Commit 219d315c authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

Merge pull request #3615 from jaybosamiya:grabcuttypo

parents fe2a7d23 10cc7c78
......@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ static void help()
"\tleft mouse button - set rectangle\n"
"\tCTRL+left mouse button - set GC_BGD pixels\n"
"\tSHIFT+left mouse button - set CG_FGD pixels\n"
"\tSHIFT+left mouse button - set GC_FGD pixels\n"
"\tCTRL+right mouse button - set GC_PR_BGD pixels\n"
"\tSHIFT+right mouse button - set CG_PR_FGD pixels\n" << endl;
"\tSHIFT+right mouse button - set GC_PR_FGD pixels\n" << endl;
const Scalar RED = Scalar(0,0,255);
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