkernel.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/garg.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/own/types.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/fluid/gfluidbuffer.hpp>
// FIXME: namespace scheme for backends?
namespace cv {
namespace gapi
namespace fluid
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::gapi::GBackend backend();
} // namespace flud
} // namespace gapi
class GAPI_EXPORTS GFluidKernel
enum class Kind
// This function is a generic "doWork" callback
using F = std::function<void(const cv::GArgs&, const std::vector<gapi::fluid::Buffer*> &)>;
// This function is a generic "initScratch" callback
using IS = std::function<void(const cv::GMetaArgs &, const cv::GArgs&, gapi::fluid::Buffer &)>;
// This function is a generic "resetScratch" callback
using RS = std::function<void(gapi::fluid::Buffer &)>;
// This function describes kernel metadata inference rule.
using M = std::function<GMetaArgs(const GMetaArgs &, const GArgs &)>;
// This function is a generic "getBorder" callback (extracts border-related data from kernel's input parameters)
using B = std::function<gapi::fluid::BorderOpt(const GMetaArgs&, const GArgs&)>;
// FIXME: move implementations out of header file
GFluidKernel() {}
GFluidKernel(int w, Kind k, int l, bool scratch, const F& f, const IS &is, const RS &rs, const B& b)
: m_window(w)
, m_kind(k)
, m_lpi(l)
, m_scratch(scratch)
, m_f(f)
, m_is(is)
, m_rs(rs)
, m_b(b) {}
int m_window = -1;
Kind m_kind;
const int m_lpi = -1;
const bool m_scratch = false;
const F m_f;
const IS m_is;
const RS m_rs;
const B m_b;
// FIXME!!!
// This is the temporary and experimental API
// which should be replaced by runtime roi-based scheduling
struct GFluidOutputRois
std::vector<cv::gapi::own::Rect> rois;
namespace detail
template<> struct CompileArgTag<GFluidOutputRois>
static const char* tag() { return "gapi.fluid.outputRois"; }
} // namespace detail
namespace detail
template<class T> struct fluid_get_in;
template<> struct fluid_get_in<cv::GMat>
static const cv::gapi::fluid::View& get(const cv::GArgs &in_args, int idx)
return in_args[idx].get<cv::gapi::fluid::View>();
template<> struct fluid_get_in<cv::GScalar>
static const cv::Scalar get(const cv::GArgs &in_args, int idx)
return cv::gapi::own::to_ocv(in_args[idx].get<cv::gapi::own::Scalar>());
template<class T> struct fluid_get_in
static T get(const cv::GArgs &in_args, int idx)
return in_args[idx].get<T>();
template<bool, typename Impl, typename... Ins>
struct scratch_helper;
template<typename Impl, typename... Ins>
struct scratch_helper<true, Impl, Ins...>
// Init
template<int... IIs>
static void help_init_impl(const cv::GMetaArgs &metas,
const cv::GArgs &in_args,
gapi::fluid::Buffer &scratch_buf,
Impl::initScratch(get_in_meta<Ins>(metas, in_args, IIs)..., scratch_buf);
static void help_init(const cv::GMetaArgs &metas,
const cv::GArgs &in_args,
gapi::fluid::Buffer &b)
help_init_impl(metas, in_args, b, typename detail::MkSeq<sizeof...(Ins)>::type());
// Reset
static void help_reset(gapi::fluid::Buffer &b)
template<typename Impl, typename... Ins>
struct scratch_helper<false, Impl, Ins...>
static void help_init(const cv::GMetaArgs &,
const cv::GArgs &,
gapi::fluid::Buffer &)
static void help_reset(gapi::fluid::Buffer &)
template<typename T> struct is_gmat_type
static const constexpr bool value = std::is_same<cv::GMat, T>::value;
template<bool CallCustomGetBorder, typename Impl, typename... Ins>
struct get_border_helper;
template<typename Impl, typename... Ins>
struct get_border_helper<true, Impl, Ins...>
template<int... IIs>
static gapi::fluid::BorderOpt get_border_impl(const GMetaArgs &metas,
const cv::GArgs &in_args,
return util::make_optional(Impl::getBorder(cv::detail::get_in_meta<Ins>(metas, in_args, IIs)...));
static gapi::fluid::BorderOpt help(const GMetaArgs &metas,
const cv::GArgs &in_args)
return get_border_impl(metas, in_args, typename detail::MkSeq<sizeof...(Ins)>::type());
template<typename Impl, typename... Ins>
struct get_border_helper<false, Impl, Ins...>
static gapi::fluid::BorderOpt help(const cv::GMetaArgs &,
const cv::GArgs &)
return {};
template<typename, typename, typename, bool UseScratch>
struct FluidCallHelper;
template<typename Impl, typename... Ins, typename... Outs, bool UseScratch>
struct FluidCallHelper<Impl, std::tuple<Ins...>, std::tuple<Outs...>, UseScratch>
static_assert(all_satisfy<is_gmat_type, Outs...>::value, "return type must be GMat");
// Execution dispatcher ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template<int... IIs, int... OIs>
static void call_impl(const cv::GArgs &in_args,
const std::vector<gapi::fluid::Buffer*> &out_bufs,
Impl::run(fluid_get_in<Ins>::get(in_args, IIs)..., *out_bufs[OIs]...);
static void call(const cv::GArgs &in_args,
const std::vector<gapi::fluid::Buffer*> &out_bufs)
constexpr int numOuts = (sizeof...(Outs)) + (UseScratch ? 1 : 0);
call_impl(in_args, out_bufs,
typename detail::MkSeq<sizeof...(Ins)>::type(),
typename detail::MkSeq<numOuts>::type());
// Scratch buffer initialization dispatcher ////////////////////////////////
static void init_scratch(const GMetaArgs &metas,
const cv::GArgs &in_args,
gapi::fluid::Buffer &b)
scratch_helper<UseScratch, Impl, Ins...>::help_init(metas, in_args, b);
// Scratch buffer reset dispatcher /////////////////////////////////////////
static void reset_scratch(gapi::fluid::Buffer &scratch_buf)
scratch_helper<UseScratch, Impl, Ins...>::help_reset(scratch_buf);
static gapi::fluid::BorderOpt getBorder(const GMetaArgs &metas, const cv::GArgs &in_args)
// User must provide "init" callback if Window != 1
// TODO: move to constexpr if when we enable C++17
constexpr bool callCustomGetBorder = (Impl::Window != 1);
return get_border_helper<callCustomGetBorder, Impl, Ins...>::help(metas, in_args);
} // namespace detail
template<class Impl, class K, bool UseScratch>
class GFluidKernelImpl
static const int LPI = 1;
static const auto Kind = GFluidKernel::Kind::Filter;
using P = detail::FluidCallHelper<Impl, typename K::InArgs, typename K::OutArgs, UseScratch>;
using API = K;
static GFluidKernel kernel()
// FIXME: call() and getOutMeta() needs to be renamed so it is clear these
// functions are internal wrappers, not user API
return GFluidKernel(Impl::Window, Impl::Kind, Impl::LPI,
&P::call, &P::init_scratch, &P::reset_scratch, &P::getBorder);
static cv::gapi::GBackend backend() { return cv::gapi::fluid::backend(); }
#define GAPI_FLUID_KERNEL(Name, API, Scratch) struct Name: public cv::GFluidKernelImpl<Name, API, Scratch>
} // namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#include <opencv2/gapi/opencv_includes.hpp>
#include "opencv2/gapi/own/mat.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/util/any.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/util/variant.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gmat.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gscalar.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/garray.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gtype_traits.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gmetaarg.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/own/scalar.hpp"
namespace cv {
class GArg;
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
using is_garg = std::is_same<GArg, typename std::decay<T>::type>;
// Parameter holder class for a node
// Depending on platform capabilities, can either support arbitrary types
// (as `boost::any`) or a limited number of types (as `boot::variant`).
