Commit 2932bedd authored by Vladislav Vinogradov's avatar Vladislav Vinogradov

switched to Input/Output Array in gpuwarping functions

parent 75b86c97
......@@ -54,51 +54,51 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu {
//! DST[x,y] = SRC[xmap[x,y],ymap[x,y]]
//! supports only CV_32FC1 map type
CV_EXPORTS void remap(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, const GpuMat& xmap, const GpuMat& ymap,
CV_EXPORTS void remap(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray xmap, InputArray ymap,
int interpolation, int borderMode = BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar borderValue = Scalar(),
Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
//! resizes the image
CV_EXPORTS void resize(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, Size dsize, double fx=0, double fy=0, int interpolation = INTER_LINEAR, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
CV_EXPORTS void resize(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size dsize, double fx=0, double fy=0, int interpolation = INTER_LINEAR, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
//! warps the image using affine transformation
CV_EXPORTS void warpAffine(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, const Mat& M, Size dsize, int flags = INTER_LINEAR,
CV_EXPORTS void warpAffine(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray M, Size dsize, int flags = INTER_LINEAR,
int borderMode = BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar borderValue = Scalar(), Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
CV_EXPORTS void buildWarpAffineMaps(const Mat& M, bool inverse, Size dsize, GpuMat& xmap, GpuMat& ymap, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
CV_EXPORTS void buildWarpAffineMaps(InputArray M, bool inverse, Size dsize, OutputArray xmap, OutputArray ymap, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
//! warps the image using perspective transformation
CV_EXPORTS void warpPerspective(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, const Mat& M, Size dsize, int flags = INTER_LINEAR,
CV_EXPORTS void warpPerspective(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray M, Size dsize, int flags = INTER_LINEAR,
int borderMode = BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar borderValue = Scalar(), Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
CV_EXPORTS void buildWarpPerspectiveMaps(const Mat& M, bool inverse, Size dsize, GpuMat& xmap, GpuMat& ymap, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
CV_EXPORTS void buildWarpPerspectiveMaps(InputArray M, bool inverse, Size dsize, OutputArray xmap, OutputArray ymap, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
//! builds plane warping maps
CV_EXPORTS void buildWarpPlaneMaps(Size src_size, Rect dst_roi, const Mat &K, const Mat& R, const Mat &T, float scale,
GpuMat& map_x, GpuMat& map_y, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
CV_EXPORTS void buildWarpPlaneMaps(Size src_size, Rect dst_roi, InputArray K, InputArray R, InputArray T, float scale,
OutputArray map_x, OutputArray map_y, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
//! builds cylindrical warping maps
CV_EXPORTS void buildWarpCylindricalMaps(Size src_size, Rect dst_roi, const Mat &K, const Mat& R, float scale,
GpuMat& map_x, GpuMat& map_y, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
CV_EXPORTS void buildWarpCylindricalMaps(Size src_size, Rect dst_roi, InputArray K, InputArray R, float scale,
OutputArray map_x, OutputArray map_y, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
//! builds spherical warping maps
CV_EXPORTS void buildWarpSphericalMaps(Size src_size, Rect dst_roi, const Mat &K, const Mat& R, float scale,
GpuMat& map_x, GpuMat& map_y, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
CV_EXPORTS void buildWarpSphericalMaps(Size src_size, Rect dst_roi, InputArray K, InputArray R, float scale,
OutputArray map_x, OutputArray map_y, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
//! rotates an image around the origin (0,0) and then shifts it
//! supports 1, 3 or 4 channels images with CV_8U, CV_16U or CV_32F depth
CV_EXPORTS void rotate(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, Size dsize, double angle, double xShift = 0, double yShift = 0,
CV_EXPORTS void rotate(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size dsize, double angle, double xShift = 0, double yShift = 0,
