Commit 1e583942 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

core(lda): don't perform calculations in constructor

- exceptions from constructor will not cause destructor calls
parent 68946510
......@@ -903,19 +903,19 @@ public:
// given in src. This function is a port of the EigenvalueSolver in JAMA,
// which has been released to public domain by The MathWorks and the
// National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
EigenvalueDecomposition(InputArray src, bool fallbackSymmetric = true) :
EigenvalueDecomposition() :
d(NULL), e(NULL), ort(NULL),
compute(src, fallbackSymmetric);
// nothing
// This function computes the Eigenvalue Decomposition for a general matrix
// given in src. This function is a port of the EigenvalueSolver in JAMA,
// which has been released to public domain by The MathWorks and the
// National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
void compute(InputArray src, bool fallbackSymmetric)
void compute(InputArray src, bool fallbackSymmetric = true)
......@@ -970,7 +970,8 @@ void eigenNonSymmetric(InputArray _src, OutputArray _evals, OutputArray _evects)
src64f = src;
EigenvalueDecomposition eigensystem(src64f, false);
EigenvalueDecomposition eigensystem;
eigensystem.compute(src64f, false);
// EigenvalueDecomposition returns transposed and non-sorted eigenvalues
std::vector<double> eigenvalues64f;
......@@ -1146,7 +1147,8 @@ void LDA::lda(InputArrayOfArrays _src, InputArray _lbls) {
// M = inv(Sw)*Sb
Mat M;
gemm(Swi, Sb, 1.0, Mat(), 0.0, M);
EigenvalueDecomposition es(M);
EigenvalueDecomposition es;
_eigenvalues = es.eigenvalues();
_eigenvectors = es.eigenvectors();
// reshape eigenvalues, so they are stored by column
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