Commit 25887e69 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

removed the obsolete tests from the trunk as well.

parent 832262e3
This diff is collapsed.
import cv
import unittest
class TestGoodFeaturesToTrack(unittest.TestCase):
def test(self):
arr = cv.LoadImage("../samples/c/lena.jpg", 0)
original = cv.CloneImage(arr)
size = cv.GetSize(arr)
eig_image = cv.CreateImage(size, cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1)
temp_image = cv.CreateImage(size, cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1)
threshes = [ x / 100. for x in range(1,10) ]
results = dict([(t, cv.GoodFeaturesToTrack(arr, eig_image, temp_image, 20000, t, 2, use_harris = 1)) for t in threshes])
# Check that GoodFeaturesToTrack has not modified input image
self.assert_(arr.tostring() == original.tostring())
# Check for repeatability
for i in range(10):
results2 = dict([(t, cv.GoodFeaturesToTrack(arr, eig_image, temp_image, 20000, t, 2, use_harris = 1)) for t in threshes])
self.assert_(results == results2)
for t0,t1 in zip(threshes, threshes[1:]):
r0 = results[t0]
r1 = results[t1]
# Increasing thresh should make result list shorter
self.assert_(len(r0) > len(r1))
# Increasing thresh should monly truncate result list
self.assert_(r0[:len(r1)] == r1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import cv
import numpy as np
while 1:
leak = np.random.random((480, 640)) * 255
cv.ShowImage('Leak', leak.astype(np.uint8))
import cv
import numpy as np
import time
while True:
for i in range(4000):
a = cv.CreateImage((1024,1024), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
b = cv.CreateMat(1024, 1024, cv.CV_8UC1)
c = cv.CreateMatND([1024,1024], cv.CV_8UC1)
print "pause..."
import cv
import math
import time
while True:
h = cv.CreateHist([40], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [[0,255]], 1)
import cv
import math
import time
print "leak4"
while True:
seq=list((i*1., i*1.) for i in range(N))
This diff is collapsed.
import sys
import cv
def hs_histogram(src):
# Convert to HSV
hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(src), 8, 3)
cv.CvtColor(src, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
# Extract the H and S planes
h_plane = cv.CreateMat(src.rows, src.cols, cv.CV_8UC1)
s_plane = cv.CreateMat(src.rows, src.cols, cv.CV_8UC1)
cv.Split(hsv, h_plane, s_plane, None, None)
planes = [h_plane, s_plane]
h_bins = 30
s_bins = 32
hist_size = [h_bins, s_bins]
# hue varies from 0 (~0 deg red) to 180 (~360 deg red again */
h_ranges = [0, 180]
# saturation varies from 0 (black-gray-white) to
# 255 (pure spectrum color)
s_ranges = [0, 255]
ranges = [h_ranges, s_ranges]
scale = 10
hist = cv.CreateHist([h_bins, s_bins], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, ranges, 1)
cv.CalcHist([cv.GetImage(i) for i in planes], hist)
(_, max_value, _, _) = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(hist)
hist_img = cv.CreateImage((h_bins*scale, s_bins*scale), 8, 3)
for h in range(h_bins):
for s in range(s_bins):
bin_val = cv.QueryHistValue_2D(hist, h, s)
intensity = cv.Round(bin_val * 255 / max_value)
(h*scale, s*scale),
((h+1)*scale - 1, (s+1)*scale - 1),
cv.RGB(intensity, intensity, intensity),
return hist_img
def precornerdetect(image):
# assume that the image is floating-point
corners = cv.CloneMat(image)