int interpolation = INTER_LINEAR, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
//! smoothes the source image and downsamples it
CV_EXPORTS void pyrDown(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
CV_EXPORTS void pyrDown(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
//! upsamples the source image and then smoothes it
CV_EXPORTS void pyrUp(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
CV_EXPORTS void pyrUp(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
class CV_EXPORTS ImagePyramid
......@@ -44,9 +44,8 @@
#if !defined HAVE_CUDA || defined(CUDA_DISABLER)
void cv::gpu::pyrDown(const GpuMat&, GpuMat&, Stream&) { throw_no_cuda(); }
void cv::gpu::pyrUp(const GpuMat&, GpuMat&, Stream&) { throw_no_cuda(); }
void cv::gpu::pyrDown(InputArray, OutputArray, Stream&) { throw_no_cuda(); }
void cv::gpu::pyrUp(InputArray, OutputArray, Stream&) { throw_no_cuda(); }
void cv::gpu::ImagePyramid::build(const GpuMat&, int, Stream&) { throw_no_cuda(); }
void cv::gpu::ImagePyramid::getLayer(GpuMat&, Size, Stream&) const { throw_no_cuda(); }
......@@ -64,12 +63,11 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace cudev
void cv::gpu::pyrDown(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, Stream& stream)
void cv::gpu::pyrDown(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Stream& stream)
using namespace cv::gpu::cudev::imgproc;
typedef void (*func_t)(PtrStepSzb src, PtrStepSzb dst, cudaStream_t stream);
static const func_t funcs[6][4] =
{pyrDown_gpu<uchar> , 0 /*pyrDown_gpu<uchar2>*/ , pyrDown_gpu<uchar3> , pyrDown_gpu<uchar4> },
......@@ -80,12 +78,15 @@ void cv::gpu::pyrDown(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, Stream& stream)
{pyrDown_gpu<float> , 0 /*pyrDown_gpu<float2>*/ , pyrDown_gpu<float3> , pyrDown_gpu<float4> }
CV_Assert(src.depth() <= CV_32F && src.channels() <= 4);
GpuMat src = _src.getGpuMat();
CV_Assert( src.depth() <= CV_32F && src.channels() <= 4 );
const func_t func = funcs[src.depth()][src.channels() - 1];
CV_Assert(func != 0);
CV_Assert( func != 0 );
dst.create((src.rows + 1) / 2, (src.cols + 1) / 2, src.type());
_dst.create((src.rows + 1) / 2, (src.cols + 1) / 2, src.type());
GpuMat dst = _dst.getGpuMat();
func(src, dst, StreamAccessor::getStream(stream));
......@@ -102,12 +103,11 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace cudev
void cv::gpu::pyrUp(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, Stream& stream)
void cv::gpu::pyrUp(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Stream& stream)
using namespace cv::gpu::cudev::imgproc;
typedef void (*func_t)(PtrStepSzb src, PtrStepSzb dst, cudaStream_t stream);
static const func_t funcs[6][4] =
{pyrUp_gpu<uchar> , 0 /*pyrUp_gpu<uchar2>*/ , pyrUp_gpu<uchar3> , pyrUp_gpu<uchar4> },
......@@ -118,17 +118,19 @@ void cv::gpu::pyrUp(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, Stream& stream)
{pyrUp_gpu<float> , 0 /*pyrUp_gpu<float2>*/ , pyrUp_gpu<float3> , pyrUp_gpu<float4> }
CV_Assert(src.depth() <= CV_32F && src.channels() <= 4);
GpuMat src = _src.getGpuMat();
CV_Assert( src.depth() <= CV_32F && src.channels() <= 4 );
const func_t func = funcs[src.depth()][src.channels() - 1];
CV_Assert(func != 0);
CV_Assert( func != 0 );
dst.create(src.rows * 2, src.cols * 2, src.type());
_dst.create(src.rows * 2, src.cols * 2, src.type());
GpuMat dst = _dst.getGpuMat();
func(src, dst, StreamAccessor::getStream(stream));
// ImagePyramid
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
#if !defined HAVE_CUDA || defined(CUDA_DISABLER)
void cv::gpu::remap(const GpuMat&, GpuMat&, const GpuMat&, const GpuMat&, int, int, Scalar, Stream&){ throw_no_cuda(); }
void cv::gpu::remap(InputArray, OutputArray, InputArray, InputArray, int, int, Scalar, Stream&){ throw_no_cuda(); }
#else // HAVE_CUDA
......@@ -58,13 +58,12 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace cudev
void cv::gpu::remap(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, const GpuMat& xmap, const GpuMat& ymap, int interpolation, int borderMode, Scalar borderValue, Stream& stream)
void cv::gpu::remap(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, InputArray _xmap, InputArray _ymap, int interpolation, int borderMode, Scalar borderValue, Stream& stream)
using namespace cv::gpu::cudev::imgproc;
typedef void (*func_t)(PtrStepSzb src, PtrStepSzb srcWhole, int xoff, int yoff, PtrStepSzf xmap, PtrStepSzf ymap, PtrStepSzb dst, int interpolation,
int borderMode, const float* borderValue, cudaStream_t stream, bool cc20);
