Commit 24ccbccf authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

cleaned RST formatting a bit

parent d7b3e254
Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction
calib3d. Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction
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......@@ -3,136 +3,73 @@ Clustering
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.. index:: kmeans
.. cfunction:: double kmeans( const Mat\& samples, int clusterCount, Mat\& labels, TermCriteria termcrit, int attempts, int flags, Mat* centers )
`id=0.0672046481842 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
Finds the centers of clusters and groups the input samples around the clusters.
:param samples: Floating-point matrix of input samples, one row per sample
:param clusterCount: The number of clusters to split the set by
:param labels: The input/output integer array that will store the cluster indices for every sample
.. cfunction:: double kmeans( const Mat\& samples, int clusterCount, Mat\& labels, TermCriteria termcrit, int attempts, int flags, Mat* centers )
:param termcrit: Specifies maximum number of iterations and/or accuracy (distance the centers can move by between subsequent iterations)
Finds the centers of clusters and groups the input samples around the clusters.
:param attempts: How many times the algorithm is executed using different initial labelings. The algorithm returns the labels that yield the best compactness (see the last function parameter)
:param flags: It can take the following values:
* **KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS** Random initial centers are selected in each attempt
* **KMEANS_PP_CENTERS** Use kmeans++ center initialization by Arthur and Vassilvitskii
:param samples: Floating-point matrix of input samples, one row per sample
:param clusterCount: The number of clusters to split the set by
:param labels: The input/output integer array that will store the cluster indices for every sample
:param termcrit: Specifies maximum number of iterations and/or accuracy (distance the centers can move by between subsequent iterations)
:param attempts: How many times the algorithm is executed using different initial labelings. The algorithm returns the labels that yield the best compactness (see the last function parameter)
:param flags: It can take the following values:
* **KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS** Random initial centers are selected in each attempt
* **KMEANS_PP_CENTERS** Use kmeans++ center initialization by Arthur and Vassilvitskii
* **KMEANS_USE_INITIAL_LABELS** During the first (and possibly the only) attempt, the
function uses the user-supplied labels instaed of computing them from the initial centers. For the second and further attempts, the function will use the random or semi-random centers (use one of ``KMEANS_*_CENTERS`` flag to specify the exact method)
:param centers: The output matrix of the cluster centers, one row per each cluster center
The function
implements a k-means algorithm that finds the
centers of
clusters and groups the input samples
around the clusters. On output,
contains a 0-based cluster index for
the sample stored in the
row of the
function uses the user-supplied labels instaed of computing them from the initial centers. For the second and further attempts, the function will use the random or semi-random centers (use one of ``KMEANS_*_CENTERS`` flag to specify the exact method)
The function returns the compactness measure, which is computed as
:param centers: The output matrix of the cluster centers, one row per each cluster center
The function ``kmeans`` implements a k-means algorithm that finds the
centers of ``clusterCount`` clusters and groups the input samples
around the clusters. On output,
:math:`\texttt{labels}_i` contains a 0-based cluster index for
the sample stored in the
:math:`i^{th}` row of the ``samples`` matrix.
.. math::
The function returns the compactness measure, which is computed as
\sum _i \| \texttt{samples} _i - \texttt{centers} _{ \texttt{labels} _i} \| ^2
.. math::
\sum _i \| \texttt{samples} _i - \texttt{centers} _{ \texttt{labels} _i} \| ^2
after every attempt; the best (minimum) value is chosen and the
corresponding labels and the compactness value are returned by the function.
Basically, the user can use only the core of the function, set the number of
attempts to 1, initialize labels each time using some custom algorithm and pass them with
) flag, and then choose the best (most-compact) clustering.
( ``flags`` = ``KMEANS_USE_INITIAL_LABELS`` ) flag, and then choose the best (most-compact) clustering.
.. index:: partition
`id=0.0923567235062 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. cfunction:: template<typename _Tp, class _EqPredicate> int
.. cfunction:: partition( const vector<_Tp>\& vec, vector<int>\& labels, _EqPredicate predicate=_EqPredicate())
Splits an element set into equivalency classes.