// FIXME: put into "details" as a user shouldn't use it in his code
GArg() {}
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<!detail::is_garg<T>::value, int>::type = 0>
explicit GArg(const T &t)
: kind(detail::GTypeTraits<T>::kind)
, value(detail::wrap_gapi_helper<T>::wrap(t))
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<!detail::is_garg<T>::value, int>::type = 0>
explicit GArg(T &&t)
: kind(detail::GTypeTraits<typename std::decay<T>::type>::kind)
, value(detail::wrap_gapi_helper<T>::wrap(t))
template<typename T> T& get()
return util::any_cast<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>(value);
template<typename T> const T& get() const
return util::any_cast<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>(value);
detail::ArgKind kind = detail::ArgKind::OPAQUE;
util::any value;
using GArgs = std::vector<GArg>;
// FIXME: Express as M<GProtoArg...>::type
// FIXME: Move to a separate file!
using GRunArg = util::variant<cv::Mat, cv::gapi::own::Mat, cv::Scalar, cv::gapi::own::Scalar, cv::detail::VectorRef>;
using GRunArgs = std::vector<GRunArg>;
using GRunArgP = util::variant<cv::Mat*, cv::gapi::own::Mat*, cv::Scalar*, cv::gapi::own::Scalar*, cv::detail::VectorRef>;
using GRunArgsP = std::vector<GRunArgP>;
template<typename... Ts> inline GRunArgs gin(const Ts&... args)
return GRunArgs{ GRunArg(detail::wrap_host_helper<Ts>::wrap_in(args))... };
template<typename... Ts> inline GRunArgsP gout(Ts&... args)
return GRunArgsP{ GRunArgP(detail::wrap_host_helper<Ts>::wrap_out(args))... };
} // namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <functional>
#include <ostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <opencv2/gapi/own/exports.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/opencv_includes.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/util/variant.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/util/throw.hpp>
#include "opencv2/gapi/own/assert.hpp"
namespace cv
// Forward declaration; GNode and GOrigin are an internal
// (user-inaccessible) classes.
class GNode;
struct GOrigin;
template<typename T> class GArray;
struct GArrayDesc
// FIXME: Body
// FIXME: Also implement proper operator== then
bool operator== (const GArrayDesc&) const { return true; }
template<typename U> GArrayDesc descr_of(const std::vector<U> &) { return {};}
inline GArrayDesc empty_array_desc() {return {}; }
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const cv::GArrayDesc &desc);
namespace detail
// ConstructVec is a callback which stores information about T and is used by
// G-API runtime to construct arrays in host memory (T remains opaque for G-API).
// ConstructVec is carried into G-API internals by GArrayU.
// Currently it is suitable for Host (CPU) plugins only, real offload may require
// more information for manual memory allocation on-device.
class VectorRef;
using ConstructVec = std::function<void(VectorRef&)>;
// This class strips type information from GArray<T> and makes it usable
// in the G-API graph compiler (expression unrolling, graph generation, etc).
// Part of GProtoArg.
GArrayU(const GNode &n, std::size_t out); // Operation result constructor
GOrigin& priv(); // Internal use only
const GOrigin& priv() const; // Internal use only
GArrayU(); // Default constructor
template<class> friend class cv::GArray; // (avialable to GArray<T> only)
void setConstructFcn(ConstructVec &&cv); // Store T-aware constructor
std::shared_ptr<GOrigin> m_priv;
// This class represents a typed STL vector reference.
// Depending on origins, this reference may be either "just a" reference to
// an object created externally, OR actually own the underlying object
// (be value holder).
class BasicVectorRef
std::size_t m_elemSize = 0ul;
cv::GArrayDesc m_desc;
virtual ~BasicVectorRef() {}
template<typename T> class VectorRefT: public BasicVectorRef
using empty_t = util::monostate;
using ro_ext_t = const std::vector<T> *;
using rw_ext_t = std::vector<T> *;
using rw_own_t = std::vector<T> ;
util::variant<empty_t, ro_ext_t, rw_ext_t, rw_own_t> m_ref;
inline bool isEmpty() const { return util::holds_alternative<empty_t>(m_ref); }
inline bool isROExt() const { return util::holds_alternative<ro_ext_t>(m_ref); }
inline bool isRWExt() const { return util::holds_alternative<rw_ext_t>(m_ref); }
inline bool isRWOwn() const { return util::holds_alternative<rw_own_t>(m_ref); }
void init(const std::vector<T>* vec = nullptr)
m_elemSize = sizeof(T);
if (vec) m_desc = cv::descr_of(*vec);
VectorRefT() { init(); }
virtual ~VectorRefT() {}
explicit VectorRefT(const std::vector<T>& vec) : m_ref(&vec) { init(&vec); }
explicit VectorRefT(std::vector<T>& vec) : m_ref(&vec) { init(&vec); }
explicit VectorRefT(std::vector<T>&& vec) : m_ref(std::move(vec)) { init(&vec); }
// Reset a VectorRefT. Called only for objects instantiated
// internally in G-API (e.g. temporary GArray<T>'s within a
// computation). Reset here means both initialization
// (creating an object) and reset (discarding its existing
// content before the next execution). Must never be called
// for external VectorRefTs.
void reset()
if (isEmpty())
std::vector<T> empty_vector;
m_desc = cv::descr_of(empty_vector);
m_ref = std::move(empty_vector);
else if (isRWOwn())
else GAPI_Assert(false); // shouldn't be called in *EXT modes
// Obtain a WRITE reference to underlying object
// Used by CPU kernel API wrappers when a kernel execution frame
// is created
std::vector<T>& wref()
GAPI_Assert(isRWExt() || isRWOwn());
if (isRWExt()) return *util::get<rw_ext_t>(m_ref);
if (isRWOwn()) return util::get<rw_own_t>(m_ref);
util::throw_error(std::logic_error("Impossible happened"));
// Obtain a READ reference to underlying object
// Used by CPU kernel API wrappers when a kernel execution frame
// is created
const std::vector<T>& rref() const
// ANY vector can be accessed for reading, even if it declared for
// output. Example -- a GComputation from [in] to [out1,out2]
// where [out2] is a result of operation applied to [out1]:
// GComputation boundary
// . . . . . . .
// . .
// [in] ----> foo() ----> [out1]
// . . :
// . . . .:. . .
// . V .
// . bar() ---> [out2]
// . . . . . . . . . . . .
if (isROExt()) return *util::get<ro_ext_t>(m_ref);
if (isRWExt()) return *util::get<rw_ext_t>(m_ref);
if (isRWOwn()) return util::get<rw_own_t>(m_ref);
util::throw_error(std::logic_error("Impossible happened"));
// This class strips type information from VectorRefT<> and makes it usable
// in the G-API executables (carrying run-time data/information to kernels).
// Part of GRunArg.
// Its methods are typed proxies to VectorRefT<T>.
// VectorRef maintains "reference" semantics so two copies of VectoRef refer
// to the same underlying object.
