Commit 24ca620c authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky Committed by OpenCV Buildbot

Merge pull request #916 from bitwangyaoyao:2.4_fixPyrLK

parents d3c7ae6a d81c145f
......@@ -1578,7 +1578,9 @@ static void openCLExecuteKernel_hog(Context *clCxt , const char **source, string
size_t globalThreads[3], size_t localThreads[3],
vector< pair<size_t, const void *> > &args)
size_t wave_size = queryDeviceInfo<WAVEFRONT_SIZE, size_t>();
cl_kernel kernel = openCLGetKernelFromSource(clCxt, source, kernelName);
size_t wave_size = queryDeviceInfo<WAVEFRONT_SIZE, size_t>(kernel);
if (wave_size <= 16)
char build_options[64];
......@@ -46,145 +46,10 @@
//#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_printf : enable
__kernel void calcSharrDeriv_vertical_C1_D0(__global const uchar* src, int srcStep, int rows, int cols, int cn, __global short* dx_buf, int dx_bufStep, __global short* dy_buf, int dy_bufStep)
const int x = get_global_id(0);
const int y = get_global_id(1);
if (y < rows && x < cols * cn)
const uchar src_val0 = (src + (y > 0 ? y-1 : rows > 1 ? 1 : 0) * srcStep)[x];
const uchar src_val1 = (src + y * srcStep)[x];
const uchar src_val2 = (src + (y < rows-1 ? y+1 : rows > 1 ? rows-2 : 0) * srcStep)[x];
((__global short*)((__global char*)dx_buf + y * dx_bufStep / 2))[x] = (src_val0 + src_val2) * 3 + src_val1 * 10;
((__global short*)((__global char*)dy_buf + y * dy_bufStep / 2))[x] = src_val2 - src_val0;
__kernel void calcSharrDeriv_vertical_C4_D0(__global const uchar* src, int srcStep, int rows, int cols, int cn, __global short* dx_buf, int dx_bufStep, __global short* dy_buf, int dy_bufStep)
const int x = get_global_id(0);
const int y = get_global_id(1);
if (y < rows && x < cols * cn)
const uchar src_val0 = (src + (y > 0 ? y - 1 : 1) * srcStep)[x];
const uchar src_val1 = (src + y * srcStep)[x];
const uchar src_val2 = (src + (y < rows - 1 ? y + 1 : rows - 2) * srcStep)[x];
((__global short*)((__global char*)dx_buf + y * dx_bufStep / 2))[x] = (src_val0 + src_val2) * 3 + src_val1 * 10;
((__global short*)((__global char*)dy_buf + y * dy_bufStep / 2))[x] = src_val2 - src_val0;
__kernel void calcSharrDeriv_horizontal_C1_D0(int rows, int cols, int cn, __global const short* dx_buf, int dx_bufStep, __global const short* dy_buf, int dy_bufStep, __global short* dIdx, int dIdxStep, __global short* dIdy, int dIdyStep)
const int x = get_global_id(0);
const int y = get_global_id(1);
const int colsn = cols * cn;
if (y < rows && x < colsn)
__global const short* dx_buf_row = dx_buf + y * dx_bufStep;
__global const short* dy_buf_row = dy_buf + y * dy_bufStep;
const int xr = x + cn < colsn ? x + cn : (cols - 2) * cn + x + cn - colsn;
const int xl = x - cn >= 0 ? x - cn : cn + x;
((__global short*)((__global char*)dIdx + y * dIdxStep / 2))[x] = dx_buf_row[xr] - dx_buf_row[xl];
((__global short*)((__global char*)dIdy + y * dIdyStep / 2))[x] = (dy_buf_row[xr] + dy_buf_row[xl]) * 3 + dy_buf_row[x] * 10;
__kernel void calcSharrDeriv_horizontal_C4_D0(int rows, int cols, int cn, __global const short* dx_buf, int dx_bufStep, __global const short* dy_buf, int dy_bufStep, __global short* dIdx, int dIdxStep, __global short* dIdy, int dIdyStep)
const int x = get_global_id(0);
const int y = get_global_id(1);
const int colsn = cols * cn;
if (y < rows && x < colsn)
__global const short* dx_buf_row = dx_buf + y * dx_bufStep;
__global const short* dy_buf_row = dy_buf + y * dy_bufStep;
const int xr = x + cn < colsn ? x + cn : (cols - 2) * cn + x + cn - colsn;
