Commit 1b9bccb8 authored by marina.kolpakova's avatar marina.kolpakova

move Level into shared memory

parent 30bce16a
......@@ -94,11 +94,6 @@ namespace icf {
float relScale = level.relScale;
float farea = (scaledRect.z - scaledRect.x) * (scaledRect.w - scaledRect.y);
dprintf("%d: feature %d box %d %d %d %d\n",threadIdx.x, (node.threshold >> 28), scaledRect.x, scaledRect.y,
scaledRect.z, scaledRect.w);
dprintf("%d: rescale: %f [%f %f] selected %f\n",threadIdx.x, level.relScale, level.scaling[0], level.scaling[1],
level.scaling[(node.threshold >> 28) > 6]);
// rescale
scaledRect.x = __float2int_rn(relScale * scaledRect.x);
scaledRect.y = __float2int_rn(relScale * scaledRect.y);
......@@ -110,14 +105,7 @@ namespace icf {
const float expected_new_area = farea * relScale * relScale;
float approx = __fdividef(sarea, expected_new_area);
dprintf("%d: new rect: %d box %d %d %d %d rel areas %f %f\n",threadIdx.x, (node.threshold >> 28),
scaledRect.x, scaledRect.y, scaledRect.z, scaledRect.w, farea * relScale * relScale, sarea);
float rootThreshold = (node.threshold & 0x0FFFFFFFU) * approx;
rootThreshold *= level.scaling[(node.threshold >> 28) > 6];
dprintf("%d: approximation %f %d -> %f %f\n",threadIdx.x, approx, (node.threshold & 0x0FFFFFFFU), rootThreshold,
level.scaling[(node.threshold >> 28) > 6]);
float rootThreshold = (node.threshold & 0x0FFFFFFFU) * approx * level.scaling[(node.threshold >> 28) > 6];
return rootThreshold;
......@@ -179,18 +167,20 @@ namespace icf {
const int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
const int x = blockIdx.x;
__shared__ volatile char roiCache[8];
// load Lavel
__shared__ Level level;
// check POI
__shared__ volatile char roiCache[8];
if (!threadIdx.y && !threadIdx.x)
((float2*)roiCache)[threadIdx.x] = tex2D(troi, blockIdx.y, x);
if (!roiCache[threadIdx.y]) return;
Level level = levels[downscales + blockIdx.z];
if (!threadIdx.x)
level = levels[downscales + blockIdx.z];
if(x >= level.workRect.x || y >= level.workRect.y) return;
......@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ struct __align__(8) Level //is actually 24 bytes
objSize.x = round(oct.size.x * relScale);
objSize.y = round(oct.size.y * relScale);
__device Level(){}
struct __align__(8) Node
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