static const func_t funcs[6][4] =
{remap_gpu<uchar> , 0 /*remap_gpu<uchar2>*/ , remap_gpu<uchar3> , remap_gpu<uchar4> },
......@@ -75,15 +74,21 @@ void cv::gpu::remap(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, const GpuMat& xmap, const Gp
{remap_gpu<float> , 0 /*remap_gpu<float2>*/ , remap_gpu<float3> , remap_gpu<float4> }
CV_Assert(src.depth() <= CV_32F && src.channels() <= 4);
CV_Assert(xmap.type() == CV_32F && ymap.type() == CV_32F && xmap.size() == ymap.size());
CV_Assert(interpolation == INTER_NEAREST || interpolation == INTER_LINEAR || interpolation == INTER_CUBIC);
CV_Assert(borderMode == BORDER_REFLECT101 || borderMode == BORDER_REPLICATE || borderMode == BORDER_CONSTANT || borderMode == BORDER_REFLECT || borderMode == BORDER_WRAP);
GpuMat src = _src.getGpuMat();
GpuMat xmap = _xmap.getGpuMat();
GpuMat ymap = _ymap.getGpuMat();
CV_Assert( src.depth() <= CV_32F && src.channels() <= 4 );
CV_Assert( xmap.type() == CV_32F && ymap.type() == CV_32F && xmap.size() == ymap.size() );
CV_Assert( interpolation == INTER_NEAREST || interpolation == INTER_LINEAR || interpolation == INTER_CUBIC );
CV_Assert( borderMode == BORDER_REFLECT101 || borderMode == BORDER_REPLICATE || borderMode == BORDER_CONSTANT || borderMode == BORDER_REFLECT || borderMode == BORDER_WRAP );
const func_t func = funcs[src.depth()][src.channels() - 1];
CV_Assert(func != 0);
if (!func)
CV_Error(Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, "Unsupported input type");
dst.create(xmap.size(), src.type());
_dst.create(xmap.size(), src.type());
GpuMat dst = _dst.getGpuMat();
Scalar_<float> borderValueFloat;
borderValueFloat = borderValue;
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
#if !defined HAVE_CUDA || defined(CUDA_DISABLER)
void cv::gpu::resize(const GpuMat&, GpuMat&, Size, double, double, int, Stream&) { throw_no_cuda(); }
void cv::gpu::resize(InputArray, OutputArray, Size, double, double, int, Stream&) { throw_no_cuda(); }
#else // HAVE_CUDA
......@@ -58,30 +58,34 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace cudev
void cv::gpu::resize(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, Size dsize, double fx, double fy, int interpolation, Stream& s)
void cv::gpu::resize(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size dsize, double fx, double fy, int interpolation, Stream& _stream)
CV_Assert(src.depth() <= CV_32F && src.channels() <= 4);
CV_Assert(interpolation == INTER_NEAREST || interpolation == INTER_LINEAR
|| interpolation == INTER_CUBIC || interpolation == INTER_AREA);
CV_Assert(!(dsize == Size()) || (fx > 0 && fy > 0));
GpuMat src = _src.getGpuMat();
CV_Assert( src.depth() <= CV_32F && src.channels() <= 4 );
CV_Assert( interpolation == INTER_NEAREST || interpolation == INTER_LINEAR || interpolation == INTER_CUBIC || interpolation == INTER_AREA );
CV_Assert( !(dsize == Size()) || (fx > 0 && fy > 0) );
if (dsize == Size())
dsize = Size(saturate_cast<int>(src.cols * fx), saturate_cast<int>(src.rows * fy));
fx = static_cast<double>(dsize.width) / src.cols;
fy = static_cast<double>(dsize.height) / src.rows;
if (dsize != dst.size())
dst.create(dsize, src.type());
_dst.create(dsize, src.type());
GpuMat dst = _dst.getGpuMat();
if (dsize == src.size())
src.copyTo(dst, s);
src.copyTo(dst, _stream);
cudaStream_t stream = StreamAccessor::getStream(s);
cudaStream_t stream = StreamAccessor::getStream(_stream);
Size wholeSize;
Point ofs;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -24,12 +24,11 @@ static void help()
template<class T>
void convertAndResize(const T& src, T& gray, T& resized, double scale)
static void convertAndResize(const Mat& src, Mat& gray, Mat& resized, double scale)
if (src.channels() == 3)
cvtColor( src, gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY );
cv::cvtColor( src, gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY );
......@@ -40,7 +39,30 @@ void convertAndResize(const T& src, T& gray, T& resized, double scale)
if (scale != 1)
resize(gray, resized, sz);
cv::resize(gray, resized, sz);
resized = gray;
static void convertAndResize(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& gray, GpuMat& resized, double scale)
if (src.channels() == 3)
gpu::cvtColor( src, gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY );
gray = src;
Size sz(cvRound(gray.cols * scale), cvRound(gray.rows * scale));
if (scale != 1)
gpu::resize(gray, resized, sz);
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