Commit 266725a3 authored by Vitaly Tuzov's avatar Vitaly Tuzov

blendLinear() reworked to use wide universal intrinsics

parent dcdbaef3
......@@ -48,44 +48,44 @@
#include "opencv2/core/hal/intrin.hpp"
namespace cv {
#if CV_SIMD128
static inline v_float32x4 blend(const v_float32x4& v_src1, const v_float32x4& v_src2, const v_float32x4& v_w1, const v_float32x4& v_w2)
static inline v_float32 blend(const v_float32& v_src1, const v_float32& v_src2, const v_float32& v_w1, const v_float32& v_w2)
const v_float32x4 v_eps = v_setall_f32(1e-5f);
v_float32x4 v_denom = v_w1 + v_w2 + v_eps;
const v_float32 v_eps = vx_setall_f32(1e-5f);
v_float32 v_denom = v_w1 + v_w2 + v_eps;
return (v_src1 * v_w1 + v_src2 * v_w2) / v_denom;
static inline v_float32x4 blend(const v_float32x4& v_src1, const v_float32x4& v_src2, const float* w_ptr1, const float* w_ptr2, int offset)
static inline v_float32 blend(const v_float32& v_src1, const v_float32& v_src2, const float* w_ptr1, const float* w_ptr2, int offset)
v_float32x4 v_w1 = v_load(w_ptr1 + offset);
v_float32x4 v_w2 = v_load(w_ptr2 + offset);
v_float32 v_w1 = vx_load(w_ptr1 + offset);
v_float32 v_w2 = vx_load(w_ptr2 + offset);
return blend(v_src1, v_src2, v_w1, v_w2);
static inline v_uint32x4 saturate_f32_u32(const v_float32x4& vec)
static inline v_uint32 saturate_f32_u32(const v_float32& vec)
const v_int32x4 z = v_setzero_s32();
const v_int32x4 x = v_setall_s32(255);
const v_int32 z = vx_setzero_s32();
const v_int32 x = vx_setall_s32(255);
return v_reinterpret_as_u32(v_min(v_max(v_round(vec), z), x));
static inline v_uint8x16 pack_f32tou8(v_float32x4& val0, v_float32x4& val1, v_float32x4& val2, v_float32x4& val3)
static inline v_uint8 pack_f32tou8(v_float32& val0, v_float32& val1, v_float32& val2, v_float32& val3)
v_uint32x4 a = saturate_f32_u32(val0);
v_uint32x4 b = saturate_f32_u32(val1);
v_uint32x4 c = saturate_f32_u32(val2);
v_uint32x4 d = saturate_f32_u32(val3);
v_uint16x8 e = v_pack(a, b);
v_uint16x8 f = v_pack(c, d);
v_uint32 a = saturate_f32_u32(val0);
v_uint32 b = saturate_f32_u32(val1);
v_uint32 c = saturate_f32_u32(val2);
v_uint32 d = saturate_f32_u32(val3);
v_uint16 e = v_pack(a, b);
v_uint16 f = v_pack(c, d);
return v_pack(e, f);
static inline void store_pack_f32tou8(uchar* ptr, v_float32x4& val0, v_float32x4& val1, v_float32x4& val2, v_float32x4& val3)
static inline void store_pack_f32tou8(uchar* ptr, v_float32& val0, v_float32& val1, v_float32& val2, v_float32& val3)
v_store((ptr), pack_f32tou8(val0, val1, val2, val3));
static inline void expand_u8tof32(const v_uint8x16& src, v_float32x4& dst0, v_float32x4& dst1, v_float32x4& dst2, v_float32x4& dst3)
static inline void expand_u8tof32(const v_uint8& src, v_float32& dst0, v_float32& dst1, v_float32& dst2, v_float32& dst3)
v_uint16x8 a0, a1;
v_uint16 a0, a1;
v_expand(src, a0, a1);
v_uint32x4 b0, b1,b2,b3;
v_uint32 b0, b1,b2,b3;
v_expand(a0, b0, b1);
v_expand(a1, b2, b3);
dst0 = v_cvt_f32(v_reinterpret_as_s32(b0));
......@@ -93,71 +93,69 @@ static inline void expand_u8tof32(const v_uint8x16& src, v_float32x4& dst0, v_fl
dst2 = v_cvt_f32(v_reinterpret_as_s32(b2));
dst3 = v_cvt_f32(v_reinterpret_as_s32(b3));