:param vec: The set of elements stored as a vector
:param labels: The output vector of labels; will contain as many elements as ``vec`` . Each label ``labels[i]`` is 0-based cluster index of ``vec[i]`` :param predicate: The equivalence predicate (i.e. pointer to a boolean function of two arguments or an instance of the class that has the method ``bool operator()(const _Tp& a, const _Tp& b)`` . The predicate returns true when the elements are certainly if the same class, and false if they may or may not be in the same class
:param vec: The set of elements stored as a vector
:param labels: The output vector of labels; will contain as many elements as ``vec`` . Each label ``labels[i]`` is 0-based cluster index of ``vec[i]``
:param predicate: The equivalence predicate (i.e. pointer to a boolean function of two arguments or an instance of the class that has the method ``bool operator()(const _Tp& a, const _Tp& b)`` . The predicate returns true when the elements are certainly if the same class, and false if they may or may not be in the same class
The generic function
implements an
algorithm for
splitting a set of
elements into one or more equivalency classes, as described in
The generic function ``partition`` implements an
:math:`O(N^2)` algorithm for
splitting a set of
:math:`N` elements into one or more equivalency classes, as described in
. The function
returns the number of equivalency classes.
Core Functionality
core. The Core Functionality
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......@@ -3,4 +3,3 @@ Dynamic Structures
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......@@ -3,30 +3,16 @@ XML/YAML Persistence
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.. index:: FileStorage
.. _FileStorage:
`id=0.36488878292 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. ctype:: FileStorage
The XML/YAML file storage class ::
The XML/YAML file storage class
class FileStorage
......@@ -41,7 +27,7 @@ The XML/YAML file storage class
FileStorage(CvFileStorage* fs);
// the destructor; closes the file if needed
virtual ~FileStorage();
// opens the specified file for reading (flags=FileStorage::READ)
// or writing (flags=FileStorage::WRITE)
virtual bool open(const string& filename, int flags);
......@@ -49,7 +35,7 @@ The XML/YAML file storage class
virtual bool isOpened() const;
// closes the file
virtual void release();
// returns the first top-level node
FileNode getFirstTopLevelNode() const;
// returns the root file node
......@@ -58,54 +44,39 @@ The XML/YAML file storage class
// returns the top-level node by name
FileNode operator[](const string& nodename) const;
FileNode operator[](const char* nodename) const;
// returns the underlying CvFileStorage*
CvFileStorage* operator *() { return fs; }
const CvFileStorage* operator *() const { return fs; }
// writes the certain number of elements of the specified format
// (see DataType) without any headers
void writeRaw( const string& fmt, const uchar* vec, size_t len );
// writes an old-style object (CvMat, CvMatND etc.)
void writeObj( const string& name, const void* obj );
// returns the default object name from the filename
// (used by cvSave() with the default object name etc.)
static string getDefaultObjectName(const string& filename);
Ptr<CvFileStorage> fs;
string elname;
vector<char> structs;
int state;
.. index:: FileNode
.. _FileNode:
`id=0.228849909258 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. ctype:: FileNode
The XML/YAML file node class ::
The XML/YAML file node class
class CV_EXPORTS FileNode
......@@ -134,44 +105,29 @@ The XML/YAML file node class
operator float() const;
operator double() const;
operator string() const;
FileNodeIterator begin() const;
FileNodeIterator end() const;
void readRaw( const string& fmt, uchar* vec, size_t len ) const;
void* readObj() const;
// do not use wrapper pointer classes for better efficiency
const CvFileStorage* fs;
const CvFileNode* node;
.. index:: FileNodeIterator
.. _FileNodeIterator:
`id=0.575104633905 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. ctype:: FileNodeIterator
The XML/YAML file node iterator class ::
The XML/YAML file node iterator class
class CV_EXPORTS FileNodeIterator
......@@ -181,23 +137,21 @@ The XML/YAML file node iterator class
FileNodeIterator(const FileNodeIterator& it);
FileNode operator *() const;
FileNode operator ->() const;
FileNodeIterator& operator ++();
FileNodeIterator operator ++(int);
FileNodeIterator& operator --();
FileNodeIterator operator --(int);
FileNodeIterator& operator += (int);
FileNodeIterator& operator -= (int);
FileNodeIterator& readRaw( const string& fmt, uchar* vec,
size_t maxCount=(size_t)INT_MAX );
const CvFileStorage* fs;
const CvFileNode* container;
CvSeqReader reader;
size_t remaining;
......@@ -3,138 +3,81 @@ Drawing Function of Keypoints and Matches
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.. index:: drawMatches
`id=0.919261687295 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. cfunction:: void drawMatches( const Mat\& img1, const vector<KeyPoint>\& keypoints1, const Mat\& img2, const vector<KeyPoint>\& keypoints2, const vector<DMatch>\& matches1to2, Mat\& outImg, const Scalar\& matchColor=Scalar::all(-1), const Scalar\& singlePointColor=Scalar::all(-1), const vector<char>\& matchesMask=vector<char>(), int flags=DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT )
This function draws matches of keypints from two images on output image.
