Commit 2466ca02 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

removed cameraMatrix modification in the currently disabled uPnP algorithm for…

removed cameraMatrix modification in the currently disabled uPnP algorithm for SolvePnP problem (
parent 7fd5b3a0
......@@ -115,14 +115,10 @@ bool solvePnP( InputArray _opoints, InputArray _ipoints,
upnp PnP(cameraMatrix, opoints, ipoints);
Mat R, rvec = _rvec.getMat(), tvec = _tvec.getMat();
double f = PnP.compute_pose(R, tvec);
PnP.compute_pose(R, tvec);
Rodrigues(R, rvec);
if(cameraMatrix.type() == CV_32F)<float>(0,0) =<float>(1,1) = (float)f;
else<double>(0,0) =<double>(1,1) = f;
return true;
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "The flags argument must be one of SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE, SOLVEPNP_P3P, SOLVEPNP_EPNP or SOLVEPNP_DLS");
return false;
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