cv.PreCornerDetect(image, corners, 3)
dilated_corners = cv.CloneMat(image)
cv.Dilate(corners, dilated_corners, None, 1)
corner_mask = cv.CreateMat(image.rows, image.cols, cv.CV_8UC1)
cv.Sub(corners, dilated_corners, corners)
cv.CmpS(corners, 0, corner_mask, cv.CV_CMP_GE)
return (corners, corner_mask)
def findstereocorrespondence(image_left, image_right):
# image_left and image_right are the input 8-bit single-channel images
# from the left and the right cameras, respectively
(r, c) = (image_left.rows, image_left.cols)
disparity_left = cv.CreateMat(r, c, cv.CV_16S)
disparity_right = cv.CreateMat(r, c, cv.CV_16S)
state = cv.CreateStereoGCState(16, 2)
cv.FindStereoCorrespondenceGC(image_left, image_right, disparity_left, disparity_right, state, 0)
return (disparity_left, disparity_right)
import urllib
import cv
import Image
import unittest
class TestLoadImage(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
open("large.jpg", "w").write(urllib.urlopen("").read())
def test_load(self):
pilim ="large.jpg")
cvim = cv.LoadImage("large.jpg")
self.assert_(len(pilim.tostring()) == len(cvim.tostring()))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import unittest
import random
import time
import math
import sys
import array
import os
import cv
def find_sample(s):
for d in ["../samples/c/", "../doc/pics/"]:
path = os.path.join(d, s)
if os.access(path, os.R_OK):
return path
return s
class TestTickets(unittest.TestCase):
def test_2542670(self):
xys = [(94, 121), (94, 122), (93, 123), (92, 123), (91, 124), (91, 125), (91, 126), (92, 127), (92, 128), (92, 129), (92, 130), (92, 131), (91, 132), (90, 131), (90, 130), (90, 131), (91, 132), (92, 133), (92, 134), (93, 135), (94, 136), (94, 137), (94, 138), (95, 139), (96, 140), (96, 141), (96, 142), (96, 143), (97, 144), (97, 145), (98, 146), (99, 146), (100, 146), (101, 146), (102, 146), (103, 146), (104, 146), (105, 146), (106, 146), (107, 146), (108, 146), (109, 146), (110, 146), (111, 146), (112, 146), (113, 146), (114, 146), (115, 146), (116, 146), (117, 146), (118, 146), (119, 146), (120, 146), (121, 146), (122, 146), (123, 146), (124, 146), (125, 146), (126, 146), (126, 145), (126, 144), (126, 143), (126, 142), (126, 141), (126, 140), (127, 139), (127, 138), (127, 137), (127, 136), (127, 135), (127, 134), (127, 133), (128, 132), (129, 132), (130, 131), (131, 130), (131, 129), (131, 128), (132, 127), (133, 126), (134, 125), (134, 124), (135, 123), (136, 122), (136, 121), (135, 121), (134, 121), (133, 121), (132, 121), (131, 121), (130, 121), (129, 121), (128, 121), (127, 121), (126, 121), (125, 121), (124, 121), (123, 121), (122, 121), (121, 121), (120, 121), (119, 121), (118, 121), (117, 121), (116, 121), (115, 121), (114, 121), (113, 121), (112, 121), (111, 121), (110, 121), (109, 121), (108, 121), (107, 121), (106, 121), (105, 121), (104, 121), (103, 121), (102, 121), (101, 121), (100, 121), (99, 121), (98, 121), (97, 121), (96, 121), (95, 121)]
#xys = xys[:12] + xys[16:]
pts = cv.CreateMat(len(xys), 1, cv.CV_32SC2)
for i,(x,y) in enumerate(xys):
pts[i,0] = (x, y)
storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
hull = cv.ConvexHull2(pts, storage)
hullp = cv.ConvexHull2(pts, storage, return_points = 1)
defects = cv.ConvexityDefects(pts, hull, storage)
vis = cv.CreateImage((1000,1000), 8, 3)