const int xl = x - cn >= 0 ? x - cn : cn + x;
((__global short*)((__global char*)dIdx + y * dIdxStep / 2))[x] = dx_buf_row[xr] - dx_buf_row[xl];
((__global short*)((__global char*)dIdy + y * dIdyStep / 2))[x] = (dy_buf_row[xr] + dy_buf_row[xl]) * 3 + dy_buf_row[x] * 10;
#define W_BITS 14
#define W_BITS1 14
#define CV_DESCALE(x, n) (((x) + (1 << ((n)-1))) >> (n))
int linearFilter_uchar(__global const uchar* src, int srcStep, int cn, float2 pt, int x, int y)
int2 ipt;
ipt.x = convert_int_sat_rtn(pt.x);
ipt.y = convert_int_sat_rtn(pt.y);
float a = pt.x - ipt.x;
float b = pt.y - ipt.y;
int iw00 = convert_int_sat_rte((1.0f - a) * (1.0f - b) * (1 << W_BITS));
int iw01 = convert_int_sat_rte(a * (1.0f - b) * (1 << W_BITS));
int iw10 = convert_int_sat_rte((1.0f - a) * b * (1 << W_BITS));
int iw11 = (1 << W_BITS) - iw00 - iw01 - iw10;
__global const uchar* src_row = src + (ipt.y + y) * srcStep + ipt.x * cn;
__global const uchar* src_row1 = src + (ipt.y + y + 1) * srcStep + ipt.x * cn;
return CV_DESCALE(src_row[x] * iw00 + src_row[x + cn] * iw01 + src_row1[x] * iw10 + src_row1[x + cn] * iw11, W_BITS1 - 5);
int linearFilter_short(__global const short* src, int srcStep, int cn, float2 pt, int x, int y)
int2 ipt;
ipt.x = convert_int_sat_rtn(pt.x);
ipt.y = convert_int_sat_rtn(pt.y);
float a = pt.x - ipt.x;
float b = pt.y - ipt.y;
int iw00 = convert_int_sat_rte((1.0f - a) * (1.0f - b) * (1 << W_BITS));
int iw01 = convert_int_sat_rte(a * (1.0f - b) * (1 << W_BITS));
int iw10 = convert_int_sat_rte((1.0f - a) * b * (1 << W_BITS));
int iw11 = (1 << W_BITS) - iw00 - iw01 - iw10;
__global const short* src_row = src + (ipt.y + y) * srcStep + ipt.x * cn;
__global const short* src_row1 = src + (ipt.y + y + 1) * srcStep + ipt.x * cn;
return CV_DESCALE(src_row[x] * iw00 + src_row[x + cn] * iw01 + src_row1[x] * iw10 + src_row1[x + cn] * iw11, W_BITS1);
float linearFilter_float(__global const float* src, int srcStep, int cn, float2 pt, float x, float y)
int2 ipt;
ipt.x = convert_int_sat_rtn(pt.x);
ipt.y = convert_int_sat_rtn(pt.y);
float a = pt.x - ipt.x;
float b = pt.y - ipt.y;
float iw00 = ((1.0f - a) * (1.0f - b) * (1 << W_BITS));
float iw01 = (a * (1.0f - b) * (1 << W_BITS));
float iw10 = ((1.0f - a) * b * (1 << W_BITS));
float iw11 = (1 << W_BITS) - iw00 - iw01 - iw10;
__global const float* src_row = src + (int)(ipt.y + y) * srcStep / 4 + ipt.x * cn;
__global const float* src_row1 = src + (int)(ipt.y + y + 1) * srcStep / 4 + ipt.x * cn;
return src_row[(int)x] * iw00 + src_row[(int)x + cn] * iw01 + src_row1[(int)x] * iw10 + src_row1[(int)x + cn] * iw11, W_BITS1 - 5;
#define BUFFER 64
#ifndef WAVE_SIZE
#define WAVE_SIZE 1
#ifdef CPU
void reduce3(float val1, float val2, float val3, __local float* smem1, __local float* smem2, __local float* smem3, int tid)
......@@ -193,71 +58,51 @@ void reduce3(float val1, float val2, float val3, __local float* smem1, __local
smem3[tid] = val3;
#if BUFFER > 128
if (tid < 128)
smem1[tid] = val1 += smem1[tid + 128];
smem2[tid] = val2 += smem2[tid + 128];
smem3[tid] = val3 += smem3[tid + 128];
#if BUFFER > 64
if (tid < 64)
smem1[tid] = val1 += smem1[tid + 64];
smem2[tid] = val2 += smem2[tid + 64];
smem3[tid] = val3 += smem3[tid + 64];
if (tid < 32)
smem1[tid] = val1 += smem1[tid + 32];
smem2[tid] = val2 += smem2[tid + 32];
