While the function works well with 1-, 2-, 3-dimensional dense histograms, it may not be suitable for high-dimensional sparse histograms. In such histograms, because of aliasing and sampling problems, the coordinates of non-zero histogram bins can slightly shift. To compare such histograms or more general sparse configurations of weighted points, consider using the
Computes the "minimal work" distance between two weighted point configurations.
:param signature1: The first signature, a :math:`\texttt{size1}\times \texttt{dims}+1` floating-point matrix. Each row stores the point weight followed by the point coordinates. The matrix is allowed to have a single column (weights only) if the user-defined cost matrix is used.
:param signature2: The second signature of the same format as ``signature1`` , though the number of rows may be different. The total weights may be different, in this case an extra "dummy" point is added to either ``signature1`` or ``signature2`` .
:param distType: Used metric. ``CV_DIST_L1, CV_DIST_L2`` , and ``CV_DIST_C`` stand for one of the standard metrics; ``CV_DIST_USER`` means that a pre-calculated cost matrix ``cost`` is used.
:param cost: The user-defined :math:`\texttt{size1}\times \texttt{size2}` cost matrix. Also, if a cost matrix is used, lower boundary ``lowerBound`` can not be calculated, because it needs a metric function.
:param lowerBound: Optional input/output parameter: lower boundary of distance between the two signatures that is a distance between mass centers. The lower boundary may not be calculated if the user-defined cost matrix is used, the total weights of point configurations are not equal, or if the signatures consist of weights only (i.e. the signature matrices have a single column). The user **must** initialize ``*lowerBound`` . If the calculated distance between mass centers is greater or equal to ``*lowerBound`` (it means that the signatures are far enough) the function does not calculate EMD. In any case ``*lowerBound`` is set to the calculated distance between mass centers on return. Thus, if user wants to calculate both distance between mass centers and EMD, ``*lowerBound`` should be set to 0.
:param flow: The resultant :math:`\texttt{size1} \times \texttt{size2}` flow matrix: :math:`\texttt{flow}_{i,j}` is a flow from :math:`i` th point of ``signature1`` to :math:`j` th point of ``signature2`` .