Commit 26aef8c7 authored by Alexander Shishkov's avatar Alexander Shishkov

added skipped file

parent c11551a5
......@@ -3,101 +3,36 @@ using namespace std;
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "epnp.h"
namespace cv
epnp::epnp(const cv::Mat& cameraMatrix, const cv::Mat& opoints, const cv::Mat& ipoints)
double ePnP( InputArray _opoints, InputArray _ipoints,
InputArray _cameraMatrix, InputArray _distCoeffs,
OutputArray _rvec, OutputArray _tvec)
Mat opoints = _opoints.getMat(), ipoints = _ipoints.getMat();
int npoints = std::max(opoints.checkVector(3, CV_32F), opoints.checkVector(3, CV_64F));
CV_Assert( npoints >= 0 && npoints == std::max(ipoints.checkVector(2, CV_32F), ipoints.checkVector(2, CV_64F)) );
Mat cameraMatrix = _cameraMatrix.getMat(), distCoeffs = _distCoeffs.getMat();
Mat undistortedPoints;
undistortPoints(ipoints, undistortedPoints, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs);
epnp PnP;
PnP.set_internal_parameters(<double> (0, 2),<double> (1, 2),<double> (0, 0),<double> (1, 1));
for(int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
PnP.add_correspondence(<Point3d>(0,i).x,<Point3d>(0,i).y,<Point3d>(0,i).z,<Point2d>(0,i).x*<double> (0, 0) +<double> (0, 2),<Point2d>(0,i).y*<double> (1, 1) +<double> (1, 2));
double R_est[3][3], t_est[3];
double error = PnP.compute_pose(R_est, t_est);
Mat t = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, t_est);
Mat tvec = _tvec.getMat();
Mat R = Mat(3, 3, CV_64FC1, R_est);
Mat rvec = _rvec.getMat();
Rodrigues(R, rvec);
return error;
if (cameraMatrix.depth() == CV_32F)
maximum_number_of_correspondences = 0;
number_of_correspondences = 0;
number_of_correspondences = std::max(opoints.checkVector(3, CV_32F), opoints.checkVector(3, CV_64F));
pws = 0;
us = 0;
alphas = 0;
pcs = 0;
delete [] pws;
delete [] us;
delete [] alphas;
delete [] pcs;
pws.resize(3 * number_of_correspondences);
us.resize(2 * number_of_correspondences);
void epnp::set_internal_parameters(double uc, double vc, double fu, double fv)
this->uc = uc;
this->vc = vc;
this->fu = fu;
this->fv = fv;
void epnp::set_maximum_number_of_correspondences(int n)
if (maximum_number_of_correspondences < n) {
if (pws != 0) delete [] pws;
if (us != 0) delete [] us;
if (alphas != 0) delete [] alphas;
if (pcs != 0) delete [] pcs;
maximum_number_of_correspondences = n;
pws = new double[3 * maximum_number_of_correspondences];
us = new double[2 * maximum_number_of_correspondences];
alphas = new double[4 * maximum_number_of_correspondences];
pcs = new double[3 * maximum_number_of_correspondences];
if (opoints.depth() == ipoints.depth())
if (opoints.depth() == CV_32F)
init_points<cv::Point3f,cv::Point2f>(opoints, ipoints);
init_points<cv::Point3d,cv::Point2d>(opoints, ipoints);
else if (opoints.depth() == CV_32F)
init_points<cv::Point3f,cv::Point2d>(opoints, ipoints);
init_points<cv::Point3d,cv::Point2f>(opoints, ipoints);
void epnp::reset_correspondences(void)
number_of_correspondences = 0;
alphas.resize(4 * number_of_correspondences);
pcs.resize(3 * number_of_correspondences);
void epnp::add_correspondence(double X, double Y, double Z, double u, double v)
pws[3 * number_of_correspondences ] = X;
pws[3 * number_of_correspondences + 1] = Y;
pws[3 * number_of_correspondences + 2] = Z;
us[2 * number_of_correspondences ] = u;
us[2 * number_of_correspondences + 1] = v;
void epnp::choose_control_points(void)
......@@ -149,8 +84,8 @@ void epnp::compute_barycentric_coordinates(void)
cvInvert(&CC, &CC_inv, CV_SVD);
double * ci = cc_inv;
for(int i = 0; i < number_of_correspondences; i++) {
double * pi = pws + 3 * i;
