Commit 214629b2 authored by Andrey Kamaev's avatar Andrey Kamaev Committed by OpenCV Buildbot

Merge pull request #187 from vpisarev:doc_fixes_2.4

parents dc3aa27b db965353
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ Retina::getMagno
.. ocv:function:: struct Retina::RetinaParameters Retina::getParameters()
.. ocv:function:: Retina::RetinaParameters Retina::getParameters()
Retrieve the current parameters values in a *Retina::RetinaParameters* structure
......@@ -323,7 +323,8 @@ Retina::RetinaParameters
.. ocv:struct:: Retina::RetinaParameters
This structure merges all the parameters that can be adjusted threw the **Retina::setup()**, **Retina::setupOPLandIPLParvoChannel** and **Retina::setupIPLMagnoChannel** setup methods
This structure merges all the parameters that can be adjusted threw the **Retina::setup()**, **Retina::setupOPLandIPLParvoChannel** and **Retina::setupIPLMagnoChannel** setup methods
Parameters structure for better clarity, check explenations on the comments of methods : setupOPLandIPLParvoChannel and setupIPLMagnoChannel. ::
class RetinaParameters{
......@@ -873,12 +873,13 @@ gpu::FastNonLocalMeansDenoising
.. ocv:class:: gpu::FastNonLocalMeansDenoising
class FastNonLocalMeansDenoising
//! Simple method, recommended for grayscale images (though it supports multichannel images)
void simpleMethod(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, float h, int search_window = 21, int block_size = 7, Stream& s = Stream::Null())
//! Processes luminance and color components separatelly
void labMethod(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, float h_luminance, float h_color, int search_window = 21, int block_size = 7, Stream& s = Stream::Null())
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