This function draws matches of keypints from two images on output image.
Match is a line connecting two keypoints (circles).
.. cfunction:: void drawMatches( const Mat\& img1, const vector<KeyPoint>\& keypoints1, const Mat\& img2, const vector<KeyPoint>\& keypoints2, const vector<vector<DMatch> >\& matches1to2, Mat\& outImg, const Scalar\& matchColor=Scalar::all(-1), const Scalar\& singlePointColor=Scalar::all(-1), const vector<vector<char>>\& matchesMask= vector<vector<char> >(), int flags=DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT )
:param img1: First source image.
:param keypoints1: Keypoints from first source image.
:param img2: Second source image.
.. cfunction:: void drawMatches( const Mat\& img1, const vector<KeyPoint>\& keypoints1, const Mat\& img2, const vector<KeyPoint>\& keypoints2, const vector<vector<DMatch> >\& matches1to2, Mat\& outImg, const Scalar\& matchColor=Scalar::all(-1), const Scalar\& singlePointColor=Scalar::all(-1), const vector<vector<char>>\& matchesMask= vector<vector<char> >(), int flags=DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT )
:param keypoints2: Keypoints from second source image.
:param matches: Matches from first image to second one, i.e. ``keypoints1[i]`` has corresponding point ``keypoints2[matches[i]]`` .
:param outImg: Output image. Its content depends on ``flags`` value
what is drawn in output image. See below possible ``flags`` bit values.
:param matchColor: Color of matches (lines and connected keypoints).
If ``matchColor==Scalar::all(-1)`` color will be generated randomly.
:param singlePointColor: Color of single keypoints (circles), i.e. keypoints not having the matches.
If ``singlePointColor==Scalar::all(-1)`` color will be generated randomly.
:param matchesMask: Mask determining which matches will be drawn. If mask is empty all matches will be drawn.
:param flags: Each bit of ``flags`` sets some feature of drawing.
Possible ``flags`` bit values is defined by ``DrawMatchesFlags`` , see below. ::
:param img1: First source image.
:param keypoints1: Keypoints from first source image.
:param img2: Second source image.
:param keypoints2: Keypoints from second source image.
:param matches: Matches from first image to second one, i.e. ``keypoints1[i]``
has corresponding point ``keypoints2[matches[i]]`` .
:param outImg: Output image. Its content depends on ``flags`` value
what is drawn in output image. See below possible ``flags`` bit values.
:param matchColor: Color of matches (lines and connected keypoints).
If ``matchColor==Scalar::all(-1)`` color will be generated randomly.
:param singlePointColor: Color of single keypoints (circles), i.e. keypoints not having the matches.
If ``singlePointColor==Scalar::all(-1)`` color will be generated randomly.
:param matchesMask: Mask determining which matches will be drawn. If mask is empty all matches will be drawn.
:param flags: Each bit of ``flags`` sets some feature of drawing.
Possible ``flags`` bit values is defined by ``DrawMatchesFlags`` , see below.
struct DrawMatchesFlags
enum{ DEFAULT = 0, // Output image matrix will be created (Mat::create),
// i.e. existing memory of output image may be reused.