double * a = alphas + 4 * i;
double * pi = + 3 * i;
double * a = + 4 * i;
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
a[1 + j] =
......@@ -194,15 +129,15 @@ void epnp::compute_ccs(const double * betas, const double * ut)
void epnp::compute_pcs(void)
for(int i = 0; i < number_of_correspondences; i++) {
double * a = alphas + 4 * i;
double * pc = pcs + 3 * i;
double * a = + 4 * i;
double * pc = + 3 * i;
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
pc[j] = a[0] * ccs[0][j] + a[1] * ccs[1][j] + a[2] * ccs[2][j] + a[3] * ccs[3][j];
double epnp::compute_pose(double R[3][3], double t[3])
void epnp::compute_pose(cv::Mat& R, cv::Mat& t)
......@@ -210,7 +145,7 @@ double epnp::compute_pose(double R[3][3], double t[3])
CvMat * M = cvCreateMat(2 * number_of_correspondences, 12, CV_64F);
for(int i = 0; i < number_of_correspondences; i++)
fill_M(M, 2 * i, alphas + 4 * i, us[2 * i], us[2 * i + 1]);
fill_M(M, 2 * i, + 4 * i, us[2 * i], us[2 * i + 1]);
double mtm[12 * 12], d[12], ut[12 * 12];
CvMat MtM = cvMat(12, 12, CV_64F, mtm);
......@@ -247,9 +182,8 @@ double epnp::compute_pose(double R[3][3], double t[3])
if (rep_errors[2] < rep_errors[1]) N = 2;
if (rep_errors[3] < rep_errors[N]) N = 3;
copy_R_and_t(Rs[N], ts[N], R, t);
return rep_errors[N];
cv::Mat(3, 1, CV_64F, ts[N]).copyTo(t);
cv::Mat(3, 3, CV_64F, Rs[N]).copyTo(R);
void epnp::copy_R_and_t(const double R_src[3][3], const double t_src[3],
......@@ -275,25 +209,6 @@ double epnp::dot(const double * v1, const double * v2)
return v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1] + v1[2] * v2[2];
double epnp::reprojection_error(const double R[3][3], const double t[3])
double sum2 = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < number_of_correspondences; i++) {
double * pw = pws + 3 * i;
double Xc = dot(R[0], pw) + t[0];
double Yc = dot(R[1], pw) + t[1];
double inv_Zc = 1.0 / (dot(R[2], pw) + t[2]);
double ue = uc + fu * Xc * inv_Zc;
double ve = vc + fv * Yc * inv_Zc;
double u = us[2 * i], v = us[2 * i + 1];
sum2 += sqrt( (u - ue) * (u - ue) + (v - ve) * (v - ve) );
return sum2 / number_of_correspondences;
void epnp::estimate_R_and_t(double R[3][3], double t[3])
double pc0[3], pw0[3];
......@@ -302,8 +217,8 @@ void epnp::estimate_R_and_t(double R[3][3], double t[3])
pw0[0] = pw0[1] = pw0[2] = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < number_of_correspondences; i++) {
const double * pc = pcs + 3 * i;
const double * pw = pws + 3 * i;
const double * pc = &pcs[3 * i];
const double * pw = &pws[3 * i];
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
pc0[j] += pc[j];
......@@ -323,8 +238,8 @@ void epnp::estimate_R_and_t(double R[3][3], double t[3])
for(int i = 0; i < number_of_correspondences; i++) {
double * pc = pcs + 3 * i;
double * pw = pws + 3 * i;
double * pc = &pcs[3 * i];
double * pw = &pws[3 * i];
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
abt[3 * j ] += (pc[j] - pc0[j]) * (pw[0] - pw0[0]);
......@@ -354,13 +269,6 @@ void epnp::estimate_R_and_t(double R[3][3], double t[3])
t[2] = pc0[2] - dot(R[2], pw0);
void epnp::print_pose(const double R[3][3], const double t[3])
cout << R[0][0] << " " << R[0][1] << " " << R[0][2] << " " << t[0] << endl;
cout << R[1][0] << " " << R[1][1] << " " << R[1][2] << " " << t[1] << endl;
cout << R[2][0] << " " << R[2][1] << " " << R[2][2] << " " << t[2] << endl;
void epnp::solve_for_sign(void)
if (pcs[2] < 0.0) {
......@@ -389,6 +297,25 @@ double epnp::compute_R_and_t(const double * ut, const double * betas,
return reprojection_error(R, t);
double epnp::reprojection_error(const double R[3][3], const double t[3])