// FIXME: Put a good explanation on why cv::OutputArray doesn't fit this role
class VectorRef
std::shared_ptr<BasicVectorRef> m_ref;
template<typename T> inline void check() const
GAPI_DbgAssert(dynamic_cast<VectorRefT<T>*>(m_ref.get()) != nullptr);
GAPI_Assert(sizeof(T) == m_ref->m_elemSize);
VectorRef() = default;
template<typename T> explicit VectorRef(const std::vector<T>& vec) : m_ref(new VectorRefT<T>(vec)) {}
template<typename T> explicit VectorRef(std::vector<T>& vec) : m_ref(new VectorRefT<T>(vec)) {}
template<typename T> explicit VectorRef(std::vector<T>&& vec) : m_ref(new VectorRefT<T>(vec)) {}
template<typename T> void reset()
if (!m_ref) m_ref.reset(new VectorRefT<T>());
template<typename T> std::vector<T>& wref()
return static_cast<VectorRefT<T>&>(*m_ref).wref();
template<typename T> const std::vector<T>& rref() const
return static_cast<VectorRefT<T>&>(*m_ref).rref();
cv::GArrayDesc descr_of() const
return m_ref->m_desc;
} // namespace detail
template<typename T> class GArray
GArray() { putDetails(); } // Empty constructor
explicit GArray(detail::GArrayU &&ref) // GArrayU-based constructor
: m_ref(ref) { putDetails(); } // (used by GCall, not for users)
detail::GArrayU strip() const { return m_ref; }
static void VCTor(detail::VectorRef& vref) { vref.reset<T>(); }
void putDetails() {m_ref.setConstructFcn(&VCTor); }
detail::GArrayU m_ref;
} // namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include "opencv2/gapi/garg.hpp" // GArg
#include "opencv2/gapi/gmat.hpp" // GMat
#include "opencv2/gapi/gscalar.hpp" // GScalar
#include "opencv2/gapi/garray.hpp" // GArray<T>
namespace cv {
struct GKernel;
// The whole idea of this class is to represent an operation
// which is applied to arguments. This is part of public API,
// since it is what users should use to define kernel interfaces.
class GAPI_EXPORTS GCall final
class Priv;
explicit GCall(const GKernel &k);
template<typename... Ts>
GCall& pass(Ts&&... args)
return *this;
// A generic yield method - obtain a link to operator's particular GMat output
GMat yield (int output = 0);
GScalar yieldScalar(int output = 0);
template<class T> GArray<T> yieldArray(int output = 0)
return GArray<T>(yieldArray(output));
// Internal use only
Priv& priv();
const Priv& priv() const;
std::shared_ptr<Priv> m_priv;
void setArgs(std::vector<GArg> &&args);
// Public version returns a typed array, this one is implementation detail
detail::GArrayU yieldArray(int output = 0);
} // namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <functional> // std::hash
#include <vector> // std::vector
#include <type_traits> // decay
#include <opencv2/gapi/opencv_includes.hpp>
#include "opencv2/gapi/util/any.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/own/exports.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/own/assert.hpp"
namespace cv {
namespace detail
// This is a trait-like structure to mark backend-specific compile arguments
// with tags
template<typename T> struct CompileArgTag;
template<typename T> struct CompileArgTag
static const char* tag() { return ""; };
// This definition is here because it is reused by both public(?) and internal
// modules. Keeping it here wouldn't expose public details (e.g., API-level)
// to components which are internal and operate on a lower-level entities
// (e.g., compiler, backends).
// FIXME: merge with ArgKind?
// FIXME: replace with variant[format desc]?
enum class GShape: int
struct GCompileArg;
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
using is_compile_arg = std::is_same<GCompileArg, typename std::decay<T>::type>;
// CompileArg is an unified interface over backend-specific compilation
// information
// FIXME: Move to a separate file?
struct GAPI_EXPORTS GCompileArg
std::string tag;
// FIXME: use decay in GArg/other trait-based wrapper before leg is shot!
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<!detail::is_compile_arg<T>::value, int>::type = 0>
explicit GCompileArg(T &&t)
: tag(detail::CompileArgTag<typename std::decay<T>::type>::tag())
, arg(t)
template<typename T> T& get()
return util::any_cast<T>(arg);
template<typename T> const T& get() const
return util::any_cast<T>(arg);
util::any arg;
using GCompileArgs = std::vector<GCompileArg>;
template<typename... Ts> GCompileArgs compile_args(Ts&&... args)
return GCompileArgs{ GCompileArg(args)... };
struct graph_dump_path
std::string m_dump_path;
namespace detail
template<> struct CompileArgTag<cv::graph_dump_path>
static const char* tag() { return "gapi.graph_dump_path"; }
} // namespace cv
// std::hash overload for GShape
namespace std
template<> struct hash<cv::GShape>
size_t operator() (cv::GShape sh) const
return std::hash<int>()(static_cast<int>(sh));
} // namespace std
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <vector>
#include "opencv2/gapi/own/assert.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/mat.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/garg.hpp"
namespace cv {
// This class represents a compiled computation.
// In theory (and ideally), it can be used w/o the rest of APIs.
// In theory (and ideally), it can be serialized/deserialized.
// It can enable scenarious like deployment to an autonomous devince, FuSa, etc.
// Currently GCompiled assumes all GMats you used to pass data to G-API
// are valid and not destroyed while you use a GCompiled object.
// FIXME: In future, there should be a way to name I/O objects and specify it
// to GCompiled externally (for example, when it is loaded on the target system).
class GAPI_EXPORTS GCompiled
class GAPI_EXPORTS Priv;
void operator() (GRunArgs &&ins, GRunArgsP &&outs); // Generic arg-to-arg
void operator() (cv::Mat in, cv::Mat &out); // Unary overload
void operator() (cv::Mat in, cv::Scalar &out); // Unary overload (scalar)
void operator() (cv::Mat in1, cv::Mat in2, cv::Mat &out); // Binary overload
void operator() (cv::Mat in1, cv::Mat in2, cv::Scalar &out); // Binary overload (scalar)
void operator() (const std::vector<cv::Mat> &ins, // Compatibility overload
const std::vector<cv::Mat> &outs);
Priv& priv();
explicit operator bool () const; // Check if GCompiled is runnable or empty
const GMetaArgs& metas() const; // Meta passed to compile()
const GMetaArgs& outMetas() const; // Inferred output metadata
std::shared_ptr<Priv> m_priv;
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <opencv2/gapi/opencv_includes.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gcommon.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gkernel.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/garg.hpp>
namespace cv {
namespace gapi
namespace compound
// FIXME User does not need to know about this function
// Needs that user may define compound kernels(as cpu kernels)
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::gapi::GBackend backend();
} // namespace compound
} // namespace gapi
namespace detail
struct GCompoundContext
explicit GCompoundContext(const GArgs& in_args);
template<typename T>
const T& inArg(int input) { return<T>(); }
GArgs m_args;
GArgs m_results;
class GAPI_EXPORTS GCompoundKernel
// Compound kernel must use all of it's inputs
using F = std::function<void(GCompoundContext& ctx)>;
explicit GCompoundKernel(const F& f);
void apply(GCompoundContext& ctx);
F m_f;
template<typename T> struct get_compound_in
static T get(GCompoundContext &ctx, int idx) { return ctx.inArg<T>(idx); }
template<typename U> struct get_compound_in<cv::GArray<U>>
static cv::GArray<U> get(GCompoundContext &ctx, int idx)
auto array = cv::GArray<U>();
ctx.m_args[idx] = GArg(array);
return array;
// Kernel may return one object(GMat, GScalar) or a tuple of objects.
