Commit 1c9d7508 authored by Andrey Kamaev's avatar Andrey Kamaev

Added performance test for pyrUp/pyrDown

parent 4330777d
#include "perf_precomp.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
using namespace perf;
using std::tr1::make_tuple;
using std::tr1::get;
PERF_TEST_P( Size_MatType, pyrDown, testing::Combine(
testing::Values( sz1080p, sz720p, szVGA, szQVGA, szODD ),
testing::Values( CV_8UC1, CV_8UC3, CV_8UC4, CV_16SC1, CV_16SC3, CV_16SC4 )
Size sz = get<0>(GetParam());
int matType = get<1>(GetParam());
Mat src(sz, matType);
Mat dst((sz.height+1)/2, (sz.width+1)/2, matType);, WARMUP_RNG).out(dst);
TEST_CYCLE(100) { cv::pyrDown(src, dst); }
PERF_TEST_P( Size_MatType, pyrUp, testing::Combine(
testing::Values( sz720p, szVGA, szQVGA, szODD ),
testing::Values( CV_8UC1, CV_8UC3, CV_8UC4, CV_16SC1, CV_16SC3, CV_16SC4 )
Size sz = get<0>(GetParam());
int matType = get<1>(GetParam());
Mat src(sz, matType);
Mat dst(sz.height*2, sz.width*2, matType);, WARMUP_RNG).out(dst);
TEST_CYCLE(100) { cv::pyrUp(src, dst); }
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