smem3[tid] = val3 += smem3[tid + 32];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 32];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 32];
smem3[tid] += smem3[tid + 32];
if (tid < 16)
smem1[tid] = val1 += smem1[tid + 16];
smem2[tid] = val2 += smem2[tid + 16];
smem3[tid] = val3 += smem3[tid + 16];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 16];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 16];
smem3[tid] += smem3[tid + 16];
if (tid < 8)
smem1[tid] = val1 += smem1[tid + 8];
smem2[tid] = val2 += smem2[tid + 8];
smem3[tid] = val3 += smem3[tid + 8];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 8];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 8];
smem3[tid] += smem3[tid + 8];
if (tid < 4)
smem1[tid] = val1 += smem1[tid + 4];
smem2[tid] = val2 += smem2[tid + 4];
smem3[tid] = val3 += smem3[tid + 4];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 4];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 4];
smem3[tid] += smem3[tid + 4];
if (tid < 2)
smem1[tid] = val1 += smem1[tid + 2];
smem2[tid] = val2 += smem2[tid + 2];
smem3[tid] = val3 += smem3[tid + 2];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 2];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 2];
smem3[tid] += smem3[tid + 2];
if (tid < 1)
smem1[BUFFER] = val1 += smem1[tid + 1];
smem2[BUFFER] = val2 += smem2[tid + 1];
smem3[BUFFER] = val3 += smem3[tid + 1];
smem1[BUFFER] = smem1[tid] + smem1[tid + 1];
smem2[BUFFER] = smem2[tid] + smem2[tid + 1];
smem3[BUFFER] = smem3[tid] + smem3[tid + 1];
......@@ -268,63 +113,45 @@ void reduce2(float val1, float val2, volatile __local float* smem1, volatile __l
smem2[tid] = val2;
#if BUFFER > 128
if (tid < 128)
smem1[tid] = (val1 += smem1[tid + 128]);
smem2[tid] = (val2 += smem2[tid + 128]);
#if BUFFER > 64
if (tid < 64)
smem1[tid] = (val1 += smem1[tid + 64]);
smem2[tid] = (val2 += smem2[tid + 64]);
if (tid < 32)
smem1[tid] = (val1 += smem1[tid + 32]);
smem2[tid] = (val2 += smem2[tid + 32]);
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 32];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 32];
if (tid < 16)
smem1[tid] = (val1 += smem1[tid + 16]);
smem2[tid] = (val2 += smem2[tid + 16]);
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 16];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 16];
if (tid < 8)
smem1[tid] = (val1 += smem1[tid + 8]);
smem2[tid] = (val2 += smem2[tid + 8]);
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 8];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 8];
if (tid < 4)
smem1[tid] = (val1 += smem1[tid + 4]);
smem2[tid] = (val2 += smem2[tid + 4]);
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 4];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 4];
if (tid < 2)
smem1[tid] = (val1 += smem1[tid + 2]);
smem2[tid] = (val2 += smem2[tid + 2]);
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 2];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 2];
if (tid < 1)
smem1[BUFFER] = (val1 += smem1[tid + 1]);
smem2[BUFFER] = (val2 += smem2[tid + 1]);
smem1[BUFFER] = smem1[tid] + smem1[tid + 1];
smem2[BUFFER] = smem2[tid] + smem2[tid + 1];
......@@ -334,205 +161,146 @@ void reduce1(float val1, volatile __local float* smem1, int tid)
smem1[tid] = val1;
#if BUFFER > 128
if (tid < 128)
smem1[tid] = (val1 += smem1[tid + 128]);
#if BUFFER > 64
if (tid < 64)
smem1[tid] = (val1 += smem1[tid + 64]);
if (tid < 32)
smem1[tid] = (val1 += smem1[tid + 32]);
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 32];