// This helper is needed to cast return value to the same form(tuple)
struct tuple_wrap_helper;
template<typename T> struct tuple_wrap_helper
static std::tuple<T> get(T&& obj) { return std::make_tuple(std::move(obj)); }
template<typename... Objs>
struct tuple_wrap_helper<std::tuple<Objs...>>
static std::tuple<Objs...> get(std::tuple<Objs...>&& objs) { return objs; }
template<typename, typename, typename>
struct GCompoundCallHelper;
template<typename Impl, typename... Ins, typename... Outs>
struct GCompoundCallHelper<Impl, std::tuple<Ins...>, std::tuple<Outs...> >
template<int... IIs, int... OIs>
static void expand_impl(GCompoundContext &ctx, detail::Seq<IIs...>, detail::Seq<OIs...>)
auto result = Impl::expand(get_compound_in<Ins>::get(ctx, IIs)...);
auto tuple_return = tuple_wrap_helper<decltype(result)>::get(std::move(result));
ctx.m_results = { cv::GArg(std::get<OIs>(tuple_return))... };
static void expand(GCompoundContext &ctx)
typename detail::MkSeq<sizeof...(Ins)>::type(),
typename detail::MkSeq<sizeof...(Outs)>::type());
template<class Impl, class K>
class GCompoundKernelImpl: public cv::detail::GCompoundCallHelper<Impl, typename K::InArgs, typename K::OutArgs>
using P = cv::detail::GCompoundCallHelper<Impl, typename K::InArgs, typename K::OutArgs>;
using API = K;
static cv::gapi::GBackend backend() { return cv::gapi::compound::backend(); }
static GCompoundKernel kernel() { return GCompoundKernel(&P::expand); }
} // namespace detail
#define GAPI_COMPOUND_KERNEL(Name, API) struct Name: public cv::detail::GCompoundKernelImpl<Name, API>
} // namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <functional>
#include "opencv2/gapi/util/util.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gcommon.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gproto.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/garg.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gcompiled.hpp"
namespace cv {
namespace detail
// FIXME: move to algorithm, cover with separate tests
// FIXME: replace with O(1) version (both memory and compilation time)
struct last_type;
template<typename T>
struct last_type<T> { using type = T;};
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
struct last_type<T, Ts...> { using type = typename last_type<Ts...>::type; };
template<typename... Ts>
using last_type_t = typename last_type<Ts...>::type;
class GAPI_EXPORTS GComputation
class Priv;
typedef std::function<GComputation()> Generator;
// Various constructors enable different ways to define a computation: /////
// 1. Generic constructors
GComputation(const Generator& gen); // Generator overload
GComputation(GProtoInputArgs &&ins,
GProtoOutputArgs &&outs); // Arg-to-arg overload
// 2. Syntax sugar and compatibility overloads
GComputation(GMat in, GMat out); // Unary overload
GComputation(GMat in, GScalar out); // Unary overload (scalar)
GComputation(GMat in1, GMat in2, GMat out); // Binary overload
GComputation(GMat in1, GMat in2, GScalar out); // Binary overload (scalar)
GComputation(const std::vector<GMat> &ins, // Compatibility overload
const std::vector<GMat> &outs);
// Various versions of apply(): ////////////////////////////////////////////
// 1. Generic apply()
void apply(GRunArgs &&ins, GRunArgsP &&outs, GCompileArgs &&args = {}); // Arg-to-arg overload
// 2. Syntax sugar and compatibility overloads
void apply(cv::Mat in, cv::Mat &out, GCompileArgs &&args = {}); // Unary overload
void apply(cv::Mat in, cv::Scalar &out, GCompileArgs &&args = {}); // Unary overload (scalar)
void apply(cv::Mat in1, cv::Mat in2, cv::Mat &out, GCompileArgs &&args = {}); // Binary overload
void apply(cv::Mat in1, cv::Mat in2, cv::Scalar &out, GCompileArgs &&args = {}); // Binary overload (scalar)
void apply(const std::vector<cv::Mat>& ins, // Compatibility overload
const std::vector<cv::Mat>& outs,
GCompileArgs &&args = {});
// Various versions of compile(): //////////////////////////////////////////
// 1. Generic compile() - requires metas to be passed as vector
GCompiled compile(GMetaArgs &&in_metas, GCompileArgs &&args = {});
// 2. Syntax sugar - variadic list of metas, no extra compile args
template<typename... Ts>
auto compile(const Ts&... metas) ->
typename std::enable_if<detail::are_meta_descrs<Ts...>::value, GCompiled>::type
return compile(GMetaArgs{GMetaArg(metas)...}, GCompileArgs());
// 3. Syntax sugar - variadic list of metas, extra compile args
// (seems optional parameters don't work well when there's an variadic template
// comes first)
// Ideally it should look like:
// template<typename... Ts>
// GCompiled compile(const Ts&... metas, GCompileArgs &&args)
// But not all compilers can hande this (and seems they shouldn't be able to).
template<typename... Ts>
auto compile(const Ts&... meta_and_compile_args) ->
typename std::enable_if<detail::are_meta_descrs_but_last<Ts...>::value
&& std::is_same<GCompileArgs, detail::last_type_t<Ts...> >::value,
//FIXME: wrapping meta_and_compile_args into a tuple to unwrap them inside a helper function is the overkill
return compile(std::make_tuple(meta_and_compile_args...),
typename detail::MkSeq<sizeof...(Ts)-1>::type());
// Internal use only
Priv& priv();
const Priv& priv() const;
// 4. Helper method for (3)
template<typename... Ts, int... IIs>
GCompiled compile(const std::tuple<Ts...> &meta_and_compile_args, detail::Seq<IIs...>)
GMetaArgs meta_args = {GMetaArg(std::get<IIs>(meta_and_compile_args))...};
GCompileArgs comp_args = std::get<sizeof...(Ts)-1>(meta_and_compile_args);
return compile(std::move(meta_args), std::move(comp_args));
std::shared_ptr<Priv> m_priv;
namespace gapi
// Declare an Island tagged with `name` and defined from `ins` to `outs`
// (exclusively, as ins/outs are data objects, and regioning is done on
// operations level).
// Throws if any operation between `ins` and `outs` are already assigned
// to another island.
void GAPI_EXPORTS island(const std::string &name,
GProtoInputArgs &&ins,
GProtoOutputArgs &&outs);
} // namespace gapi
} // namespace cv
This diff is collapsed.
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <ostream>
#include <memory> // std::shared_ptr
#include <opencv2/gapi/opencv_includes.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gcommon.hpp> // GShape
#include "opencv2/gapi/own/types.hpp" // cv::gapi::own::Size
#include "opencv2/gapi/own/convert.hpp" // to_own
#include "opencv2/gapi/own/assert.hpp"
namespace cv
// Forward declaration; GNode and GOrigin are an internal
// (user-inaccessible) classes.
class GNode;
struct GOrigin;
GMat(); // Empty constructor
GMat(const GNode &n, std::size_t out); // Operation result constructor
GOrigin& priv(); // Internal use only
const GOrigin& priv() const; // Internal use only
std::shared_ptr<GOrigin> m_priv;
struct GAPI_EXPORTS GMatDesc
// FIXME: Default initializers in C++14
int depth;
int chan;
cv::gapi::own::Size size; // NB.: no multi-dimensional cases covered yet
inline bool operator== (const GMatDesc &rhs) const
return depth == rhs.depth && chan == rhs.chan && size == rhs.size;
inline bool operator!= (const GMatDesc &rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
// Meta combinator: return a new GMatDesc which differs in size by delta
// (all other fields are taken unchanged from this GMatDesc)
// FIXME: a better name?
GMatDesc withSizeDelta(cv::gapi::own::Size delta) const
GMatDesc desc(*this);
desc.size += delta;
return desc;
GMatDesc withSizeDelta(cv::Size delta) const
return withSizeDelta(to_own(delta));
// Meta combinator: return a new GMatDesc which differs in size by delta
// (all other fields are taken unchanged from this GMatDesc)
// This is an overload.