static inline void load_expand_u8tof32(const uchar* ptr, v_float32x4& dst0, v_float32x4& dst1, v_float32x4& dst2, v_float32x4& dst3)
static inline void load_expand_u8tof32(const uchar* ptr, v_float32& dst0, v_float32& dst1, v_float32& dst2, v_float32& dst3)
v_uint8x16 a = v_load((ptr));
v_uint8 a = vx_load((ptr));
expand_u8tof32(a, dst0, dst1, dst2, dst3);
int blendLinearSimd128(const uchar* src1, const uchar* src2, const float* weights1, const float* weights2, uchar* dst, int x, int width, int cn);
int blendLinearSimd128(const float* src1, const float* src2, const float* weights1, const float* weights2, float* dst, int x, int width, int cn);
int blendLinearSimd128(const uchar* src1, const uchar* src2, const float* weights1, const float* weights2, uchar* dst, int x, int width, int cn)
int blendLinearSimd(const uchar* src1, const uchar* src2, const float* weights1, const float* weights2, uchar* dst, int x, int width, int cn);
int blendLinearSimd(const float* src1, const float* src2, const float* weights1, const float* weights2, float* dst, int x, int width, int cn);
int blendLinearSimd(const uchar* src1, const uchar* src2, const float* weights1, const float* weights2, uchar* dst, int x, int width, int cn)
int step = v_uint8x16::nlanes * cn;
int weight_step = v_uint8x16::nlanes;
case 1:
for(int weight_offset = 0 ; x <= width - step; x += step, weight_offset += weight_step)
for(int weight_offset = 0 ; x <= width - v_uint8::nlanes; x += v_uint8::nlanes, weight_offset += v_uint8::nlanes)
v_float32x4 v_src10, v_src11, v_src12, v_src13;
v_float32x4 v_src20, v_src21, v_src22, v_src23;
v_float32 v_src10, v_src11, v_src12, v_src13;
v_float32 v_src20, v_src21, v_src22, v_src23;
load_expand_u8tof32(src1 + x, v_src10, v_src11, v_src12, v_src13);
load_expand_u8tof32(src2 + x, v_src20, v_src21, v_src22, v_src23);
v_float32x4 v_dst0 = blend(v_src10, v_src20, weights1, weights2, weight_offset);
v_float32x4 v_dst1 = blend(v_src11, v_src21, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + 4);
v_float32x4 v_dst2 = blend(v_src12, v_src22, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + 8);
v_float32x4 v_dst3 = blend(v_src13, v_src23, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + 12);
v_float32 v_dst0 = blend(v_src10, v_src20, weights1, weights2, weight_offset);
v_float32 v_dst1 = blend(v_src11, v_src21, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + v_float32::nlanes);
v_float32 v_dst2 = blend(v_src12, v_src22, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + 2*v_float32::nlanes);
v_float32 v_dst3 = blend(v_src13, v_src23, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + 3*v_float32::nlanes);
store_pack_f32tou8(dst + x, v_dst0, v_dst1, v_dst2, v_dst3);
case 2:
for(int weight_offset = 0 ; x <= width - step; x += step, weight_offset += weight_step)
for(int weight_offset = 0 ; x <= width - 2*v_uint8::nlanes; x += 2*v_uint8::nlanes, weight_offset += v_uint8::nlanes)
v_uint8x16 v_src10, v_src11, v_src20, v_src21;
v_uint8 v_src10, v_src11, v_src20, v_src21;
v_load_deinterleave(src1 + x, v_src10, v_src11);
v_load_deinterleave(src2 + x, v_src20, v_src21);
v_float32x4 v_src100, v_src101, v_src102, v_src103, v_src110, v_src111, v_src112, v_src113;
v_float32x4 v_src200, v_src201, v_src202, v_src203, v_src210, v_src211, v_src212, v_src213;
