Commit 232f5640 authored by Rahul Chhabra's avatar Rahul Chhabra

Update imgproc.hpp

In reference to Issue #6110, the order of markerType and color is changed.
parent 80102b76
......@@ -3947,8 +3947,8 @@ marker types are supported, see cv::MarkerTypes for more information.
@param img Image.
@param position The point where the crosshair is positioned.
@param markerType The specific type of marker you want to use, see cv::MarkerTypes
@param color Line color.
@param markerType The specific type of marker you want to use, see cv::MarkerTypes
@param thickness Line thickness.
@param line_type Type of the line, see cv::LineTypes
@param markerSize The length of the marker axis [default = 20 pixels]
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