GMatDesc withSizeDelta(int dx, int dy) const
return withSizeDelta(cv::gapi::own::Size{dx,dy});
GMatDesc withSize(cv::gapi::own::Size sz) const
GMatDesc desc(*this);
desc.size = sz;
return desc;
GMatDesc withSize(cv::Size sz) const
return withSize(to_own(sz));
// Meta combinator: return a new GMatDesc with specified data depth.
// (all other fields are taken unchanged from this GMatDesc)
GMatDesc withDepth(int ddepth) const
GAPI_Assert(CV_MAT_CN(ddepth) == 1 || ddepth == -1);
GMatDesc desc(*this);
if (ddepth != -1) desc.depth = ddepth;
return desc;
// Meta combinator: return a new GMatDesc with specified data depth
// and number of channels.
// (all other fields are taken unchanged from this GMatDesc)
GMatDesc withType(int ddepth, int dchan) const
GAPI_Assert(CV_MAT_CN(ddepth) == 1 || ddepth == -1);
GMatDesc desc = withDepth(ddepth);
desc.chan = dchan;
return desc;
static inline GMatDesc empty_gmat_desc() { return GMatDesc{-1,-1,{-1,-1}}; }
class Mat;
GAPI_EXPORTS GMatDesc descr_of(const cv::Mat &mat);
namespace gapi { namespace own {
class Mat;
CV_EXPORTS GMatDesc descr_of(const Mat &mat);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const cv::GMatDesc &desc);
} // namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#include "opencv2/gapi/util/util.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/util/variant.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gmat.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gscalar.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/garray.hpp"
namespace cv
// FIXME: Rename to GMeta?
// FIXME: user shouldn't deal with it - put to detail?
// GMetaArg is an union type over descriptions of G-types which can serve as
// GComputation's in/output slots.
// GMetaArg objects are passed as arguments to GComputation::compile()
// to specify which data a compiled computation should be specialized on.
// For manual compile(), user must supply this metadata, in case of apply()
// this metadata is taken from arguments computation should operate on.
// The first type (monostate) is equal to "uninitialized"/"unresolved" meta.
using GMetaArg = util::variant
< util::monostate
, GMatDesc
, GScalarDesc
, GArrayDesc
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const GMetaArg &);
using GMetaArgs = std::vector<GMetaArg>;
namespace detail
// These traits are used by GComputation::compile()
// FIXME: is_constructible<T> doesn't work as variant doesn't do any SFINAE
// in its current template constructor
template<typename T> struct is_meta_descr : std::false_type {};
template<> struct is_meta_descr<GMatDesc> : std::true_type {};
template<> struct is_meta_descr<GScalarDesc> : std::true_type {};
template<> struct is_meta_descr<GArrayDesc> : std::true_type {};
template<typename... Ts>
using are_meta_descrs = all_satisfy<is_meta_descr, Ts...>;
template<typename... Ts>
using are_meta_descrs_but_last = all_satisfy<is_meta_descr, typename all_but_last<Ts...>::type>;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <ostream>
#include "opencv2/gapi/util/variant.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gmat.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gscalar.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/garray.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/garg.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gmetaarg.hpp"
namespace cv {
// FIXME: user shouldn't deal with it - put to detail?
// GProtoArg is an union type over G-types which can serve as
// GComputation's in/output slots. In other words, GProtoArg
// wraps any type which can serve as G-API exchange type.
// In Runtime, GProtoArgs are substituted with appropriate GRunArgs.
// GProtoArg objects are constructed in-place when user describes
// (captures) computations, user doesn't interact with these types
// directly.
using GProtoArg = util::variant
< GMat
, GScalar
, detail::GArrayU // instead of GArray<T>
using GProtoArgs = std::vector<GProtoArg>;
namespace detail
template<typename... Ts> inline GProtoArgs packArgs(Ts... args)
return GProtoArgs{ GProtoArg(wrap_gapi_helper<Ts>::wrap(args))... };
template<class Tag>
struct GIOProtoArgs
explicit GIOProtoArgs(const GProtoArgs& args) : m_args(args) {}
explicit GIOProtoArgs(GProtoArgs &&args) : m_args(std::move(args)) {}
GProtoArgs m_args;
struct In_Tag{};
struct Out_Tag{};
using GProtoInputArgs = GIOProtoArgs<In_Tag>;
using GProtoOutputArgs = GIOProtoArgs<Out_Tag>;
// Perfect forwarding
template<typename... Ts> inline GProtoInputArgs GIn(Ts&&... ts)
return GProtoInputArgs(detail::packArgs(std::forward<Ts>(ts)...));
template<typename... Ts> inline GProtoOutputArgs GOut(Ts&&... ts)
return GProtoOutputArgs(detail::packArgs(std::forward<Ts>(ts)...));
// Extract run-time arguments from node origin
// Can be used to extract constant values associated with G-objects
// (like GScalar) at graph construction time
GRunArg value_of(const GOrigin &origin);
// Transform run-time computation arguments into a collection of metadata
// extracted from that arguments
GMetaArg GAPI_EXPORTS descr_of(const GRunArg &arg );
GMetaArgs GAPI_EXPORTS descr_of(const GRunArgs &args);
// Transform run-time operation result argument into metadata extracted from that argument
// Used to compare the metadata, which generated at compile time with the metadata result operation in run time
GMetaArg GAPI_EXPORTS descr_of(const GRunArgP& argp);
} // namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <ostream>
#include <opencv2/gapi/opencv_includes.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gcommon.hpp> // GShape
#include <opencv2/gapi/util/optional.hpp>
#include "opencv2/gapi/own/scalar.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core/types.hpp>
namespace cv
// Forward declaration; GNode and GOrigin are an internal
// (user-inaccessible) classes.
class GNode;
struct GOrigin;
class GAPI_EXPORTS GScalar
GScalar(); // Empty constructor
explicit GScalar(const cv::gapi::own::Scalar& s); // Constant value constructor from cv::gapi::own::Scalar
explicit GScalar(cv::gapi::own::Scalar&& s); // Constant value move-constructor from cv::gapi::own::Scalar
explicit GScalar(const cv::Scalar& s); // Constant value constructor from cv::Scalar
GScalar(double v0); // Constant value constructor from double
GScalar(const GNode &n, std::size_t out); // Operation result constructor
GOrigin& priv(); // Internal use only
const GOrigin& priv() const; // Internal use only
std::shared_ptr<GOrigin> m_priv;
struct GScalarDesc
// NB.: right now it is empty
inline bool operator== (const GScalarDesc &) const
return true; // NB: implement this method if GScalar meta appears
inline bool operator!= (const GScalarDesc &rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
static inline GScalarDesc empty_scalar_desc() { return GScalarDesc(); }
GAPI_EXPORTS GScalarDesc descr_of(const cv::gapi::own::Scalar &scalar);
GAPI_EXPORTS GScalarDesc descr_of(const cv::Scalar &scalar);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const cv::GScalarDesc &desc);
} // namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gmat.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gscalar.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/garray.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gcommon.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/own/convert.hpp>
namespace cv
namespace detail
// FIXME: These traits and enum and possible numerous switch(kind)
// block may be replaced with a special Handler<T> object or with
// a double dispatch
enum class ArgKind: int
OPAQUE, // Unknown, generic, opaque-to-GAPI data type - STATIC
GOBJREF, // <internal> reference to object
GMAT, // a cv::GMat
GSCALAR, // a cv::GScalar
GARRAY, // a cv::GArrayU (note - exactly GArrayU, not GArray<T>!)
