Commit 1cc58f97 authored by Andrey Pavlenko's avatar Andrey Pavlenko Committed by OpenCV Buildbot

Merge pull request #1698 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_warp

parents d3bcf609 839245e4
......@@ -86,17 +86,17 @@ PARAM_TEST_CASE(WarpTestBase, MatType, Interpolation, bool, bool)
void random_roi()
dsize = randomSize(1, MAX_VALUE);
Size roiSize = randomSize(1, MAX_VALUE);
Border srcBorder = randomBorder(0, useRoi ? MAX_VALUE : 0);
randomSubMat(src, src_roi, roiSize, srcBorder, type, -MAX_VALUE, MAX_VALUE);
Border dstBorder = randomBorder(0, useRoi ? MAX_VALUE : 0);
randomSubMat(dst_whole, dst_roi, roiSize, dstBorder, type, -MAX_VALUE, MAX_VALUE);
randomSubMat(dst_whole, dst_roi, dsize, dstBorder, type, -MAX_VALUE, MAX_VALUE);
generateOclMat(gsrc_whole, gsrc_roi, src, roiSize, srcBorder);
generateOclMat(gdst_whole, gdst_roi, dst_whole, roiSize, dstBorder);
dsize = randomSize(1, MAX_VALUE);
generateOclMat(gdst_whole, gdst_roi, dst_whole, dsize, dstBorder);
void Near(double threshold = 0.0)
......@@ -116,18 +116,13 @@ typedef WarpTestBase WarpAffine;
OCL_TEST_P(WarpAffine, Mat)
static const double coeffs[2][3] =
{ cos(CV_PI / 6), -sin(CV_PI / 6), 100.0 },
{ sin(CV_PI / 6), cos(CV_PI / 6), -100.0 }
static Mat M(2, 3, CV_64FC1, (void *)coeffs);
for (int j = 0; j < LOOP_TIMES; j++)
Mat M = getRotationMatrix2D(Point2f(src_roi.cols / 2.0f, src_roi.rows / 2.0f),
rng.uniform(-180.f, 180.f), rng.uniform(0.4f, 2.0f));
warpAffine(src_roi, dst_roi, M, dsize, interpolation);
ocl::warpAffine(gsrc_roi, gdst_roi, M, dsize, interpolation);
......@@ -141,19 +136,19 @@ typedef WarpTestBase WarpPerspective;
OCL_TEST_P(WarpPerspective, Mat)
static const double coeffs[3][3] =
{ cos(CV_PI / 6), -sin(CV_PI / 6), 100.0 },
{ sin(CV_PI / 6), cos(CV_PI / 6), -100.0 },
{ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }
static Mat M(3, 3, CV_64FC1, (void *)coeffs);
for (int j = 0; j < LOOP_TIMES; j++)
float cols = static_cast<float>(src_roi.cols), rows = static_cast<float>(src_roi.rows);
float cols2 = cols / 2.0f, rows2 = rows / 2.0f;
Point2f sp[] = { Point2f(0.0f, 0.0f), Point2f(cols, 0.0f), Point2f(0.0f, rows), Point2f(cols, rows) };
Point2f dp[] = { Point2f(rng.uniform(0.0f, cols2), rng.uniform(0.0f, rows2)),
Point2f(rng.uniform(cols2, cols), rng.uniform(0.0f, rows2)),
Point2f(rng.uniform(0.0f, cols2), rng.uniform(rows2, rows)),
Point2f(rng.uniform(cols2, cols), rng.uniform(rows2, rows)) };
Mat M = getPerspectiveTransform(sp, dp);
warpPerspective(src_roi, dst_roi, M, dsize, interpolation);
ocl::warpPerspective(gsrc_roi, gdst_roi, M, dsize, interpolation);
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