Commit 1e5694e0 authored by Ilya Lavrenov's avatar Ilya Lavrenov

heuristic for Intel

parent eba1be71
......@@ -4414,6 +4414,12 @@ int predictOptimalVectorWidth(InputArray src1, InputArray src2, InputArray src3,
d.preferredVectorWidthShort(), d.preferredVectorWidthShort(),
d.preferredVectorWidthInt(), d.preferredVectorWidthFloat(),
d.preferredVectorWidthDouble(), -1 }, width = vectorWidths[depth];
if (d.isIntel())
// it's heuristic
int vectorWidthsIntel[] = { 16, 16, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1, -1 };
width = vectorWidthsIntel[depth];
if (ssize.width * cn < width || width <= 0)
return 1;
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