// Describe G-API types (G-types) with traits. Mostly used by
// cv::GArg to store meta information about types passed into
// operation arguments. Please note that cv::GComputation is
// defined on GProtoArgs, not GArgs!
template<typename T> struct GTypeTraits;
template<typename T> struct GTypeTraits
static constexpr const ArgKind kind = ArgKind::OPAQUE;
template<> struct GTypeTraits<cv::GMat>
static constexpr const ArgKind kind = ArgKind::GMAT;
static constexpr const GShape shape = GShape::GMAT;
template<> struct GTypeTraits<cv::GScalar>
static constexpr const ArgKind kind = ArgKind::GSCALAR;
static constexpr const GShape shape = GShape::GSCALAR;
template<class T> struct GTypeTraits<cv::GArray<T> >
static constexpr const ArgKind kind = ArgKind::GARRAY;
static constexpr const GShape shape = GShape::GARRAY;
using host_type = std::vector<T>;
using strip_type = cv::detail::VectorRef;
static cv::detail::GArrayU wrap_value(const cv::GArray<T> &t) { return t.strip();}
static cv::detail::VectorRef wrap_in (const std::vector<T> &t) { return detail::VectorRef(t); }
static cv::detail::VectorRef wrap_out ( std::vector<T> &t) { return detail::VectorRef(t); }
// Tests if Trait for type T requires extra marshalling ("custom wrap") or not.
// If Traits<T> has wrap_value() defined, it does.
template<class T> struct has_custom_wrap
template<class,class> class check;
template<typename C> static std::true_type test(check<C, decltype(&GTypeTraits<C>::wrap_value)> *);
template<typename C> static std::false_type test(...);
using type = decltype(test<T>(nullptr));
static const constexpr bool value = std::is_same<std::true_type, decltype(test<T>(nullptr))>::value;
// Resolve a Host type back to its associated G-Type.
// FIXME: Probably it can be avoided
template<typename T> struct GTypeOf;
template<> struct GTypeOf<cv::Mat> { using type = cv::GMat; };
template<> struct GTypeOf<cv::gapi::own::Mat> { using type = cv::GMat; };
template<> struct GTypeOf<cv::Scalar> { using type = cv::GScalar; };
template<> struct GTypeOf<cv::gapi::own::Scalar> { using type = cv::GScalar; };
template<typename U> struct GTypeOf<std::vector<U> > { using type = cv::GArray<U>; };
template<class T> using g_type_of_t = typename GTypeOf<T>::type;
// Marshalling helper for G-types and its Host types. Helps G-API
// to store G types in internal generic containers for further
// processing. Implements the following callbacks:
// * wrap() - converts user-facing G-type into an internal one
// for internal storage.
// Used when G-API operation is instantiated (G<Kernel>::on(),
// etc) during expressing a pipeline. Mostly returns input
// value "as is" except the case when G-type is a template. For
// template G-classes, calls custom wrap() from Traits.
// The value returned by wrap() is then wrapped into GArg() and
// stored in G-API metadata.
// Example:
// - cv::GMat arguments are passed as-is.
// - integers, pointers, STL containers, user types are passed as-is.
// - cv::GArray<T> is converted to cv::GArrayU.
// * wrap_in() / wrap_out() - convert Host type associated with
// G-type to internal representation type.
// - For "simple" (non-template) G-types, returns value as-is.
// Example: cv::GMat has host type cv::Mat, when user passes a
// cv::Mat, system stores it internally as cv::Mat.
// - For "complex" (template) G-types, utilizes custom
// wrap_in()/wrap_out() as described in Traits.
// Example: cv::GArray<T> has host type std::vector<T>, when
// user passes a std::vector<T>, system stores it
// internally as VectorRef (with <T> stripped away).
template<typename T, class Custom = void> struct WrapValue
static auto wrap(const T& t) ->
typename std::remove_reference<T>::type
return static_cast<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>(t);
template<typename U> static U wrap_in (const U &u) { return u; }
template<typename U> static U* wrap_out(U &u) { return &u; }
template<typename T> struct WrapValue<T, typename std::enable_if<has_custom_wrap<T>::value>::type>
static auto wrap(const T& t) -> decltype(GTypeTraits<T>::wrap_value(t))
return GTypeTraits<T>::wrap_value(t);
template<typename U> static auto wrap_in (const U &u) -> typename GTypeTraits<T>::strip_type
return GTypeTraits<T>::wrap_in(u);
template<typename U> static auto wrap_out(U &u) -> typename GTypeTraits<T>::strip_type
return GTypeTraits<T>::wrap_out(u);
template<typename T> using wrap_gapi_helper = WrapValue<typename std::decay<T>::type>;
template<typename T> using wrap_host_helper = WrapValue<typename std::decay<g_type_of_t<T> >::type>;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <vector>
#include "opencv2/gapi/gcomputation.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gcompiled.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gproto.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gcommon.hpp"
namespace cv {
namespace detail
// FIXME: How to prevent coolhackers from extending it by their own types?
// FIXME: ...Should we care?
template<typename T> struct ProtoToParam;
template<> struct ProtoToParam<cv::GMat> { using type = cv::Mat; };
template<> struct ProtoToParam<cv::GScalar> { using type = cv::Scalar; };
template<typename U> struct ProtoToParam<cv::GArray<U> > { using type = std::vector<U>; };
template<typename T> using ProtoToParamT = typename ProtoToParam<T>::type;
template<typename T> struct ProtoToMeta;
template<> struct ProtoToMeta<cv::GMat> { using type = cv::GMatDesc; };
template<> struct ProtoToMeta<cv::GScalar> { using type = cv::GScalarDesc; };
template<typename U> struct ProtoToMeta<cv::GArray<U> > { using type = cv::GArrayDesc; };
template<typename T> using ProtoToMetaT = typename ProtoToMeta<T>::type;
//workaround for MSVC 19.0 bug
template <typename T>
auto make_default()->decltype(T{}) {return {};}
}; // detail
template<typename> class GComputationT;
// Single return value implementation
template<typename R, typename... Args> class GComputationT<R(Args...)>
typedef std::function<R(Args...)> Gen;
class GCompiledT
friend class GComputationT<R(Args...)>;
cv::GCompiled m_comp;
explicit GCompiledT(const cv::GCompiled &comp) : m_comp(comp) {}
GCompiledT() {}
void operator()(detail::ProtoToParamT<Args>... inArgs,
detail::ProtoToParamT<R> &outArg)
m_comp(cv::gin(inArgs...), cv::gout(outArg));
explicit operator bool() const
return static_cast<bool>(m_comp);
typedef std::pair<R, GProtoInputArgs > Captured;
Captured capture(const Gen& g, Args... args)
return Captured(g(args...), cv::GIn(args...));
Captured m_capture;
cv::GComputation m_comp;
GComputationT(const Gen &generator)
: m_capture(capture(generator, detail::make_default<Args>()...))
