Commit 205022ce authored by Vitaly Tuzov's avatar Vitaly Tuzov

Fixed issue in ORB detection if firstLevel property is set above 0

parent 12ea8477
......@@ -304,10 +304,11 @@ public:
will mean that to cover certain scale range you will need more pyramid levels and so the speed
will suffer.
@param nlevels The number of pyramid levels. The smallest level will have linear size equal to
input_image_linear_size/pow(scaleFactor, nlevels).
input_image_linear_size/pow(scaleFactor, nlevels - firstLevel).
@param edgeThreshold This is size of the border where the features are not detected. It should
roughly match the patchSize parameter.
@param firstLevel It should be 0 in the current implementation.
@param firstLevel The level of pytramid to put source image to. Previous layers are filled
with upscaled source image.
@param WTA_K The number of points that produce each element of the oriented BRIEF descriptor. The
default value 2 means the BRIEF where we take a random point pair and compare their brightnesses,
so we get 0/1 response. Other possible values are 3 and 4. For example, 3 means that we take 3
......@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ public:
void setEdgeThreshold(int edgeThreshold_) { edgeThreshold = edgeThreshold_; }
int getEdgeThreshold() const { return edgeThreshold; }
void setFirstLevel(int firstLevel_) { firstLevel = firstLevel_; }
void setFirstLevel(int firstLevel_) { CV_Assert(firstLevel >= 0); firstLevel = firstLevel_; }
int getFirstLevel() const { return firstLevel; }
void setWTA_K(int wta_k_) { wta_k = wta_k_; }
......@@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ void ORB_Impl::detectAndCompute( InputArray _image, InputArray _mask,
int level_dy = image.rows + border*2;
Point level_ofs(0,0);
Size bufSize((image.cols + border*2 + 15) & -16, 0);
Size bufSize((cvRound(image.cols/getScale(0, firstLevel, scaleFactor)) + border*2 + 15) & -16, 0);
for( level = 0; level < nLevels; level++ )
......@@ -1082,8 +1082,11 @@ void ORB_Impl::detectAndCompute( InputArray _image, InputArray _mask,
copyMakeBorder(mask, extMask, border, border, border, border,
prevImg = currImg;
prevMask = currMask;
if (level > firstLevel)
prevImg = currImg;
prevMask = currMask;
if( useOCL )
......@@ -1194,6 +1197,7 @@ void ORB_Impl::detectAndCompute( InputArray _image, InputArray _mask,
Ptr<ORB> ORB::create(int nfeatures, float scaleFactor, int nlevels, int edgeThreshold,
int firstLevel, int wta_k, int scoreType, int patchSize, int fastThreshold)
CV_Assert(firstLevel >= 0);
return makePtr<ORB_Impl>(nfeatures, scaleFactor, nlevels, edgeThreshold,
firstLevel, wta_k, scoreType, patchSize, fastThreshold);
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