v_float32 v_src100, v_src101, v_src102, v_src103, v_src110, v_src111, v_src112, v_src113;
v_float32 v_src200, v_src201, v_src202, v_src203, v_src210, v_src211, v_src212, v_src213;
expand_u8tof32(v_src10, v_src100, v_src101, v_src102, v_src103);
expand_u8tof32(v_src11, v_src110, v_src111, v_src112, v_src113);
expand_u8tof32(v_src20, v_src200, v_src201, v_src202, v_src203);
expand_u8tof32(v_src21, v_src210, v_src211, v_src212, v_src213);
v_float32x4 v_dst0 = blend(v_src100, v_src200, weights1, weights2, weight_offset);
v_float32x4 v_dst1 = blend(v_src110, v_src210, weights1, weights2, weight_offset);
v_float32x4 v_dst2 = blend(v_src101, v_src201, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + 4);
v_float32x4 v_dst3 = blend(v_src111, v_src211, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + 4);
v_float32x4 v_dst4 = blend(v_src102, v_src202, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + 8);
v_float32x4 v_dst5 = blend(v_src112, v_src212, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + 8);
v_float32x4 v_dst6 = blend(v_src103, v_src203, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + 12);
v_float32x4 v_dst7 = blend(v_src113, v_src213, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + 12);
v_uint8x16 v_dsta = pack_f32tou8(v_dst0, v_dst2, v_dst4, v_dst6);
v_uint8x16 v_dstb = pack_f32tou8(v_dst1, v_dst3, v_dst5, v_dst7);
v_float32 v_dst0 = blend(v_src100, v_src200, weights1, weights2, weight_offset);
v_float32 v_dst1 = blend(v_src110, v_src210, weights1, weights2, weight_offset);
v_float32 v_dst2 = blend(v_src101, v_src201, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + v_float32::nlanes);
v_float32 v_dst3 = blend(v_src111, v_src211, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + v_float32::nlanes);
v_float32 v_dst4 = blend(v_src102, v_src202, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + 2*v_float32::nlanes);
v_float32 v_dst5 = blend(v_src112, v_src212, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + 2*v_float32::nlanes);
v_float32 v_dst6 = blend(v_src103, v_src203, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + 3*v_float32::nlanes);
v_float32 v_dst7 = blend(v_src113, v_src213, weights1, weights2, weight_offset + 3*v_float32::nlanes);
v_uint8 v_dsta = pack_f32tou8(v_dst0, v_dst2, v_dst4, v_dst6);
v_uint8 v_dstb = pack_f32tou8(v_dst1, v_dst3, v_dst5, v_dst7);
v_store_interleave(dst + x, v_dsta, v_dstb);
case 3:
for(int weight_offset = 0 ; x <= width - step; x += step, weight_offset += weight_step)
for(int weight_offset = 0 ; x <= width - 3*v_uint8::nlanes; x += 3*v_uint8::nlanes, weight_offset += v_uint8::nlanes)
v_uint8x16 v_src10, v_src11, v_src12, v_src20, v_src21, v_src22;
v_uint8 v_src10, v_src11, v_src12, v_src20, v_src21, v_src22;
v_load_deinterleave(src1 + x, v_src10, v_src11, v_src12);
v_load_deinterleave(src2 + x, v_src20, v_src21, v_src22);
v_float32x4 v_src100, v_src101, v_src102, v_src103, v_src110, v_src111, v_src112, v_src113, v_src120, v_src121, v_src122, v_src123;
v_float32x4 v_src200, v_src201, v_src202, v_src203, v_src210, v_src211, v_src212, v_src213, v_src220, v_src221, v_src222, v_src223;
