Commit 2877f173 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #12397 from terfendail:resize_wintr_fix

parents aa5c4533 f9a5c4d1
......@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ inline void v_load_indexed4(uint8_t* src, int *ofst, v_uint16 &v_src0, v_uint16
v_zip(v_tmp0, v_tmp1, v_tmp2, v_tmp3);
v_zip(v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_tmp2), v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_tmp3), v_src0, v_src1);
inline void v_load_indexed1(uint16_t* src, int *ofst, v_uint32 &v_src0, v_uint32 &v_src1)
inline void v_load_indexed_deinterleave(uint16_t* src, int *ofst, v_uint32 &v_src0, v_uint32 &v_src1)
*((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[ 0])), *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[ 1])), *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[ 2])), *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[ 3])),
......@@ -389,6 +389,11 @@ inline void v_load_indexed1(uint16_t* src, int *ofst, v_uint32 &v_src0, v_uint32
*((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[ 8])), *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[ 9])), *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[10])), *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[11])),
*((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[12])), *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[13])), *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[14])), *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[15])))),
v_src0, v_src1);
v_uint32 v_tmp0, v_tmp1;
v_zip(v_src0, v_src1, v_tmp0, v_tmp1);
v_zip(v_tmp0, v_tmp1, v_src0, v_src1);
v_zip(v_src0, v_src1, v_tmp0, v_tmp1);
v_zip(v_tmp0, v_tmp1, v_src0, v_src1);
#elif CV_SIMD256
inline void v_load_indexed1(uint8_t* src, int *ofst, v_uint16 &v_src0, v_uint16 &v_src1)
......@@ -422,12 +427,16 @@ inline void v_load_indexed4(uint8_t* src, int *ofst, v_uint16 &v_src0, v_uint16
v_zip(v_tmp2, v_tmp3, v_tmp0, v_tmp1);
v_zip(v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_tmp0), v_reinterpret_as_u16(v_tmp1), v_src0, v_src1);
inline void v_load_indexed1(uint16_t* src, int *ofst, v_uint32 &v_src0, v_uint32 &v_src1)
inline void v_load_indexed_deinterleave(uint16_t* src, int *ofst, v_uint32 &v_src0, v_uint32 &v_src1)
v_uint32 v_tmp0, v_tmp1;
*((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[0])), *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[1])), *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[2])), *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[3])),
*((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[4])), *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[5])), *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[6])), *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[7])))),
v_src0, v_src1);
v_tmp0, v_tmp1);
v_zip(v_tmp0, v_tmp1, v_src0, v_src1);
v_zip(v_src0, v_src1, v_tmp0, v_tmp1);
v_zip(v_tmp0, v_tmp1, v_src0, v_src1);
#elif CV_SIMD128
inline void v_load_indexed1(uint8_t* src, int *ofst, v_uint16 &v_src0, v_uint16 &v_src1)
......@@ -466,7 +475,7 @@ inline void v_load_indexed4(uint8_t* src, int *ofst, v_uint16 &v_src0, v_uint16
v_recombine(v_src0, v_src1, v_tmp0, v_tmp1);
v_zip(v_tmp0, v_tmp1, v_src0, v_src1);
inline void v_load_indexed1(uint16_t* src, int *ofst, v_uint32 &v_src0, v_uint32 &v_src1)
inline void v_load_indexed_deinterleave(uint16_t* src, int *ofst, v_uint32 &v_src0, v_uint32 &v_src1)
uint32_t buf[4];
buf[0] = *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[0]));
......@@ -475,6 +484,9 @@ inline void v_load_indexed1(uint16_t* src, int *ofst, v_uint32 &v_src0, v_uint32
buf[3] = *((uint32_t*)(src + ofst[3]));
v_src0 = vx_load_expand((uint16_t*)buf);
v_src1 = vx_load_expand((uint16_t*)buf + 4);
v_uint32 v_tmp0, v_tmp1;
v_zip(v_src0, v_src1, v_tmp0, v_tmp1);
v_zip(v_tmp0, v_tmp1, v_src0, v_src1);
template <>
......@@ -617,7 +629,7 @@ void hlineResizeCn<uint8_t, ufixedpoint16, 2, true, 4>(uint8_t* src, int, int *o
v_uint16 v_src0, v_src1, v_src2, v_src3;
v_load_indexed4(src, ofst + i, v_src0, v_src1);
v_load_indexed4(src, ofst + i + 2, v_src2, v_src3);
v_load_indexed4(src, ofst + i + VECSZ/4, v_src2, v_src3);
v_uint32 v_mul0, v_mul1, v_mul2, v_mul3, v_tmp;
v_mul0 = vx_load((uint32_t*)m);//AaBbCcDd
......@@ -680,18 +692,10 @@ void hlineResizeCn<uint16_t, ufixedpoint32, 2, true, 1>(uint16_t* src, int, int
for (; i <= dst_max - VECSZ; i += VECSZ, m += 2*VECSZ, dst += VECSZ)
v_uint32 v_src0, v_src1;
v_load_indexed1(src, ofst + i, v_src0, v_src1);
v_uint32 v_mul0 = vx_load((uint32_t*)m);
v_uint32 v_mul1 = vx_load((uint32_t*)m + 4);
v_uint32 v_res0 = v_src0 * v_mul0;//a1a2b1b2
v_uint32 v_res1 = v_src1 * v_mul1;//c1c2d1d2
v_uint32 v_tmp0, v_tmp1;
v_recombine(v_res0, v_res1, v_tmp0, v_tmp1);//a1a2c1c2 b1b2d1d2
v_zip(v_tmp0, v_tmp1, v_res0, v_res1);//a1b1a2b2 c1d1c2d2
v_recombine(v_res0, v_res1, v_tmp0, v_tmp1);//a1b1c1d1 a2b2c2d2
v_store((uint32_t*)dst, v_tmp0 + v_tmp1);//abcd
v_load_indexed_deinterleave(src, ofst + i, v_src0, v_src1);
v_uint32 v_mul0, v_mul1;
v_load_deinterleave((uint32_t*)m, v_mul0, v_mul1);
v_store((uint32_t*)dst, v_src0 * v_mul0 + v_src1 * v_mul1);//abcd
for (; i < dst_max; i += 1, m += 2)
......@@ -702,7 +706,7 @@ void hlineResizeCn<uint16_t, ufixedpoint32, 2, true, 1>(uint16_t* src, int, int
src_0 = (src + ofst[dst_width - 1])[0];
v_src_0 = vx_setall_u32(*((uint32_t*)&src_0));
for (; i < dst_width - 3; i += 4, dst += 4)
for (; i <= dst_width - VECSZ; i += VECSZ, dst += VECSZ)
v_store((uint32_t*)dst, v_src_0);
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