, m_comp(cv::GProtoInputArgs(std::move(m_capture.second)),
void apply(detail::ProtoToParamT<Args>... inArgs,
detail::ProtoToParamT<R> &outArg)
m_comp.apply(cv::gin(inArgs...), cv::gout(outArg));
GCompiledT compile(detail::ProtoToMetaT<Args>... inDescs)
GMetaArgs inMetas = { GMetaArg(inDescs)... };
return GCompiledT(m_comp.compile(std::move(inMetas), GCompileArgs()));
GCompiledT compile(detail::ProtoToMetaT<Args>... inDescs, GCompileArgs &&args)
GMetaArgs inMetas = { GMetaArg(inDescs)... };
return GCompiledT(m_comp.compile(std::move(inMetas), std::move(args)));
// Multiple (fixed) return value implementation. FIXME: How to avoid copy-paste?
template<typename... R, typename... Args> class GComputationT<std::tuple<R...>(Args...)>
typedef std::function<std::tuple<R...>(Args...)> Gen;
class GCompiledT
friend class GComputationT<std::tuple<R...>(Args...)>;
cv::GCompiled m_comp;
explicit GCompiledT(const cv::GCompiled &comp) : m_comp(comp) {}
GCompiledT() {}
void operator()(detail::ProtoToParamT<Args>... inArgs,
detail::ProtoToParamT<R>&... outArgs)
m_comp(cv::gin(inArgs...), cv::gout(outArgs...));
explicit operator bool() const
return static_cast<bool>(m_comp);
typedef std::pair<GProtoArgs, GProtoArgs> Captured;
template<int... IIs>
Captured capture(GProtoArgs &&args, const std::tuple<R...> &rr, detail::Seq<IIs...>)
return Captured(cv::GOut(std::get<IIs>(rr)...).m_args, args);
Captured capture(const Gen& g, Args... args)
return capture(cv::GIn(args...).m_args, g(args...), typename detail::MkSeq<sizeof...(R)>::type());
Captured m_capture;
cv::GComputation m_comp;
GComputationT(const Gen &generator)
: m_capture(capture(generator, detail::make_default<Args>()...))
, m_comp(cv::GProtoInputArgs(std::move(m_capture.second)),
void apply(detail::ProtoToParamT<Args>... inArgs,
detail::ProtoToParamT<R>&... outArgs)
m_comp.apply(cv::gin(inArgs...), cv::gout(outArgs...));
GCompiledT compile(detail::ProtoToMetaT<Args>... inDescs)
GMetaArgs inMetas = { GMetaArg(inDescs)... };
return GCompiledT(m_comp.compile(std::move(inMetas), GCompileArgs()));
GCompiledT compile(detail::ProtoToMetaT<Args>... inDescs, GCompileArgs &&args)
GMetaArgs inMetas = { GMetaArg(inDescs)... };
return GCompiledT(m_comp.compile(std::move(inMetas), std::move(args)));
} // namespace cv
This diff is collapsed.
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <opencv2/core/mat.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/cvdef.h>
#include <opencv2/core/types.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/base.hpp>
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include "opencv2/gapi/gmat.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gscalar.hpp"
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator+(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator+(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GScalar& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator+(const cv::GScalar& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator-(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator-(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GScalar& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator-(const cv::GScalar& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator*(const cv::GMat& lhs, float rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator*(float lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator*(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GScalar& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator*(const cv::GScalar& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator/(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GScalar& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator/(const cv::GScalar& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator/(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator&(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator|(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator^(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator~(const cv::GMat& lhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator&(const cv::GScalar& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator|(const cv::GScalar& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator^(const cv::GScalar& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator&(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GScalar& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator|(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GScalar& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator^(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GScalar& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator>(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator>=(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator<(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator<=(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator==(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator!=(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator>(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GScalar& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator>=(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GScalar& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator<(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GScalar& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator<=(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GScalar& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator==(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GScalar& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator!=(const cv::GMat& lhs, const cv::GScalar& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator>(const cv::GScalar& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator>=(const cv::GScalar& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator<(const cv::GScalar& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator<=(const cv::GScalar& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator==(const cv::GScalar& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
GAPI_EXPORTS cv::GMat operator!=(const cv::GScalar& lhs, const cv::GMat& rhs);
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#if 0
#include <opencv2/core/base.hpp>
#define GAPI_Assert(expr) CV_Assert(expr)
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>
#include "opencv2/gapi/util/throw.hpp"
namespace detail
inline void assert_abort(const char* str, int line, const char* file, const char* func)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << file << ":" << line << ": Assertion " << str << " in function " << func << " failed\n";
#define GAPI_Assert(expr) \
{ if (!(expr)) ::detail::assert_abort(#expr, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__); }
#ifdef _DEBUG
# define GAPI_DbgAssert(expr) GAPI_Assert(expr)
# define GAPI_DbgAssert(expr)
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <opencv2/core/types.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/mat.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/own/types.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/own/mat.hpp>
#include "opencv2/gapi/own/scalar.hpp"
namespace cv
inline cv::gapi::own::Mat to_own(Mat const& m) { return {m.rows, m.cols, m.type(),, m.step};};
cv::gapi::own::Mat to_own(Mat&&) = delete;
inline cv::gapi::own::Scalar to_own(const cv::Scalar& s) { return {s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3]}; };
inline cv::gapi::own::Size to_own (const Size& s) { return {s.width, s.height}; };
inline cv::gapi::own::Rect to_own (const Rect& r) { return {r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height}; };
namespace gapi
namespace own
inline cv::Mat to_ocv(Mat const& m) { return {m.rows, m.cols, m.type(),, m.step};};
cv::Mat to_ocv(Mat&&) = delete;
inline cv::Scalar to_ocv(const Scalar& s) { return {s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3]}; };
inline cv::Size to_ocv (const Size& s) { return cv::Size(s.width, s.height); };
inline cv::Rect to_ocv (const Rect& r) { return cv::Rect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); };
} // namespace own
} // namespace gapi
} // namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
# if 0
# include <opencv2/core/base.hpp>
# else
# if defined _WIN32
# define GAPI_EXPORTS __declspec(dllexport)
# elif defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 4
# define GAPI_EXPORTS __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
# endif
# endif
# endif
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include "opencv2/core/cvdef.h"
#include "opencv2/gapi/own/types.hpp"
#include <memory> //std::shared_ptr
namespace cv { namespace gapi { namespace own {
namespace detail {
inline size_t default_step(int type, int cols)
return CV_ELEM_SIZE(type) * cols;
//Matrix header, i.e. fields that are unique to each Mat object.
//Devoted class is needed to implement custom behavior on move (erasing state of moved from object)
struct MatHeader{
enum { AUTO_STEP = 0};
enum { TYPE_MASK = 0x00000FFF };
MatHeader() = default;
MatHeader(int _rows, int _cols, int type, void* _data, size_t _step)
: flags((type & TYPE_MASK)), rows(_rows), cols(_cols), data((uchar*)_data), step(_step == AUTO_STEP ? detail::default_step(type, _cols) : _step)
MatHeader(const MatHeader& ) = default;
MatHeader(MatHeader&& src) : MatHeader(src) // reuse copy constructor here
MatHeader empty; //give it a name to call copy(not move) assignment below
src = empty;
MatHeader& operator=(const MatHeader& ) = default;
MatHeader& operator=(MatHeader&& src)
*this = src; //calling a copy assignment here, not move one
MatHeader empty; //give it a name to call copy(not move) assignment below
src = empty;
return *this;
/*! includes several bit-fields:
- depth
- number of channels
int flags = 0;
//! the number of rows and columns or (-1, -1) when the matrix has more than 2 dimensions
int rows = 0, cols = 0;
//! pointer to the data
uchar* data = nullptr;
size_t step = 0;
//concise version of cv::Mat suitable for GAPI needs (used when no dependence on OpenCV is required)
class Mat : public detail::MatHeader{
Mat() = default;
/** @overload
@param _rows Number of rows in a 2D array.
@param _cols Number of columns in a 2D array.
@param _type Array type. Use CV_8UC1, ..., CV_64FC4 to create 1-4 channel matrices, or
CV_8UC(n), ..., CV_64FC(n) to create multi-channel (up to CV_CN_MAX channels) matrices.
@param _data Pointer to the user data. Matrix constructors that take data and step parameters do not
allocate matrix data. Instead, they just initialize the matrix header that points to the specified
data, which means that no data is copied. This operation is very efficient and can be used to
process external data using OpenCV functions. The external data is not automatically deallocated, so
you should take care of it.