v_float32 v_src100, v_src101, v_src102, v_src103, v_src110, v_src111, v_src112, v_src113, v_src120, v_src121, v_src122, v_src123;
v_float32 v_src200, v_src201, v_src202, v_src203, v_src210, v_src211, v_src212, v_src213, v_src220, v_src221, v_src222, v_src223;
expand_u8tof32(v_src10, v_src100, v_src101, v_src102, v_src103);
expand_u8tof32(v_src11, v_src110, v_src111, v_src112, v_src113);
expand_u8tof32(v_src12, v_src120, v_src121, v_src122, v_src123);
......@@ -165,14 +163,14 @@ int blendLinearSimd128(const uchar* src1, const uchar* src2, const float* weight
expand_u8tof32(v_src21, v_src210, v_src211, v_src212, v_src213);
expand_u8tof32(v_src22, v_src220, v_src221, v_src222, v_src223);
v_float32x4 v_w10 = v_load(weights1 + weight_offset);
v_float32x4 v_w11 = v_load(weights1 + weight_offset + 4);
v_float32x4 v_w12 = v_load(weights1 + weight_offset + 8);
v_float32x4 v_w13 = v_load(weights1 + weight_offset + 12);
v_float32x4 v_w20 = v_load(weights2 + weight_offset);
v_float32x4 v_w21 = v_load(weights2 + weight_offset + 4);
v_float32x4 v_w22 = v_load(weights2 + weight_offset + 8);
v_float32x4 v_w23 = v_load(weights2 + weight_offset + 12);
v_float32 v_w10 = vx_load(weights1 + weight_offset);
v_float32 v_w11 = vx_load(weights1 + weight_offset + v_float32::nlanes);
v_float32 v_w12 = vx_load(weights1 + weight_offset + 2*v_float32::nlanes);
v_float32 v_w13 = vx_load(weights1 + weight_offset + 3*v_float32::nlanes);
v_float32 v_w20 = vx_load(weights2 + weight_offset);
v_float32 v_w21 = vx_load(weights2 + weight_offset + v_float32::nlanes);
v_float32 v_w22 = vx_load(weights2 + weight_offset + 2*v_float32::nlanes);
v_float32 v_w23 = vx_load(weights2 + weight_offset + 3*v_float32::nlanes);
v_src100 = blend(v_src100, v_src200, v_w10, v_w20);
v_src110 = blend(v_src110, v_src210, v_w10, v_w20);
v_src120 = blend(v_src120, v_src220, v_w10, v_w20);
......@@ -187,34 +185,36 @@ int blendLinearSimd128(const uchar* src1, const uchar* src2, const float* weight
v_src123 = blend(v_src123, v_src223, v_w13, v_w23);
v_uint8x16 v_dst0 = pack_f32tou8(v_src100, v_src101, v_src102, v_src103);
v_uint8x16 v_dst1 = pack_f32tou8(v_src110, v_src111, v_src112, v_src113);
v_uint8x16 v_dst2 = pack_f32tou8(v_src120, v_src121, v_src122, v_src123);
v_uint8 v_dst0 = pack_f32tou8(v_src100, v_src101, v_src102, v_src103);
v_uint8 v_dst1 = pack_f32tou8(v_src110, v_src111, v_src112, v_src113);
v_uint8 v_dst2 = pack_f32tou8(v_src120, v_src121, v_src122, v_src123);
v_store_interleave(dst + x, v_dst0, v_dst1, v_dst2);
case 4:
step = v_uint8x16::nlanes;
weight_step = v_float32x4::nlanes;
for(int weight_offset = 0 ; x <= width - step; x += step, weight_offset += weight_step)
for(int weight_offset = 0 ; x <= width - v_uint8::nlanes; x += v_uint8::nlanes, weight_offset += v_float32::nlanes)
v_float32x4 v_src10, v_src11, v_src12, v_src13, v_src14, v_src15, v_src16, v_src17;
v_float32x4 v_src20, v_src21, v_src22, v_src23, v_src24, v_src25, v_src26, v_src27;
v_float32 v_src10, v_src11, v_src12, v_src13;
v_float32 v_src20, v_src21, v_src22, v_src23;
load_expand_u8tof32(src1 + x, v_src10, v_src11, v_src12, v_src13);
load_expand_u8tof32(src2 + x, v_src20, v_src21, v_src22, v_src23);
v_transpose4x4(v_src10, v_src11, v_src12, v_src13, v_src14, v_src15, v_src16, v_src17);