// Two source image, matches and single keypoints
// Two source image, matches and single keypoints
// will be drawn.
// For each keypoint only the center point will be
// drawn (without the circle around keypoint with
// For each keypoint only the center point will be
// drawn (without the circle around keypoint with
// keypoint size and orientation).
DRAW_OVER_OUTIMG = 1, // Output image matrix will not be
// created (Mat::create). Matches will be drawn
DRAW_OVER_OUTIMG = 1, // Output image matrix will not be
// created (Mat::create). Matches will be drawn
// on existing content of output image.
NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS = 2, // Single keypoints will not be drawn.
DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS = 4 // For each keypoint the circle around
// keypoint with keypoint size and orientation will
DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS = 4 // For each keypoint the circle around
// keypoint with keypoint size and orientation will
// be drawn.
.. index:: drawKeypoints
`id=0.694314481427 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. cfunction:: void drawKeypoints( const Mat\& image, const vector<KeyPoint>\& keypoints, Mat\& outImg, const Scalar\& color=Scalar::all(-1), int flags=DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT )
Draw keypoints.
:param image: Source image.
:param keypoints: Keypoints from source image.
:param outImg: Output image. Its content depends on ``flags`` value
what is drawn in output image. See possible ``flags`` bit values.
:param color: Color of keypoints
:param flags: Each bit of ``flags`` sets some feature of drawing.
Possible ``flags`` bit values is defined by ``DrawMatchesFlags`` ,
see above in :func:`drawMatches` .
:param image: Source image.
:param keypoints: Keypoints from source image.
:param outImg: Output image. Its content depends on ``flags`` value
what is drawn in output image. See possible ``flags`` bit values.
:param color: Color of keypoints
:param flags: Each bit of ``flags`` sets some feature of drawing.
Possible ``flags`` bit values is defined by ``DrawMatchesFlags`` ,
see above in :func:`drawMatches` .
2D Features Framework
features2d. 2D Features Framework
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GPU-accelerated Computer Vision
gpu. GPU-accelerated Computer Vision
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......@@ -3,91 +3,42 @@ Initalization and Information
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.. index:: gpu::getCudaEnabledDeviceCount
`id=0.541856697999 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. cfunction:: int getCudaEnabledDeviceCount()
Returns number of CUDA-enabled devices installed. It is to be used before any other GPU functions calls. If OpenCV is compiled without GPU support this function returns 0.
Returns number of CUDA-enabled devices installed. It is to be used before any other GPU functions calls. If OpenCV is compiled without GPU support this function returns 0.
.. index:: gpu::setDevice
`id=0.817295536445 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. cfunction:: void setDevice(int device)
Sets device and initializes it for the current thread. Call of this function can be omitted, but in this case a default device will be initialized on fist GPU usage.
:param device: index of GPU device in system starting with 0.
:param device: index of GPU device in system starting with 0.
.. index:: gpu::getDevice
`id=0.908782607162 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. cfunction:: int getDevice()
Returns the current device index, which was set by {gpu::getDevice} or initialized by default.
.. index:: gpu::GpuFeature
.. _gpu::GpuFeature:
`id=0.185426029041 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. ctype:: gpu::GpuFeature
GPU compute features. ::
GPU compute features.
enum GpuFeature
......@@ -95,308 +46,153 @@ GPU compute features.
.. index:: gpu::DeviceInfo
.. _gpu::DeviceInfo:
`id=0.91098225386 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. ctype:: gpu::DeviceInfo
This class provides functionality for querying the specified GPU properties. ::
This class provides functionality for querying the specified GPU properties.
class CV_EXPORTS DeviceInfo
DeviceInfo(int device_id);
string name() const;
int majorVersion() const;
int minorVersion() const;
int multiProcessorCount() const;
size_t freeMemory() const;
size_t totalMemory() const;
bool supports(GpuFeature feature) const;
bool isCompatible() const;
.. index:: gpu::DeviceInfo::DeviceInfo
`id=0.971366637207 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
------------------------------- ``_``
.. cfunction:: DeviceInfo::DeviceInfo()
.. cfunction:: DeviceInfo::DeviceInfo(int device_id)
Constructs DeviceInfo object for the specified device. If deviceidparameter is missed it constructs object for the current device.