if (tid < 16)
smem1[tid] = (val1 += smem1[tid + 16]);
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 16];
if (tid < 8)
smem1[tid] = (val1 += smem1[tid + 8]);
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 8];
if (tid < 4)
smem1[tid] = (val1 += smem1[tid + 4]);
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 4];
if (tid < 2)
smem1[tid] = (val1 += smem1[tid + 2]);
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 2];
if (tid < 1)
smem1[BUFFER] = (val1 += smem1[tid + 1]);
smem1[BUFFER] = smem1[tid] + smem1[tid + 1];
void reduce3(float val1, float val2, float val3, __local float* smem1, __local float* smem2, __local float* smem3, int tid)
void reduce3(float val1, float val2, float val3,
__local volatile float* smem1, __local volatile float* smem2, __local volatile float* smem3, int tid)
smem1[tid] = val1;
smem2[tid] = val2;
smem3[tid] = val3;
#if BUFFER > 128
if (tid < 128)
if (tid < 32)
smem1[tid] = val1 += smem1[tid + 128];
smem2[tid] = val2 += smem2[tid + 128];
smem3[tid] = val3 += smem3[tid + 128];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 32];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 32];
smem3[tid] += smem3[tid + 32];
#if WAVE_SIZE < 32
if (tid < 16) {
#if BUFFER > 64
if (tid < 64)
smem1[tid] = val1 += smem1[tid + 64];
smem2[tid] = val2 += smem2[tid + 64];
smem3[tid] = val3 += smem3[tid + 64];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 16];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 16];
smem3[tid] += smem3[tid + 16];
#if WAVE_SIZE <16
if (tid < 8) {
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 8];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 8];
smem3[tid] += smem3[tid + 8];
if (tid < 32)
volatile __local float* vmem1 = smem1;
volatile __local float* vmem2 = smem2;
volatile __local float* vmem3 = smem3;
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 32];
vmem2[tid] = val2 += vmem2[tid + 32];
vmem3[tid] = val3 += vmem3[tid + 32];
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 16];
vmem2[tid] = val2 += vmem2[tid + 16];
vmem3[tid] = val3 += vmem3[tid + 16];
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 8];
vmem2[tid] = val2 += vmem2[tid + 8];
vmem3[tid] = val3 += vmem3[tid + 8];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 4];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 4];
smem3[tid] += smem3[tid + 4];
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 4];
vmem2[tid] = val2 += vmem2[tid + 4];
vmem3[tid] = val3 += vmem3[tid + 4];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 2];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 2];
smem3[tid] += smem3[tid + 2];
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 2];
vmem2[tid] = val2 += vmem2[tid + 2];
vmem3[tid] = val3 += vmem3[tid + 2];
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 1];
vmem2[tid] = val2 += vmem2[tid + 1];
vmem3[tid] = val3 += vmem3[tid + 1];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 1];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 1];
smem3[tid] += smem3[tid + 1];
void reduce2(float val1, float val2, __local float* smem1, __local float* smem2, int tid)
void reduce2(float val1, float val2, __local volatile float* smem1, __local volatile float* smem2, int tid)
smem1[tid] = val1;
smem2[tid] = val2;
#if BUFFER > 128
if (tid < 128)
if (tid < 32)
smem1[tid] = val1 += smem1[tid + 128];