v_transpose4x4(v_src20, v_src21, v_src22, v_src23, v_src24, v_src25, v_src26, v_src27);
v_float32 v_w10, v_w11, v_w12, v_w13, v_w20, v_w21, v_w22, v_w23, v_w0, v_w1;
v_w10 = vx_load(weights1 + weight_offset);
v_zip(v_w10, v_w10, v_w0, v_w1);
v_zip(v_w0, v_w0, v_w10, v_w11);
v_zip(v_w1, v_w1, v_w12, v_w13);
v_w20 = vx_load(weights2 + weight_offset);
v_zip(v_w20, v_w20, v_w0, v_w1);
v_zip(v_w0, v_w0, v_w20, v_w21);
v_zip(v_w1, v_w1, v_w22, v_w23);
v_float32 v_dst0, v_dst1, v_dst2, v_dst3;
v_dst0 = blend(v_src10, v_src20, v_w10, v_w20);
v_dst1 = blend(v_src11, v_src21, v_w11, v_w21);
v_dst2 = blend(v_src12, v_src22, v_w12, v_w22);
v_dst3 = blend(v_src13, v_src23, v_w13, v_w23);
v_float32x4 v_w1 = v_load(weights1 + weight_offset);
v_float32x4 v_w2 = v_load(weights2 + weight_offset);
v_src10 = blend(v_src14, v_src24, v_w1, v_w2);
v_src11 = blend(v_src15, v_src25, v_w1, v_w2);
v_src12 = blend(v_src16, v_src26, v_w1, v_w2);
v_src13 = blend(v_src17, v_src27, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32x4 v_dst0, v_dst1, v_dst2, v_dst3;
v_transpose4x4(v_src10, v_src11, v_src12, v_src13, v_dst0, v_dst1, v_dst2, v_dst3);
store_pack_f32tou8(dst + x, v_dst0, v_dst1, v_dst2, v_dst3);
......@@ -224,68 +224,67 @@ int blendLinearSimd128(const uchar* src1, const uchar* src2, const float* weight
return x;
int blendLinearSimd128(const float* src1, const float* src2, const float* weights1, const float* weights2, float* dst, int x, int width, int cn)
int blendLinearSimd(const float* src1, const float* src2, const float* weights1, const float* weights2, float* dst, int x, int width, int cn)
int step = v_float32x4::nlanes*cn;
case 1:
for(int weight_offset = 0 ; x <= width - step; x += step, weight_offset += v_float32x4::nlanes)
for(int weight_offset = 0 ; x <= width - v_float32::nlanes; x += v_float32::nlanes, weight_offset += v_float32::nlanes)
v_float32x4 v_src1 = v_load(src1 + x);
v_float32x4 v_src2 = v_load(src2 + x);
v_float32x4 v_w1 = v_load(weights1 + weight_offset);
v_float32x4 v_w2 = v_load(weights2 + weight_offset);
v_float32 v_src1 = vx_load(src1 + x);
v_float32 v_src2 = vx_load(src2 + x);
v_float32 v_w1 = vx_load(weights1 + weight_offset);
v_float32 v_w2 = vx_load(weights2 + weight_offset);
v_float32x4 v_dst = blend(v_src1, v_src2, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32 v_dst = blend(v_src1, v_src2, v_w1, v_w2);
v_store(dst + x, v_dst);
case 2:
for(int weight_offset = 0 ; x <= width - step; x += step, weight_offset += v_float32x4::nlanes)
for(int weight_offset = 0 ; x <= width - 2*v_float32::nlanes; x += 2*v_float32::nlanes, weight_offset += v_float32::nlanes)
v_float32x4 v_src10, v_src11, v_src20, v_src21;
v_float32 v_src10, v_src11, v_src20, v_src21;
v_load_deinterleave(src1 + x, v_src10, v_src11);
v_load_deinterleave(src2 + x, v_src20, v_src21);
v_float32x4 v_w1 = v_load(weights1 + weight_offset);
v_float32x4 v_w2 = v_load(weights2 + weight_offset);
v_float32 v_w1 = vx_load(weights1 + weight_offset);
v_float32 v_w2 = vx_load(weights2 + weight_offset);
v_float32x4 v_dst0 = blend(v_src10, v_src20, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32x4 v_dst1 = blend(v_src11, v_src21, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32 v_dst0 = blend(v_src10, v_src20, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32 v_dst1 = blend(v_src11, v_src21, v_w1, v_w2);