double sum2 = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < number_of_correspondences; i++) {
double * pw = &pws[3 * i];
double Xc = dot(R[0], pw) + t[0];
double Yc = dot(R[1], pw) + t[1];
double inv_Zc = 1.0 / (dot(R[2], pw) + t[2]);
double ue = uc + fu * Xc * inv_Zc;
double ve = vc + fv * Yc * inv_Zc;
double u = us[2 * i], v = us[2 * i + 1];
sum2 += sqrt( (u - ue) * (u - ue) + (v - ve) * (v - ve) );
return sum2 / number_of_correspondences;
// betas10 = [B11 B12 B22 B13 B23 B33 B14 B24 B34 B44]
// betas_approx_1 = [B11 B12 B13 B14]
......@@ -538,7 +465,7 @@ void epnp::compute_rho(double * rho)
void epnp::compute_A_and_b_gauss_newton(const double * l_6x10, const double * rho,
double betas[4], CvMat * A, CvMat * b)
const double betas[4], CvMat * A, CvMat * b)
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
const double * rowL = l_6x10 + i * 10;
......@@ -579,7 +506,6 @@ void epnp::gauss_newton(const CvMat * L_6x10, const CvMat * Rho,
compute_A_and_b_gauss_newton(L_6x10->data.db, Rho->data.db,
betas, &A, &B);
qr_solve(&A, &B, &X);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
betas[i] += x[i];
......@@ -611,10 +537,9 @@ void epnp::qr_solve(CvMat * A, CvMat * b, CvMat * X)
if (eta < elt) eta = elt;
ppAik += nc;
if (eta == 0) {
A1[k] = A2[k] = 0.0;
cerr << "God damnit, A is singular, this shouldn't happen." << endl;
//cerr << "God damnit, A is singular, this shouldn't happen." << endl;
} else {
double * ppAik = ppAkk, sum = 0.0, inv_eta = 1. / eta;
......@@ -677,72 +602,3 @@ void epnp::qr_solve(CvMat * A, CvMat * b, CvMat * X)
void epnp::relative_error(double & rot_err, double & transl_err,
const double Rtrue[3][3], const double ttrue[3],
const double Rest[3][3], const double test[3])
double qtrue[4], qest[4];
mat_to_quat(Rtrue, qtrue);
mat_to_quat(Rest, qest);
double rot_err1 = sqrt((qtrue[0] - qest[0]) * (qtrue[0] - qest[0]) +
(qtrue[1] - qest[1]) * (qtrue[1] - qest[1]) +
(qtrue[2] - qest[2]) * (qtrue[2] - qest[2]) +
(qtrue[3] - qest[3]) * (qtrue[3] - qest[3]) ) /
sqrt(qtrue[0] * qtrue[0] + qtrue[1] * qtrue[1] + qtrue[2] * qtrue[2] + qtrue[3] * qtrue[3]);
double rot_err2 = sqrt((qtrue[0] + qest[0]) * (qtrue[0] + qest[0]) +
(qtrue[1] + qest[1]) * (qtrue[1] + qest[1]) +
(qtrue[2] + qest[2]) * (qtrue[2] + qest[2]) +
(qtrue[3] + qest[3]) * (qtrue[3] + qest[3]) ) /
sqrt(qtrue[0] * qtrue[0] + qtrue[1] * qtrue[1] + qtrue[2] * qtrue[2] + qtrue[3] * qtrue[3]);
rot_err = min(rot_err1, rot_err2);
transl_err =
sqrt((ttrue[0] - test[0]) * (ttrue[0] - test[0]) +
(ttrue[1] - test[1]) * (ttrue[1] - test[1]) +
(ttrue[2] - test[2]) * (ttrue[2] - test[2])) /
sqrt(ttrue[0] * ttrue[0] + ttrue[1] * ttrue[1] + ttrue[2] * ttrue[2]);
void epnp::mat_to_quat(const double R[3][3], double q[4])
double tr = R[0][0] + R[1][1] + R[2][2];
double n4;
if (tr > 0.0f) {
q[0] = R[1][2] - R[2][1];
q[1] = R[2][0] - R[0][2];
q[2] = R[0][1] - R[1][0];
q[3] = tr + 1.0f;
n4 = q[3];
} else if ( (R[0][0] > R[1][1]) && (R[0][0] > R[2][2]) ) {
q[0] = 1.0f + R[0][0] - R[1][1] - R[2][2];
q[1] = R[1][0] + R[0][1];
q[2] = R[2][0] + R[0][2];
q[3] = R[1][2] - R[2][1];
n4 = q[0];
} else if (R[1][1] > R[2][2]) {
q[0] = R[1][0] + R[0][1];
q[1] = 1.0f + R[1][1] - R[0][0] - R[2][2];
q[2] = R[2][1] + R[1][2];
q[3] = R[2][0] - R[0][2];
n4 = q[1];
} else {
q[0] = R[2][0] + R[0][2];
q[1] = R[2][1] + R[1][2];
q[2] = 1.0f + R[2][2] - R[0][0] - R[1][1];
q[3] = R[0][1] - R[1][0];
n4 = q[2];
double scale = 0.5f / double(sqrt(n4));
q[0] *= scale;
q[1] *= scale;
q[2] *= scale;
q[3] *= scale;
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