smem2[tid] = val2 += smem2[tid + 128];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 32];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 32];
#if WAVE_SIZE < 32
if (tid < 16) {
#if BUFFER > 64
if (tid < 64)
smem1[tid] = val1 += smem1[tid + 64];
smem2[tid] = val2 += smem2[tid + 64];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 16];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 16];
#if WAVE_SIZE <16
if (tid < 8) {
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 8];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 8];
if (tid < 32)
volatile __local float* vmem1 = smem1;
volatile __local float* vmem2 = smem2;
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 32];
vmem2[tid] = val2 += vmem2[tid + 32];
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 16];
vmem2[tid] = val2 += vmem2[tid + 16];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 4];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 4];
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 8];
vmem2[tid] = val2 += vmem2[tid + 8];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 2];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 2];
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 4];
vmem2[tid] = val2 += vmem2[tid + 4];
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 2];
vmem2[tid] = val2 += vmem2[tid + 2];
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 1];
vmem2[tid] = val2 += vmem2[tid + 1];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 1];
smem2[tid] += smem2[tid + 1];
void reduce1(float val1, __local float* smem1, int tid)
void reduce1(float val1, __local volatile float* smem1, int tid)
smem1[tid] = val1;
#if BUFFER > 128
if (tid < 128)
if (tid < 32)
smem1[tid] = val1 += smem1[tid + 128];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 32];
#if WAVE_SIZE < 32
if (tid < 16) {
#if BUFFER > 64
if (tid < 64)
smem1[tid] = val1 += smem1[tid + 64];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 16];
#if WAVE_SIZE <16
if (tid < 8) {
if (tid < 32)
volatile __local float* vmem1 = smem1;
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 32];
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 16];
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 8];
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 4];
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 2];
vmem1[tid] = val1 += vmem1[tid + 1];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 8];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 4];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 2];
smem1[tid] += smem1[tid + 1];
#define SCALE (1.0f / (1 << 20))
#define THRESHOLD 0.01f
#define DIMENSION 21
// Image read mode
......@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
// @Authors
// Dachuan Zhao,
// Yao Wang,
// Dachuan Zhao,
// Yao Wang,
// Nathan,
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
......@@ -56,31 +56,16 @@ namespace cv
namespace ocl
///////////////////////////OpenCL kernel strings///////////////////////////
extern const char *pyrlk;
extern const char *pyrlk_no_image;
extern const char *arithm_mul;
struct dim3
unsigned int x, y, z;
struct float2
float x, y;
struct int2
int x, y;
void calcPatchSize(cv::Size winSize, int cn, dim3 &block, dim3 &patch, bool isDeviceArch11)
static void calcPatchSize(cv::Size winSize, int cn, dim3 &block, dim3 &patch, bool isDeviceArch11)
winSize.width *= cn;
......@@ -100,45 +85,6 @@ void calcPatchSize(cv::Size winSize, int cn, dim3 &block, dim3 &patch, bool isDe
