Commit 2727a425 authored by Alexander Mordvintsev's avatar Alexander Mordvintsev

fixed sample (distanceTransform -> distanceTransformWithLabels)

parent 63b5cf6d
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
need_update = False
thrs = cv2.getTrackbarPos('threshold', 'distrans')
mark = cv2.Canny(img, thrs, 3*thrs)
dist, labels = cv2.distanceTransform(~mark, cv.CV_DIST_L2, 5)
dist, labels = cv2.distanceTransformWithLabels(~mark, cv.CV_DIST_L2, 5)
if voronoi:
vis = cm[np.uint8(labels)]
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