x0 = min([x for (x,y) in xys]) - 10
x1 = max([x for (x,y) in xys]) + 10
y0 = min([y for (y,y) in xys]) - 10
y1 = max([y for (y,y) in xys]) + 10
def xform(pt):
x,y = pt
return (1000 * (x - x0) / (x1 - x0),
1000 * (y - y0) / (y1 - y0))
for d in defects[:2]:
# First draw the defect as a red triangle
cv.FillConvexPoly(vis, [xform(p) for p in d[:3]], cv.RGB(255,0,0))
# Draw the convex hull as a thick green line
for a,b in zip(hullp, hullp[1:]):
cv.Line(vis, xform(a), xform(b), cv.RGB(0,128,0), 3)
# Draw the original contour as a white line
for a,b in zip(xys, xys[1:]):
cv.Line(vis, xform(a), xform(b), (255,255,255))
def test_2686307(self):
lena = cv.LoadImage(find_sample("lena.jpg"), 1)
dst = cv.CreateImage((512,512), 8, 3)
cv.Set(dst, (128,192,255))
mask = cv.CreateImage((512,512), 8, 1)
cv.Rectangle(mask, (10,10), (300,100), 255, -1)
cv.Copy(lena, dst, mask)
self.snapL([lena, dst, mask])
m = cv.CreateMat(480, 640, cv.CV_8UC1)
print "ji", m
print m.rows, m.cols, m.type, m.step
def snap(self, img):
def snapL(self, L):
for i,img in enumerate(L):
cv.NamedWindow("snap-%d" % i, 1)
cv.ShowImage("snap-%d" % i, img)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestTickets)
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
This diff is collapsed.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import unittest
import cvtestutils
from cv import *
class cmp_test(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.x0 = cvCreateMat(self.w,self.h,CV_32F)
self.x1 = cvCreateMat(self.w,self.h,CV_32F)
cvSet(self.x0, cvScalarAll(0.0))
cvSet(self.x1, cvScalarAll(1.0))
def check_format(self, y):
assert( y.rows == self.h )
assert( y.cols == self.w )
assert( CV_MAT_DEPTH(y.type)==CV_8U )
def check_allzero(self, y):
assert( cvCountNonZero(y)==0 )
def check_all255(self, y):
assert( nonzero==self.w*self.h )
sum = cvSum(y)[0]
assert( sum == self.w*self.h*255 )
def test_CvMat_gt(self):
self.check_format( y )
self.check_all255( y )
self.check_format( y )
self.check_allzero( y )
def test_CvMat_gte(self):
self.check_format( y )
self.check_all255( y )
self.check_format( y )
self.check_all255( y )
def test_CvMat_lt(self):
self.check_format( y )
self.check_allzero( y )
self.check_format( y )
self.check_all255( y )
def test_CvMat_lte(self):
self.check_format( y )
self.check_all255( y )
self.check_format( y )
def suite():
return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(cmp_test)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# This module is meant to aid writing and running Python-based tests
# within the OpenCV tree.
# 2009-01-23, Roman Stanchak <>
# Upon importing, this module adds the following python module
# directories from the dev tree to sys.path (i.e. PYTHON_PATH):
# opencv/interfaces/swig/python and opencv/lib
# Using it in a test case is simple, just be sure to import
# cvtestutils before cv, highgui, etc
# Usage:
# import cvtestutils
# import cv
import os
import imp
import sys
def top_srcdir():
Return a string containing the top-level source directory in the OpenCV tree
dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# top level dir should be two levels up from this file
return os.path.realpath( os.path.join( dir, '..', '..' ) )
def top_builddir():
Return a string containing the top-level build directory in the OpenCV tree.