block.z = patch.z = 1;
static void multiply_cus(const oclMat &src1, oclMat &dst, float scalar)
if(!src1.clCxt->supportsFeature(Context::CL_DOUBLE) && src1.type() == CV_64F)
CV_Error(CV_GpuNotSupported, "Selected device don't support double\r\n");
CV_Assert(src1.cols == dst.cols &&
src1.rows == dst.rows);
CV_Assert(src1.type() == dst.type());
CV_Assert(src1.depth() != CV_8S);
Context *clCxt = src1.clCxt;
size_t localThreads[3] = { 16, 16, 1 };
size_t globalThreads[3] = { src1.cols,
int dst_step1 = dst.cols * dst.elemSize();
vector<pair<size_t , const void *> > args;
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)& ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&src1.step ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&src1.offset ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)& ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&dst.step ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&dst.offset ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&src1.rows ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&src1.cols ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&dst_step1 ));
args.push_back( make_pair( sizeof(float), (float *)&scalar ));
openCLExecuteKernel(clCxt, &arithm_mul, "arithm_muls", globalThreads, localThreads, args, -1, src1.depth());
static void lkSparse_run(oclMat &I, oclMat &J,
const oclMat &prevPts, oclMat &nextPts, oclMat &status, oclMat& err, bool /*GET_MIN_EIGENVALS*/, int ptcount,
......@@ -151,15 +97,7 @@ static void lkSparse_run(oclMat &I, oclMat &J,
size_t localThreads[3] = { 8, isImageSupported ? 8 : 32, 1 };
size_t globalThreads[3] = { 8 * ptcount, isImageSupported ? 8 : 32, 1};
int cn = I.oclchannels();
char calcErr;
if (level == 0)
calcErr = 1;
calcErr = 0;
char calcErr = level==0?1:0;
vector<pair<size_t , const void *> > args;
......@@ -198,7 +136,17 @@ static void lkSparse_run(oclMat &I, oclMat &J,
openCLExecuteKernel(clCxt, &pyrlk, kernelName, globalThreads, localThreads, args, I.oclchannels(), I.depth());
stringstream idxStr;
idxStr << kernelName << "_C" << I.oclchannels() << "_D" << I.depth();
cl_kernel kernel = openCLGetKernelFromSource(clCxt, &pyrlk, idxStr.str());
int wave_size = queryDeviceInfo<WAVEFRONT_SIZE, int>(kernel);
static char opt[16] = {0};
sprintf(opt, " -D WAVE_SIZE=%d", wave_size);
openCLExecuteKernel(clCxt, &pyrlk, kernelName, globalThreads, localThreads,
args, I.oclchannels(), I.depth(), opt);
......@@ -241,8 +189,7 @@ void cv::ocl::PyrLKOpticalFlow::sparse(const oclMat &prevImg, const oclMat &next
oclMat temp1 = (useInitialFlow ? nextPts : prevPts).reshape(1);
oclMat temp2 = nextPts.reshape(1);
multiply_cus(temp1, temp2, 1.0f / (1 << maxLevel) / 2.0f);
//::multiply(temp1, 1.0f / (1 << maxLevel) / 2.0f, temp2);
multiply(1.0f/(1<<maxLevel)/2.0f, temp1, temp2);
ensureSizeIsEnough(1, prevPts.cols, CV_8UC1, status);
......@@ -257,7 +204,6 @@ void cv::ocl::PyrLKOpticalFlow::sparse(const oclMat &prevImg, const oclMat &next
ensureSizeIsEnough(1, prevPts.cols, CV_32FC1, *err);
// build the image pyramids.
prevPyr_.resize(maxLevel + 1);
nextPyr_.resize(maxLevel + 1);
......@@ -274,7 +220,6 @@ void cv::ocl::PyrLKOpticalFlow::sparse(const oclMat &prevImg, const oclMat &next
// dI/dx ~ Ix, dI/dy ~ Iy
for (int level = maxLevel; level >= 0; level--)
lkSparse_run(prevPyr_[level], nextPyr_[level],
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