Commit 1f8b41f3 authored by Aaron Kunze's avatar Aaron Kunze

Optimizes filter2D for Intel GPUs

parent dcc4d364
......@@ -4379,7 +4379,7 @@ String kernelToStr(InputArray _kernel, int ddepth, const char * name)
typedef std::string (* func_t)(const Mat &);
static const func_t funcs[] = { kerToStr<uchar>, kerToStr<char>, kerToStr<ushort>, kerToStr<short>,
kerToStr<int>, kerToStr<float>, kerToStr<double>, 0 };
const func_t func = funcs[depth];
const func_t func = funcs[ddepth];
CV_Assert(func != 0);
return cv::format(" -D %s=%s", name ? name : "COEFF", func(kernel).c_str());
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This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace ocl {
// Filter2D
PARAM_TEST_CASE(Filter2D, MatDepth, Channels, BorderType, bool, bool)
PARAM_TEST_CASE(Filter2D, MatDepth, Channels, int, int, BorderType, bool, bool)
static const int kernelMinSize = 2;
static const int kernelMaxSize = 10;
......@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ PARAM_TEST_CASE(Filter2D, MatDepth, Channels, BorderType, bool, bool)
Size dsize;
Point anchor;
int borderType;
int widthMultiple;
bool useRoi;
Mat kernel;
double delta;
......@@ -70,27 +71,30 @@ PARAM_TEST_CASE(Filter2D, MatDepth, Channels, BorderType, bool, bool)
virtual void SetUp()
borderType = GET_PARAM(2) | (GET_PARAM(3) ? BORDER_ISOLATED : 0);
useRoi = GET_PARAM(4);
Size ksize(GET_PARAM(2), GET_PARAM(2));
widthMultiple = GET_PARAM(3);
borderType = GET_PARAM(4) | (GET_PARAM(5) ? BORDER_ISOLATED : 0);
useRoi = GET_PARAM(6);
Mat temp = randomMat(ksize, CV_MAKE_TYPE(((CV_64F == CV_MAT_DEPTH(type)) ? CV_64F : CV_32F), 1), -MAX_VALUE, MAX_VALUE);
cv::normalize(temp, kernel, 1.0, 0.0, NORM_L1);
void random_roi()
dsize = randomSize(1, MAX_VALUE);
// Make sure the width is a multiple of the requested value, and no more.
dsize.width &= ~((widthMultiple * 2) - 1);
dsize.width += widthMultiple;
Size ksize = randomSize(kernelMinSize, kernelMaxSize);
Mat temp = randomMat(ksize, CV_MAKE_TYPE(((CV_64F == CV_MAT_DEPTH(type)) ? CV_64F : CV_32F), 1), -MAX_VALUE, MAX_VALUE);
cv::normalize(temp, kernel, 1.0, 0.0, NORM_L1);
Size roiSize = randomSize(ksize.width, MAX_VALUE, ksize.height, MAX_VALUE);
Size roiSize = randomSize(kernel.size[0], MAX_VALUE, kernel.size[1], MAX_VALUE);
Border srcBorder = randomBorder(0, useRoi ? MAX_VALUE : 0);
randomSubMat(src, src_roi, roiSize, srcBorder, type, -MAX_VALUE, MAX_VALUE);
Border dstBorder = randomBorder(0, useRoi ? MAX_VALUE : 0);
randomSubMat(dst, dst_roi, dsize, dstBorder, type, -MAX_VALUE, MAX_VALUE);
anchor.x = randomInt(-1, ksize.width);
anchor.y = randomInt(-1, ksize.height);
anchor.x = randomInt(-1, kernel.size[0]);
anchor.y = randomInt(-1, kernel.size[1]);
delta = randomDouble(-100, 100);
......@@ -122,6 +126,8 @@ OCL_INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ImageProc, Filter2D,
Values(CV_8U, CV_16U, CV_32F),
Values(3, 5, 9), // Kernel size
Values(1, 4, 8), // Width mutiple
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