v_store_interleave(dst + x, v_dst0, v_dst1);
case 3:
for(int weight_offset = 0 ; x <= width - step; x += step, weight_offset += v_float32x4::nlanes)
for(int weight_offset = 0 ; x <= width - 3*v_float32::nlanes; x += 3*v_float32::nlanes, weight_offset += v_float32::nlanes)
v_float32x4 v_src10, v_src11, v_src12, v_src20, v_src21, v_src22;
v_float32 v_src10, v_src11, v_src12, v_src20, v_src21, v_src22;
v_load_deinterleave(src1 + x, v_src10, v_src11, v_src12);
v_load_deinterleave(src2 + x, v_src20, v_src21, v_src22);
v_float32x4 v_w1 = v_load(weights1 + weight_offset);
v_float32x4 v_w2 = v_load(weights2 + weight_offset);
v_float32 v_w1 = vx_load(weights1 + weight_offset);
v_float32 v_w2 = vx_load(weights2 + weight_offset);
v_float32x4 v_dst0 = blend(v_src10, v_src20, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32x4 v_dst1 = blend(v_src11, v_src21, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32x4 v_dst2 = blend(v_src12, v_src22, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32 v_dst0 = blend(v_src10, v_src20, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32 v_dst1 = blend(v_src11, v_src21, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32 v_dst2 = blend(v_src12, v_src22, v_w1, v_w2);
v_store_interleave(dst + x, v_dst0, v_dst1, v_dst2);
case 4:
for(int weight_offset = 0 ; x <= width - step; x += step, weight_offset += v_float32x4::nlanes)
for(int weight_offset = 0 ; x <= width - 4*v_float32::nlanes; x += 4*v_float32::nlanes, weight_offset += v_float32::nlanes)
v_float32x4 v_src10, v_src11, v_src12, v_src13, v_src20, v_src21, v_src22, v_src23;
v_float32 v_src10, v_src11, v_src12, v_src13, v_src20, v_src21, v_src22, v_src23;
v_load_deinterleave(src1 + x, v_src10, v_src11, v_src12, v_src13);
v_load_deinterleave(src2 + x, v_src20, v_src21, v_src22, v_src23);
v_float32x4 v_w1 = v_load(weights1 + weight_offset);
v_float32x4 v_w2 = v_load(weights2 + weight_offset);
v_float32 v_w1 = vx_load(weights1 + weight_offset);
v_float32 v_w2 = vx_load(weights2 + weight_offset);
v_float32x4 v_dst0 = blend(v_src10, v_src20, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32x4 v_dst1 = blend(v_src11, v_src21, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32x4 v_dst2 = blend(v_src12, v_src22, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32x4 v_dst3 = blend(v_src13, v_src23, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32 v_dst0 = blend(v_src10, v_src20, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32 v_dst1 = blend(v_src11, v_src21, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32 v_dst2 = blend(v_src12, v_src22, v_w1, v_w2);
v_float32 v_dst3 = blend(v_src13, v_src23, v_w1, v_w2);
v_store_interleave(dst + x, v_dst0, v_dst1, v_dst2, v_dst3);
......@@ -321,8 +320,8 @@ public:
T * const dst_row = dst->ptr<T>(y);
int x = 0;
#if CV_SIMD128
x = blendLinearSimd128(src1_row, src2_row, weights1_row, weights2_row, dst_row, x, width, cn);
x = blendLinearSimd(src1_row, src2_row, weights1_row, weights2_row, dst_row, x, width, cn);
for ( ; x < width; ++x)
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