Either returns realpath(argv[1]) or top_srcdir();
if len(sys.argv)>1: return os.path.realpath( sys.argv[1] );
else: return top_srcdir();
def initpath():
Prepend the python module directories from the dev tree to sys.path
# add path for OpenCV source directory (for
moduledir = os.path.join(top_srcdir(), 'interfaces','swig','python')
moduledir = os.path.realpath(moduledir)
sys.path.insert(0, moduledir)
# add path for OpenCV build directory
moduledir = os.path.join(top_builddir(), 'interfaces','swig','python')
moduledir = os.path.realpath(moduledir)
sys.path.insert(0, moduledir)
libdir = os.path.join(top_builddir(), 'lib' )
libdir = os.path.realpath(libdir)
sys.path.insert(0, libdir)
def which():
Print the directory containing
import cv
print "Using OpenCV Python in: " + os.path.dirname(cv.__file__)
def datadir():
Return a string containing the full path to the python testdata directory
return os.path.sep.join([top_srcdir(), '..', 'opencv_extra', 'testdata', 'python'])
### Module Initialization
except NameError:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# 2009-01-16, Xavier Delacour <>
import unittest
from numpy import *;
from numpy.linalg import *;
import sys;
import cvtestutils
from cv import *;
from adaptors import *;
def planted_neighbors(query_points, R = .4):
n,d = query_points.shape
data = zeros(query_points.shape)
for i in range(0,n):
a = random.rand(d)
a = random.rand()*R*a/sqrt(sum(a**2))
data[i] = query_points[i] + a
return data
class feature_tree_test(unittest.TestCase):
def test_kdtree_basic(self):
n = 1000;
d = 64;
query_points = random.rand(n,d)*2-1;
data = planted_neighbors(query_points)
tr = cvCreateKDTree(data);
indices,dist = cvFindFeatures(tr, query_points, 1, 100);
correct = sum([i == j for j,i in enumerate(indices)])
assert(correct >= n * .75);
def test_spilltree_basic(self):
n = 1000;
d = 64;
query_points = random.rand(n,d)*2-1;
data = planted_neighbors(query_points)
tr = cvCreateSpillTree(data);
indices,dist = cvFindFeatures(tr, query_points, 1, 100);
correct = sum([i == j for j,i in enumerate(indices)])
assert(correct >= n * .75);
def suite():
return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(feature_tree_test)
if __name__ == '__main__':
suite = suite()
This script will test highgui's video reading functionality
for a given parameter RAW formats.
# needed for sys.exit(int) and .works file handling
import os
import sys
import works
from works import *
# import the necessary things for OpenCV
from highgui import *
from cv import *
# some defines
TESTNAME = "cvCreateFileCapture"
PREFIX = os.path.join(os.environ["srcdir"],"../../opencv_extra/testdata/python/videos/qcif_")
# this functions tries to open a videofile
# using the filename PREFIX+FORMAT+.EXTENSION and returns True/False
# on success/fail.
def video_ok( FORMAT ):
# check requirements and delete old .works file
if not works.check_files( REQUIRED, TESTNAME+FORMAT ):
return false
video = cvCreateFileCapture(PREFIX+FORMAT+EXTENSION)
if video is None:
works.set_file( TESTNAME+FORMAT )
