Commit 1dfcb6fb authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

make the floodfill test parameters more discrete, to avoid weird rounding errors

parent 9801d07a
......@@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ void CV_FloodFillTest::get_test_array_types_and_sizes( int test_case_idx,
l_diff = u_diff = cvScalarAll(0.);
CvMat m = cvMat( 1, 8, CV_64F, buf );
cvRandArr( rng, &m, CV_RAND_NORMAL, cvScalarAll(0), cvScalarAll(4) );
CvMat m = cvMat( 1, 8, CV_16S, buf );
cvRandArr( rng, &m, CV_RAND_NORMAL, cvScalarAll(0), cvScalarAll(32) );
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
l_diff.val[i] = fabs([i]);
u_diff.val[i] = fabs([i+4]);
l_diff.val[i] = fabs([i]/16.);
u_diff.val[i] = fabs([i+4]/16.);
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