Commit 22dbd002 authored by Anatoly Baksheev's avatar Anatoly Baksheev

fix compilation for macos

parent c5fa7014
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ void convertAndResize(const T& src, T& gray, T& resized, double scale)
void matPrint(Mat &img, int lineOffsY, Scalar fontColor, const ostringstream &ss)
void matPrint(Mat &img, int lineOffsY, Scalar fontColor, const string &ss)
double fontScale = 0.8;
......@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ void matPrint(Mat &img, int lineOffsY, Scalar fontColor, const ostringstream &ss
Point org;
org.x = 1;
org.y = 3 * fontSize.height * (lineOffsY + 1) / 2;
putText(img, ss.str(), org, fontFace, fontScale, CV_RGB(0,0,0), 5*fontThickness/2, 16);
putText(img, ss.str(), org, fontFace, fontScale, fontColor, fontThickness, 16);
putText(img, ss, org, fontFace, fontScale, CV_RGB(0,0,0), 5*fontThickness/2, 16);
putText(img, ss, org, fontFace, fontScale, fontColor, fontThickness, 16);
......@@ -79,27 +79,27 @@ void displayState(Mat &canvas, bool bHelp, bool bGpu, bool bLargestFace, bool bF
ostringstream ss;
ss << "FPS = " << setprecision(1) << fixed << fps;
matPrint(canvas, 0, fontColorRed, ss);
matPrint(canvas, 0, fontColorRed, ss.str());
ss << "[" << canvas.cols << "x" << canvas.rows << "], " <<
(bGpu ? "GPU, " : "CPU, ") <<
(bLargestFace ? "OneFace, " : "MultiFace, ") <<
(bFilter ? "Filter:ON" : "Filter:OFF");
matPrint(canvas, 1, fontColorRed, ss);
matPrint(canvas, 1, fontColorRed, ss.str());
// by Anatoly. MacOS fix. ostringstream(const string&) is a private
// matPrint(canvas, 2, fontColorNV, ostringstream("Space - switch GPU / CPU"));
if (bHelp)
// by Anatoly. MacOS fix. ostringstream(const string&) is a private
//matPrint(canvas, 2, fontColorNV, ostringstream("Space - switch GPU / CPU"));
matPrint(canvas, 2, fontColorNV, (ostringstream&)(ostringstream() << "Space - switch GPU / CPU"));
matPrint(canvas, 3, fontColorNV, (ostringstream&)(ostringstream() << "M - switch OneFace / MultiFace"));
matPrint(canvas, 4, fontColorNV, (ostringstream&)(ostringstream() << "F - toggle rectangles Filter"));
matPrint(canvas, 5, fontColorNV, (ostringstream&)(ostringstream() << "H - toggle hotkeys help"));
matPrint(canvas, 6, fontColorNV, (ostringstream&)(ostringstream() << "1/Q - increase/decrease scale"));
matPrint(canvas, 2, fontColorNV, "Space - switch GPU / CPU");
matPrint(canvas, 3, fontColorNV, "M - switch OneFace / MultiFace");
matPrint(canvas, 4, fontColorNV, "F - toggle rectangles Filter");
matPrint(canvas, 5, fontColorNV, "H - toggle hotkeys help");
matPrint(canvas, 6, fontColorNV, "1/Q - increase/decrease scale");
matPrint(canvas, 2, fontColorNV, (ostringstream&)(ostringstream() << "H - toggle hotkeys help"));
matPrint(canvas, 2, fontColorNV, "H - toggle hotkeys help");
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ const Size2i preferredVideoFrameSize(640, 480);
const string wndTitle = "NVIDIA Computer Vision :: Haar Classifiers Cascade";
void matPrint(Mat &img, int lineOffsY, Scalar fontColor, const ostringstream &ss)
void matPrint(Mat &img, int lineOffsY, Scalar fontColor, const string &ss)
double fontScale = 0.8;
......@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ void matPrint(Mat &img, int lineOffsY, Scalar fontColor, const ostringstream &ss
Point org;
org.x = 1;
org.y = 3 * fontSize.height * (lineOffsY + 1) / 2;
putText(img, ss.str(), org, fontFace, fontScale, CV_RGB(0,0,0), 5*fontThickness/2, 16);
putText(img, ss.str(), org, fontFace, fontScale, fontColor, fontThickness, 16);
putText(img, ss, org, fontFace, fontScale, CV_RGB(0,0,0), 5*fontThickness/2, 16);
putText(img, ss, org, fontFace, fontScale, fontColor, fontThickness, 16);
......@@ -49,24 +49,24 @@ void displayState(Mat &canvas, bool bHelp, bool bGpu, bool bLargestFace, bool bF
ostringstream ss;
ss << "FPS = " << setprecision(1) << fixed << fps;
matPrint(canvas, 0, fontColorRed, ss);
matPrint(canvas, 0, fontColorRed, ss.str());
ss << "[" << canvas.cols << "x" << canvas.rows << "], " <<
(bGpu ? "GPU, " : "CPU, ") <<
(bLargestFace ? "OneFace, " : "MultiFace, ") <<
(bFilter ? "Filter:ON" : "Filter:OFF");
matPrint(canvas, 1, fontColorRed, ss);
matPrint(canvas, 1, fontColorRed, ss.str());
if (bHelp)
matPrint(canvas, 2, fontColorNV, (ostringstream&)(ostringstream() << "Space - switch GPU / CPU"));
matPrint(canvas, 3, fontColorNV, (ostringstream&)(ostringstream() << "M - switch OneFace / MultiFace"));
matPrint(canvas, 4, fontColorNV, (ostringstream&)(ostringstream() << "F - toggle rectangles Filter"));
matPrint(canvas, 5, fontColorNV, (ostringstream&)(ostringstream() << "H - toggle hotkeys help"));
matPrint(canvas, 2, fontColorNV, "Space - switch GPU / CPU");
matPrint(canvas, 3, fontColorNV, "M - switch OneFace / MultiFace");
matPrint(canvas, 4, fontColorNV, "F - toggle rectangles Filter");
matPrint(canvas, 5, fontColorNV, "H - toggle hotkeys help");
matPrint(canvas, 2, fontColorNV, (ostringstream&)(ostringstream() << "H - toggle hotkeys help"));
matPrint(canvas, 2, fontColorNV, "H - toggle hotkeys help");
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