return True
#! /usr/bin/env python
This script will test highgui's video reading functionality
for RAW RGB .avi files
# pixel format to check
# import check routine
import cvCreateFileCapture
# check video file of format FORMAT,
# the function also exits and returns
# 0,1 or 77 accordingly.
#! /usr/bin/env python
This script will test highgui's video reading functionality
for RAW RGBA (dummy alpha channel) .avi files
# pixel format to check
# import check routine
import cvCreateFileCapture
# check video file of format FORMAT,
# the function also exits and returns
# 0,1 or 77 accordingly.
#! /usr/bin/env python
This script will test highgui's video reading functionality
for RAW UYVY .avi files
# pixel format to check
# import check routine
import cvCreateFileCapture
# check video file of format FORMAT,
# the function also exits and returns
# 0,1 or 77 accordingly.
#! /usr/bin/env python
This script will test highgui's video reading functionality
for RAW Y8 (luminance only) .avi files
# pixel format to check
# import check routine
import cvCreateFileCapture
# check video file of format FORMAT,
# the function also exits and returns
# 0,1 or 77 accordingly.
#! /usr/bin/env python
This script will test highgui's video reading functionality
for RAW YUY2 .avi files
# pixel format to check
# import check routine
import cvCreateFileCapture
# check video file of format FORMAT,
# the function also exits and returns
# 0,1 or 77 accordingly.
#! /usr/bin/env python
This script will test highgui's video reading functionality
for RAW YV12 .avi files
# pixel format to check
# import check routine
import cvCreateFileCapture
# check video file of format FORMAT,
# the function also exits and returns
# 0,1 or 77 accordingly.
#! /usr/bin/env python
This script will test highgui's video reading functionality
for RAW YV16 .avi files
# pixel format to check
# import check routine
import cvCreateFileCapture
# check video file of format FORMAT,
# the function also exits and returns
# 0,1 or 77 accordingly.
#! /usr/bin/env python
This script will test highgui's video reading functionality
for RAW YVU9 .avi files
# pixel format to check
# import check routine
import cvCreateFileCapture
# check video file of format FORMAT,
# the function also exits and returns
# 0,1 or 77 accordingly.
#! /usr/bin/env python
This script will test highgui's trackbar functionality
# name if this test and it's requirements
TESTNAME = "cvCreateTrackbar"
REQUIRED = ["cvShowImage"]
# needed for sys.exit(int) and .works file handling
import os
import sys
import works
# check requirements and delete old flag file, if it exists
if not works.check_files(REQUIRED,TESTNAME):
# import the necessary things for OpenCV
from highgui import *
from cv import *
# some definitions
win_name = "testing..."
bar_name = "brightness"
bar_count= 100
# position of imagefiles we need
# 'moved' indicates if trackbar has been moved
moved = False
# 'range' indicates if trackbar was outside range [0..bar_count]
range = False
# function to call on a trackbar event
def trackcall( p ):
# Trackbar position must be in [0..bar_count]
if (p > bar_count or p < 0):
globals()["range"] = True
cvConvertScale( image, image2,float(p)/float(bar_count) )
cvShowImage( win_name, image2 );
globals()["moved"] = True
# create output window
image = cvLoadImage(PREFIX+"cvCreateTrackbar.jpg")
image2 = cvLoadImage(PREFIX+"cvCreateTrackbar.jpg")
# create the trackbar and save return value
res = cvCreateTrackbar( bar_name, win_name, 0, bar_count, trackcall )
# check return value
if res == 0:
# something went wrong, so return an error code
print "(ERROR) Couldn't create trackbar."
# init. window with image
# reset 'moved' indicator
moved = False
# now give the user 20 seconds to do some input
print "(INFO) Please move trackbar within the next 20 SECONDS to 'PASS' this test."
print "(HINT) You can complete this test prematurely by pressing any key."
print "(INFO) In the case of no user input, the test will be remarked as 'FAIL'."
key = cvWaitKey(20000)
if range:
# trackbar position value was outside allowed range [0..bar_count]
print "(ERROR) Trackbar position was outside range."
if not moved and (key==-1):
# trackbar has not been moved
print "(ERROR) No user input detected."
elif not moved and (key>0):
# 20sec. passed, trackbar has been moved
print "(INFO) No trackbar movement detected (but key pressed)."
# create flag file for following tests
# return 0 ('PASS')
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
#! /usr/bin/env python
This script will test highgui's window handle/name functionality
# name of this test and it's requirements
TESTNAME = "cvGetWindowHandleName"
REQUIRED = ["cvNamedWindow"]
# needed for sys.exit(int) and .works file handling
import sys
import works
# check requirements and delete old flag file, if it exists
if not works.check_files(REQUIRED,TESTNAME):
# import the necessary things for OpenCV
from highgui import *
from cv import *
# some definitions
win_name = "testing..."
# create a window ( '' says: "Ok, go for it!" )
# check if the window handle and the according name are correct
win_name_2 = cvGetWindowName( cvGetWindowHandle(win_name) )
if win_name_2!=win_name:
# print "(ERROR) Incorrect window handle/name."
# destroy the window
cvDestroyWindow( win_name )
# create flag file for following tests
# return 0 ('PASS')
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