Commit 2170811e authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

imgproc(perf): update getPerspectiveTransform perf test

Function is very fast, so 0.000 ms results are useless.
1000 runs requires 25ms on i7-6700K.
parent 625d20b9
......@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ void update_map(const Mat& src, Mat& map_x, Mat& map_y, const int remapMode )
PERF_TEST(Transform, getPerspectiveTransform)
PERF_TEST(Transform, getPerspectiveTransform_1000)
unsigned int size = 8;
Mat source(1, size/2, CV_32FC2);
......@@ -280,12 +280,14 @@ PERF_TEST(Transform, getPerspectiveTransform), destination, WARMUP_RNG);
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
transformCoefficient = getPerspectiveTransform(source, destination);
SANITY_CHECK(transformCoefficient, 1e-5);
} // namespace
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