:param device_id: Index of the GPU device in system starting with 0.
:param device_id: Index of the GPU device in system starting with 0.
.. index:: gpu::DeviceInfo::name
`id=0.472941921148 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. cfunction:: string DeviceInfo::name()
Returns the device name.
.. index:: gpu::DeviceInfo::majorVersion
`id=0.982334984119 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. cfunction:: int DeviceInfo::majorVersion()
Returns the major compute capability version.
.. index:: gpu::DeviceInfo::minorVersion
`id=0.309433581176 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. cfunction:: int DeviceInfo::minorVersion()
Returns the minor compute capability version.
.. index:: gpu::DeviceInfo::multiProcessorCount
`id=0.417609601388 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. cfunction:: int DeviceInfo::multiProcessorCount()
Returns the number of streaming multiprocessors.
.. index:: gpu::DeviceInfo::freeMemory
`id=0.961189453269 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. cfunction:: size_t DeviceInfo::freeMemory()
Returns the amount of free memory in bytes.
.. index:: gpu::DeviceInfo::totalMemory
`id=0.884488673579 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. cfunction:: size_t DeviceInfo::totalMemory()
Returns the amount of total memory in bytes.
.. index:: gpu::DeviceInfo::supports
`id=0.141435828088 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. cfunction:: bool DeviceInfo::supports(GpuFeature feature)
Returns true if the device has the given GPU feature, otherwise false.
:param feature: Feature to be checked. See .
:param feature: Feature to be checked. See .
.. index:: gpu::DeviceInfo::isCompatible
`id=0.564690282768 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. cfunction:: bool DeviceInfo::isCompatible()
Returns true if the GPU module can be run on the specified device, otherwise false.
.. index:: gpu::TargetArchs
.. _gpu::TargetArchs:
`id=0.200853353999 Comments from the Wiki <>`__
.. ctype:: gpu::TargetArchs
This class provides functionality (as set of static methods) for checking which NVIDIA card architectures the GPU module was built for.
The following method checks whether the module was built with the support of the given feature:
.. cfunction:: static bool builtWith(GpuFeature feature)
:param feature: Feature to be checked. See .
:param feature: Feature to be checked. See .
There are a set of methods for checking whether the module contains intermediate (PTX) or binary GPU code for the given architecture(s):
.. cfunction:: static bool has(int major, int minor)
.. cfunction:: static bool hasPtx(int major, int minor)
.. cfunction:: static bool hasBin(int major, int minor)
.. cfunction:: static bool hasEqualOrLessPtx(int major, int minor)
.. cfunction:: static bool hasEqualOrGreater(int major, int minor)
.. cfunction:: static bool hasEqualOrGreaterPtx(int major, int minor)
.. cfunction:: static bool hasEqualOrGreaterBin(int major, int minor)
* **major** Major compute capability version.
* **minor** Minor compute capability version.
* **major** Major compute capability version.
* **minor** Minor compute capability version.
According to the CUDA C Programming Guide Version 3.2: "PTX code produced for some specific compute capability can always be compiled to binary code of greater or equal compute capability".
According to the CUDA C Programming Guide Version 3.2: "PTX code produced for some specific compute capability can always be compiled to binary code of greater or equal compute capability".
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High-level GUI and Media I/O
highgui. High-level GUI and Media I/O
While OpenCV was designed for use in full-scale
applications and can be used within functionally rich UI frameworks (such as Qt, WinForms or Cocoa) or without any UI at all, sometimes there is a need to try some functionality quickly and visualize the results. This is what the HighGUI module has been designed for.
......@@ -12,7 +11,6 @@ It provides easy interface to:
* add trackbars to the windows, handle simple mouse events as well as keyboard commmands
* read and write images to/from disk or memory.
* read video from camera or file and write video to a file.
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