Commit 2153453f authored by Josep Bosch's avatar Josep Bosch

Fixed little issue with mouse callback refering to issue 3409. Was using round instead of floor.

parent 098d4e61
......@@ -1558,9 +1558,9 @@ static gboolean icvOnMouse( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer user_da
// image origin is not necessarily at (0,0)
int x0 = (widget->allocation.width - image_widget->scaled_image->cols)/2;
int y0 = (widget->allocation.height - image_widget->scaled_image->rows)/2;
pt.x = cvRound( ((pt32f.x-x0)*image_widget->original_image->cols)/
pt.x = cvFloor( ((pt32f.x-x0)*image_widget->original_image->cols)/
image_widget->scaled_image->cols );
pt.y = cvRound( ((pt32f.y-y0)*image_widget->original_image->rows)/
pt.y = cvFloor( ((pt32f.y-y0)*image_widget->original_image->rows)/
image_widget->scaled_image->rows );
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