@param _step Number of bytes each matrix row occupies. The value should include the padding bytes at
the end of each row, if any. If the parameter is missing (set to AUTO_STEP ), no padding is assumed
and the actual step is calculated as cols*elemSize(). See Mat::elemSize.
Mat(int _rows, int _cols, int _type, void* _data, size_t _step = AUTO_STEP)
: MatHeader (_rows, _cols, _type, _data, _step)
Mat(Mat const& src) = default;
Mat(Mat&& src) = default;
Mat& operator=(Mat const& src) = default;
Mat& operator=(Mat&& src) = default;
/** @brief Returns the type of a matrix element.
The method returns a matrix element type. This is an identifier compatible with the CvMat type
system, like CV_16SC3 or 16-bit signed 3-channel array, and so on.
int type() const {return CV_MAT_TYPE(flags);}
/** @brief Returns the depth of a matrix element.
The method returns the identifier of the matrix element depth (the type of each individual channel).
For example, for a 16-bit signed element array, the method returns CV_16S . A complete list of
matrix types contains the following values:
- CV_8U - 8-bit unsigned integers ( 0..255 )
- CV_8S - 8-bit signed integers ( -128..127 )
- CV_16U - 16-bit unsigned integers ( 0..65535 )
- CV_16S - 16-bit signed integers ( -32768..32767 )
- CV_32S - 32-bit signed integers ( -2147483648..2147483647 )
- CV_32F - 32-bit floating-point numbers ( -FLT_MAX..FLT_MAX, INF, NAN )
- CV_64F - 64-bit floating-point numbers ( -DBL_MAX..DBL_MAX, INF, NAN )
int depth() const {return CV_MAT_DEPTH(flags);}
/** @brief Returns the number of matrix channels.
The method returns the number of matrix channels.
int channels() const {return CV_MAT_CN(flags);}
/** @overload
@param _size Alternative new matrix size specification: Size(cols, rows)
@param _type New matrix type.
void create(cv::gapi::own::Size _size, int _type)
if (_size != cv::gapi::own::Size{cols, rows} )
Mat tmp{_size.height, _size.width, _type, nullptr};
tmp.memory.reset(new uchar[ tmp.step * tmp.rows], [](uchar * p){delete[] p;}); = tmp.memory.get();
*this = std::move(tmp);
//actual memory allocated for storage, or nullptr if object is non owning view to over memory
std::shared_ptr<uchar> memory;
} //namespace own
} //namespace gapi
} //namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
namespace cv
namespace gapi
namespace own
class CV_EXPORTS Scalar
Scalar() = default;
explicit Scalar(double v0) { val[0] = v0; };
Scalar(double v0, double v1, double v2 = 0, double v3 = 0)
: val{v0, v1, v2, v3}
const double& operator[](int i) const { return val[i]; }
double& operator[](int i) { return val[i]; }
static Scalar all(double v0) { return Scalar(v0, v0, v0, v0); }
double val[4] = {0};
inline bool operator==(const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs)
return std::equal(std::begin(lhs.val), std::end(lhs.val), std::begin(rhs.val));
} // namespace own
} // namespace gapi
} // namespace cv
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <algorithm> // std::max, std::min
#include "opencv2/core/base.hpp" //for CV_DbgAssert
#include "opencv2/gapi/own/assert.hpp"
namespace cv
namespace gapi
namespace own
class Point
Point() = default;
Point(int _x, int _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {};
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
class Rect
Rect() = default;
Rect(int _x, int _y, int _width, int _height) : x(_x), y(_y), width(_width), height(_height) {};
#if 1
Rect(const cv::Rect& other) : x(other.x), y(other.y), width(other.width), height(other.height) {};
inline Rect& operator=(const cv::Rect& other)
x = other.x;
y = other.x;
width = other.width;
height = other.height;
return *this;
int x = 0; //!< x coordinate of the top-left corner
int y = 0; //!< y coordinate of the top-left corner
int width = 0; //!< width of the rectangle
int height = 0; //!< height of the rectangle
inline bool operator==(const Rect& lhs, const Rect& rhs)
return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y && lhs.width == rhs.width && lhs.height == rhs.height;
inline bool operator!=(const Rect& lhs, const Rect& rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
inline Rect& operator&=(Rect& lhs, const Rect& rhs)
int x1 = std::max(lhs.x, rhs.x);
int y1 = std::max(lhs.y, rhs.y);
lhs.width = std::min(lhs.x + lhs.width, rhs.x + rhs.width) - x1;
lhs.height = std::min(lhs.y + lhs.height, rhs.y + rhs.height) - y1;
lhs.x = x1;
lhs.y = y1;
if( lhs.width <= 0 || lhs.height <= 0 )
lhs = Rect();
return lhs;
inline const Rect operator&(const Rect& lhs, const Rect& rhs)
Rect result = lhs;
return result &= rhs;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Rect& rect)
return o << "[" << rect.width << " x " << rect.height << " from (" << rect.x << ", " << rect.y << ")]";
class Size
Size() = default;
Size(int _width, int _height) : width(_width), height(_height) {};
#if 1
Size(const cv::Size& other) : width(other.width), height(other.height) {};
inline Size& operator=(const cv::Size& rhs)
width = rhs.width;
height = rhs.height;
return *this;
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
inline Size& operator+=(Size& lhs, const Size& rhs)
lhs.width += rhs.width;
lhs.height += rhs.height;
return lhs;
inline bool operator==(const Size& lhs, const Size& rhs)
return lhs.width == rhs.width && lhs.height == rhs.height;
inline bool operator!=(const Size& lhs, const Size& rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Size& s)
o << "[" << s.width << " x " << s.height << "]";
return o;
} // namespace own
} // namespace gapi
} // namespace cv
This diff is collapsed.
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
namespace cv
namespace util
//! Utility template function to prevent "unused" warnings by various compilers.
template<typename T> void suppress_unused_warning( const T& ) {}
} // namespace util
} // namespace cv
#define UNUSED(x) cv::util::suppress_unused_warning(x)
This diff is collapsed.
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <utility> // std::forward
#if !defined(__EXCEPTIONS)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
namespace cv
namespace util
template <class ExceptionType>
[[noreturn]] void throw_error(ExceptionType &&e)
#if defined(__EXCEPTIONS) || defined(_CPPUNWIND)
throw std::forward<ExceptionType>(e);
fprintf(stderr, "An exception thrown! %s\n" , e.what());
} // namespace util
} // namespace cv
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include "perf_precomp.hpp"
#include "../../test/common/gapi_tests_common.hpp"
#include "../../src/backends/fluid/gfluidcore.hpp"
namespace opencv_test
using namespace perf;
class CompilerPerfTest : public TestPerfParams<tuple<cv::Size, MatType>> {};
PERF_TEST_P_(CompilerPerfTest, TestPerformance)
const auto params = GetParam();
Size sz = get<0>(params);
MatType type = get<1>(params);
initMatsRandU(type, sz, type, false);
// G-API code ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto splitted = cv::gapi::split3(in);
auto add1 = cv::gapi::addC({1}, std::get<0>(splitted));
auto add2 = cv::gapi::addC({2}, std::get<1>(splitted));
auto add3 = cv::gapi::addC({3}, std::get<2>(splitted));
auto out = cv::gapi::merge3(add1, add2, add3);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::core::fluid::kernels()));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(CompilerPerfTest, CompilerPerfTest,
Combine(Values(szSmall128, szVGA, sz720p, sz1080p),
} // namespace opencv_test
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include "perf_precomp.hpp"
//#include "../test/test_precomp.hpp"
This diff is collapsed.
This directory contains implementation of G-API frontend (public API classes).
\ No newline at end of file
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